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Comic Book Movies (and TV Shows)


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Are the two linked in the comics? I.e would it make sense to have one film for both or are they totally seperate?

Well certain parts. As it said in the film

Black Widow was a spy, originally Russian but changed as she saw fit to gain whatever she wanted. She got so dangerous that Hawkeye was sent to kill her(by SHIELF), but instead they became teammates. Or something like that, I'm not overly familiar with it.

Hawkeye used to be a circus act and then he became a SHIELD agent because of his accuracy.

I guess you could have it sorta split with it showing their early story and then coming together when they were both at SHIELD and then it goes into Avengers.

I'm not sure how you do either of them though, they'd either need to stop right when Avengers happens or go past the events of Avengers (either skip it or briefly mention it).

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Yeah, I guess the FF aren't really possible(although you could recast them but I think Fox still own the rights which is probably the main reason they're not in it. I hope Spider-man is in the next Avengers film, Joss Whedon writing Spider-man's lines would be absolutely fantastic, he managed to make Iron Man so funny, I can only dream of what he'd do with Spider-man.

I think Spiderman is still owned by Sony, so I wouldn't be getting my hopes up for it in all honesty. I do agree with you for the reasons you've said however.

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Regarding Captain America 2; what possible storyline could they use for it, now that Cap is in the 'present'? Maybe they could use Herr Klieser as the main bad dude, since he is a Chitauri and they were in The Avengers?

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Regarding Captain America 2; what possible storyline could they use for it, now that Cap is in the 'present'? Maybe they could use Herr Klieser as the main bad dude, since he is a Chitauri and they were in The Avengers?

Bucky coming back as Winter Soldier would probably the most obvious

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Bucky coming back as Winter Soldier would probably the most obvious

Ah. Never thought of that. But it looked like he fell down a big hooring ravine in the Cap film. How would he have survived and been frozen? I suppose they don't actually need to explain that and would only have to just say it happened.

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Ah. Never thought of that. But it looked like he fell down a big hooring ravine in the Cap film. How would he have survived and been frozen? I suppose they don't actually need to explain that and would only have to just say it happened.

Pretty much aye. They were testing German-super soldier serum when he was held hostage so he's pretty much like Captain America, could probably survive a fall. Not sure where it was, was it in Germany he fell? I can definitely see him coming back though.

There's also people like MODOK, Baron Zemo and any of the Red Skull's followers/offspring starting up Hydra that he could battle in the modern day.

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Pretty much aye. They were testing German-super soldier serum when he was held hostage so he's pretty much like Captain America, could probably survive a fall. Not sure where it was, was it in Germany he fell? I can definitely see him coming back though.

There's also people like MODOK, Baron Zemo and any of the Red Skull's followers/offspring starting up Hydra that he could battle in the modern day.

Aye it was in Germany he fell. I think. Yeah there's a lot of possibilites, but you feel they'd have to sort of tie it in with recent events of The Avengers maybe?

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Aye it was in Germany he fell. I think. Yeah there's a lot of possibilites, but you feel they'd have to sort of tie it in with recent events of The Avengers maybe?

Probably not. Fury did end it with that they'll go their separate ways and come back when they're needed to. I think Thanos will only be involved in Thor 2, he has no place fighting Cap tbh.

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Probably not. Fury did end it with that they'll go their separate ways and come back when they're needed to. I think Thanos will only be involved in Thor 2, he has no place fighting Cap tbh.

Nah I wasn't getting at Thanos fighting Cap, more that Cap is now pretty much a world famous superhero and aliens have just devestated New York

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"Super Preview" for The Amazing Spider-Man


Underwhelmed with the recent trailer and now this. I was looking forward to this. I like Spider-Man and I think Garfield (although I have questions over his acting ability) is a good choice. The story seems interesting, and I like Emma Stone :wub: However it just looks like a CGI wankfest, with really bad CGI (Sony actually used their own CGI rather than getting a proper CGI production company to do it, mainly because they blew $400,000,000 on creating + marketing Men In Black: III). It seems more video game than film.

Now the big news is that a teaser trailer for Man Of Steel will be shown before TDKR. It appears that this will be shown on the European release rather than just US release.

My reaction?


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"Super Preview" for The Amazing Spider-Man

Underwhelmed with the recent trailer and now this. I was looking forward to this. I like Spider-Man and I think Garfield (although I have questions over his acting ability) is a good choice. The story seems interesting, and I like Emma Stone :wub: However it just looks like a CGI wankfest, with really bad CGI (Sony actually used their own CGI rather than getting a proper CGI production company to do it, mainly because they blew $400,000,000 on creating + marketing Men In Black: III). It seems more video game than film.

I think it looks alright. Although the blue sky bit looks a bit weird. He does seem quite funny which is something that the original films lacked.

I'm just not as excited as other films this summer, just think it's because Spider-man 3 wasn't that long ago. Fucking Sony and their constant reboots.

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"Now the big news is that a teaser trailer for Man Of Steel will be shown before TDKR. It appears that this will be shown on the European release rather than just US release.

Hi Hopes that someone can get a Superman film right, but I'm not overly hopeful on this one. Here's hoping

The Green Arrow is getting a TV Show called 'Arrow'. Hopefully it doesn't completely drift away from it true roots like it did in Smallville.

Is this a Smallville spin off or a new show?

The Smallville:Road to Superman is on Virgin OD just now but I can't hack it - the season 1 episodes are good, in a superpowered Dawson's Creek kinda way, but once it gets too sci fi I completely lose interest, and I'm a HUGE Superman geek.

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Is this a Smallville spin off or a new show?

The Smallville:Road to Superman is on Virgin OD just now but I can't hack it - the season 1 episodes are good, in a superpowered Dawson's Creek kinda way, but once it gets too sci fi I completely lose interest, and I'm a HUGE Superman geek.

It's a complete reboot...thankfully.

It was quite orientated around meteor freaks to start with, but once you get through it more it gets better. I'd from season 4 onwards when stopped being so Dawson's creek with super powers, was more like it. Season 8-9 was probably at its best. You got cameos from the half-robot guy and aquaman and the first justice league.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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  • 3 weeks later...

Iron Patriot armour, which I believe is Norman Osborn?

Correct. Although he won't turn up at all because he's part of the Spider-man franchise, here's some comic spoilers about it;

Basically, there was an event called Secret Invasion where the Skrulls(shape shifting race) replaced a bunch of the superheroes and made themselves to believe they were them. Elektra, Spider-woman were the main two. Basically they went to war in Secret Invasion. At the end of it, Deadpool found out the intel on the Skrull Queen and sent it to Nick Fury so he could kill her, but Norman Osborn stole it and killed her, becoming a hero in the media/government's eyes.

So he was given the Director of SHIELD job and dawned that suit because he wanted his team to look exactly like the old team. But because none of the proper Avengers would work for him, he recruited villains and made them look like the Avengers. He got Venom and injected him with some nanites so he went smaller and looked like Spider-man, he had Bullseye dress like Hawkeye, he got Wolverine's son Daken and Moonstone to look like Ms Marvel. So that was his suit, The Iron Patriot.

But yeah, Sony own the rights to Norman Osborn in the Spider-man contract so I don't see where they're going with this.

Interesting though.

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