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Comic Book Movies (and TV Shows)


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Agreed with RDJ, fantastic actor but as mentioned he has had his issues but does a great Tony Stark

Chris Evans was a weird choice purely because he was already Johnny Storm, that said the way he baulked up you helped get passed that

I understand that people are throwing round the idea that instead of Hal Jordan Green Lantern instead it might be John Stewart instead. I can see where they are coming from but I don't see it working. The biggest problem DC have is trying to introduce all these characters in a oner with only Batman and Superman having films to cover origins. If they were serious about a Justice League they need to lay a bit more individual ground work first (Flash Tv series due to start is a step in the right direction)

There is no Batman origin story in this 'universe' of films.

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There is no Batman origin story in this 'universe' of films.

No but there is a recent series of Batman films that brought the character to people's attention who might not of known much about the character before. Can you imagine them bringing in Wonder Woman with no explaination of who she is during the film?

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No but there is a recent series of Batman films that brought the character to people's attention who might not of known much about the character before. Can you imagine them bringing in Wonder Woman with no explaination of who she is during the film?

That is exactly the problem, they're introducing too many new characters in such a short space of time.

They should've had Luthor in the first Man of Steel, either had a completely new Batman film or not had the original trilogy end the way it did (and then you could recast Batman but have it an extension of that universe) and then had any/all of Wonder Woman/Flash/Green Lantern pop up during Batman/Superman or at the end to setup the next one(s).

They're far too eager to reach where Marvel are and they're jumping the gun. Marvel had 5 films before The Avengers, even Black Widow, Hawkeye and Nick Fury had some screentime before The Avengers with only Hawkeye really not getting enough to build the character. If the JLA movie comes out after Batman/Superman then they've had two films (and possibly a tv show) to build a full team. It's simply too much, too quick, especially after Man of Steel got panned so heavily.

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Assuming its early years as he must only be in his 30s at a stretch.

With superman vs batman DC are really doing all they can to match up to marvel. If they had taken the time to do Wonder Woman/Flash/Martian Man Hunter stories might of ended up better

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Would love a new Green Lantern movie as I'm a huge GL fan but instead of Hal Jordan,have it centre around Kyle Rayner and his becoming the White Lantern,just like in the comic books right now, the centre point of it all.

I prefer Rayner to Jordan actually, and his origin story is pretty good - a gifted artist/slacker given the ring. Would be a nice idea.

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I would say im still not swayed by that trailer there. Seemed a bit hammy for my liking. We shall see.

Was reading the last Total Film and its gotten me pretty excited for the Amazing Spiderman 2. I wasnt totally convinced by the first film but everything about the second one looks brilliant.

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