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Weird seeing the internet treating Zach Snyder like some sort of visionary director over this. His films are exclusively aimed at teenage boys. You enjoy them at the time, then you grow up.

Actually, on reflection, it's not that weird. 

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45 minutes ago, yoda said:

Weird seeing the internet treating Zach Snyder like some sort of visionary director over this. His films are exclusively aimed at teenage boys. You enjoy them at the time, then you grow up.

Actually, on reflection, it's not that weird. 

He's good at some very specific things which are visually interesting and obsessed with something philosophical even if it's Objectively Bad (Rand) that makes his movies worth thinking about for a wee while even if he utterly bungles the landing every time.

I didn't expect to watch it all but I did. It doesn't feel like a 4 hour movie which is a credit to it I suppose. It's far better than Whedon's Justice League which was a given since Josh Whedon should be in the Hague answering for his crimes. It's a more engaging movie than Man of Steel and less batshit mental than BvS even if there is mad still dumb shit going on. The final dream sequence is clearly, imo, what Snyder wants to do with Superman but is either too cowardly to make it or DC/WB won't let him. 

Anyway give me more of Snyder's chaotic dumb guy energy. I think the next remote chance of that is Venom 2.



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Going back to Justice League... I thought it was fine. Which for a four hour movie, and I need movies to be better than that. There wasn't much I didn't like, outside of almost everything involving Aquaman in that village. And the music was way more overbearing, but that's very much a Snyder thing.

REALLY enjoyed the final two scenes.

SOOOOOO much better from Leto, mainly because they just had him return to a more traditional Joker, with a wee touch of what he did in Suicide Squad. That dead eye stare he does was genuinely scary, and it made me want to see more of him.

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2 hours ago, Andre Drazen said:

REALLY enjoyed the final two scenes.

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SOOOOOO much better from Leto, mainly because they just had him return to a more traditional Joker, with a wee touch of what he did in Suicide Squad. That dead eye stare he does was genuinely scary, and it made me want to see more of him.


The last half hour is hilarious and insane. Just a collection of fever dreams and franchise set up that's got no chance of ever being realised so it's all dumped in one after the other. That said, the toxicity of the Snyder fanbase combined with their success through posting, you never know. 

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Snyder will never make the source material better than a 7/10. Even with Watchmen he had a good go of it visually, but never really understood the source material enough.

With the complete saturation of amazing DC stories, this is the best he could do and that was making a 2.5 hour film 4 hours long.

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Falcon and the Winter Soldier related, but only a spoiler if you've not seen the first episode:

When the new Captain America pops up, I wondered who is this random dorky looking guy.


And it turns out its Wyatt Russell. Even knowing that I still don't see the resemblance. Mainly because i've only ever seen him with the full beard and longish hair.


[/ spoiler]


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3 hours ago, Baggio said:

At lot less chat about Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I enjoyed it, nice contrast with Wandavision.

Agreed, obviously not much revealed at all in the first episode other than shit going sideways on earth since the avengers brought back 3.5 billion people 5 years after they vanished without thinking of the consequences of their actions

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There was some stuff worth mentioning I guess.

* Really enjoyed the opening action set piece. Probably more than I enjoy most MCU action stuff. I found myself thinking the same at the end of WandaVision as well actually.

* Wyatt Russell looked like a p***k.

* I'm not sure race has been looked at like it was here inside the MCU. The bank thing, and I'm SURE the Cap thing was along the same lines. Mackie's performance was outstanding here, and easily his best as Wilson so far.

* I can tell I'm going to enjoy Barnes' arc. I'm enjoying the very slight comic edge to him, and really enjoyed his fish out of water moments during the date.

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I thought that was a strong first episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. More character development than I expected.

On Justice League, it was basically made for the people who liked the first and then decided it wasn't good when they found out Snyder had a different 'vision'. I'm not having it that the things he wanted to do just so happened to be what the fanbase were crying out for 'more Ray Fisher' etc. 

He's had the benefit of hindsight to make this film and it still sounds shite. Some of the 'positive' reviews are laced with backhanded compliments that they stopped being funny. A film made for the hardcore audience but at your hours will have no interest for the casual viewer. I.e the guys that but most of the tickets. A pointless endeavour and sets a dangerous precedent.

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I enjoyed the Snyder cut tbh. The Whedon cut was a hot mess.

At 4 hours it was excessively long and there's not a chance I'd have went for it in the cinema because I absolutely had to have a break at half time for a pish and something to eat. 

And the bonus of no dodgy CGI top lip was nice too. 

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Just finished the Snyder cut just now, must admit that I really enjoyed it. Gratuitous slow-mo aside,  I thought there was much better character development for Cyborg, and it allowed him to be a far more central character than we had seen previously.  

  A lot of criticism for Snyder’s DC stuff was that it was too dark, and especially the parts where Batman goes around killing folk in BvS, but the bulk of his inspiration comes from Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns and the Injustice arc. The former does portray an older, more cynical and violent Batman who has been broken by the death of Robin (would love to see a Red Hood movie based around that, Jason Todd is a great character).  Both of those are far darker and grittier than a lot of the other source material, and DC has always been a far darker and more serious universe than Marvel.

The problem with the original release was that WB panicked when they saw the criticism of BvS for being far too dark, especially when compared to the MCU for the casual film goer.  When Snyder stepped back after what happened with his daughter, bringing in Whedon was absolutely the wrong decision.  His style worked well with the MCU characters, a more light-hearted and family friendly style but it just doesn’t work at all for the DC characters when you look at their back-stories (Batman’s parents murdered before him as a boy, Oracle being shot and degraded the Joker, for example).  DC characters do suit a darker tone, so the patch-work theatrical release with odd jokes just felt completely off and it made the film feel disjointed.  

 I felt the Snyder cut was fairly close to those arcs, and I would have liked to see where he went.  Even the joker cameo went some way to replace the mess that was Suicide Squad - kind of captured the idea of the Joker trying to bait Batman into falling to his level (the one bad day idea) that’s been a central feature of the Joker’s story since The Killing Joke.  I’d like to have seen what he did with the planned Justice League movies, but despite the campaign to restore the Snyder-verse on social media, Warner Bros aren’t interested.  

I’m aware I’ve just outed myself as a bit of a nerd...

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Watched the first hour of the Snyder cut last night. Looks awful whenever it's the Amazons, the music is laugh out loud invasive at times (scene when the baddies take over St Paul's with all the kids in it particularly had me howling) and I just spent a lot of it thinking "who is this for?" Needless to say I had a cracking time and will watch the rest this weekend. 

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4 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Watched the first hour of the Snyder cut last night. Looks awful whenever it's the Amazons, the music is laugh out loud invasive at times (scene when the baddies take over St Paul's with all the kids in it particularly had me howling) and I just spent a lot of it thinking "who is this for?" Needless to say I had a cracking time and will watch the rest this weekend. 

Glad that Zack Snyder is finally being recognised as Hollywood's greatest himbo director. 

ETA: specified Hollywood's director because Jason Momoa is right there. A man who probably believes he was Khal Drogo and Aqua Man.

Edited by NotThePars
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