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I like the look of it though I find it hard to believe the Joker would lie for however long and let someone tattoo him or even ask them for it. I'm probably looking into it too much though.

He wasn't always a complete psychopath though, so it is conceivable he had them done before he became the fully fledged Joker.

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It's hard to judge a character on a picture, so really can't say anything about Leto there. But I'm not surprised at the massive bitchfit on the internet about it.

As for Ultron, I thought it was nowhere near the first one, and definitely near the bottom of the MCU pile, and a fair bit behind the better movies of the lot, of which there's a few. So many problems with it. A joking villain who loses more menace with every cheesy one liner it pulls out, a potentially good arc with the Hulk which ends up getting lost in the shuffle because of the main problem... trying to fit too much into it. And some of the action scenes have that same problem. Especially a fight scene near the end which just had me thinking "f**k this".

There's good stuff. Like the opening battle at the Hydra place, and the load of time we got to see Hawkeye in his element, backed by the absolutely brilliant Jeremy Renner getting a proper chance to shine. And some of the one liners WERE decent. Especially...

"Good talk."
"No it wasn't."

But ultimately, this is the worst Marvel movie I've seen in a good while.

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Biggest issue was it felt rushed to try and squeeze everything in. Ultrons slide from inception to villian was far too quick for my liking. Some of the fight sequences (opening one and hulkbuster aside) had a bit of MOS feel to it. Dragging on far too long

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I quite liked AOU, it was almost as good as the the first movie. Although, they were far too many sub-parts crammed into it. I have to say that Ultron is my favourite Marvel villian to date.

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Some thoughts on AoU:

Quicksilver's death was probably the part that annoyed me most about the movie. They introduce a fairly interesting character who I actually liked but they kill him off just because Marvel felt that this no-deaths hoodoo was creeping up on them. It felt completely forced. And what were the repercussions? Scarlet Witch shouted really loud and got annoyed but was fine when we saw her at the end. A waste of a character and something that if you took it away, wouldn't have really altered the movie.

In terms of planting seeds for future products, I expected more. Not a disappointment or a positive of the movie - just a statement. Really expected some sort of reference to Black Panther when they went to Wakanda but it wasn't to be. Civil War was slightly alluded to but Cap and Iron Man seem cool with each other at the end. Also, I'm not won over by the end team (Black Widow, Captain America, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Vision and War Machine) as it is really just secondary characters shoved together but I'm not convinced. Not that I don't like the characters - I do - I'm just not sure how they'll compare to the current roster.

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On that...

I thought he was sure to be chopped after the way that he was built up, and with the family and stuff. I turned to my cousin and said "he's fucked". But I'm glad he didn't die, because the attention on Hawkeye and Renner's performance was probably the highlight of the movie. I'd say after that, I now see him as one of the main lot, when I seen him as a bit part player before.

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just back from AoU

easily on par with the first avengers, and easily one of the best in the marvel series right now, the seeming tying up of the HYDRA arc was good, the opening battle was fantastic action,

Ultron was an excellently portrayed bad guy, his script was one of the best, Spader played the part well, as per usual the Avengers bounce off each other well, both Thor's Hammer scenes were brilliant, especially when Vision hands him the Hammer at the end like its a bit of paper :lol:

I was kinda gutted Quicksilver died, good way for him to go out though saving the guy who he almost got killed in the first scene, but given he could have played a major part in the future of the series its kinda gutting to see him go (although this is Marvel, wouldnt bet against him coming back lol)

Hulks ending is strange as well, Marvel have all but confirmed there isnt another Hulk stand alone planned, and he isnt even signed up for Civil War, but seemingly Ruffalo has another 6 films to appear in for his contract so god knows what they are planning, although the rumours seem shot down, the idea of Hulk going into space is a good one and follows one of the comic storylines where Hulk is sent into space to fight something

The new Avengers at the end is maybe my only gripe, War Machine fair enough, Scarlet Witch fair enough, Vision fair enough (in the comics they two get it on eventually) but to introduce Falcon right at the end is weird, maybe he had a part in the original running of the film but it was cut from 3hrs and 10mins to its running time as it is the now

Oh and seemingly amazon are allowing pre orders of the DVD and Blue-ray which will contain an alternate ending, yup so not only will we go and see it in the pictures but we'll now order the dvd for the alternate ending along with the extended cut and deleted scenes lol

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Okay, with being up to date with Agents of Shield accounted for, and now that I’ve managed a second look at the film, without the 3D, and the 36 straight hours I went without sleep before watching it on the first go I have a few more thoughts.

Quite a lot of great one-liners in the film. I think since the first Avengers films, there has been a lot more emphasis on cramming more witty Josh Whedon one-liners into these films. It was definitely more noticeable with Cap2, Iron Man 3, and especially in the brief look of the Ant-Man trailer. Looks like something that will be more apparent in future films I feel.

The biggest complaint I’ve had is that people feel too much was crammed into the two hours and twenty minutes. Having seen such dragged out waste of time films like The Hobbit trilogy, I very much will go with crammed in material any day of the week. Apparently, Whedon’s original cut of the film was well over the three hour mark.

You could definitely tell there were some parts papered over because of this, such as Thor’s visions and his discovery of the Infinity gauntlet. I think what made Thor so much more integral to the first Avengers film was the fact his brother was the main villain. This time around, between Scarlett Witch fucking with him and the final showdown pushed him into quite a ‘means to an end’ type part.

Whedon’s motivation on doing the first Avengers film was actually to do Ultron and bring in the Vision as the end game, and Paul Brittany didn’t disappoint. I shouldn’t have been surprised at how well that part was execeuted, as he worked English shakespeariany stuff from Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer into the Avengers films to the same wonderful effect.

Hulk was comfortably my biggest disappointment (aside from that Wawkinda) scene. Banner just laid down to Tony’s decisions every time, not to mention a lot of the more die-hard Hulk fans won’t be happy with how The Hulk bowed out.

I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing a director’s cut version; especially the alternate ending (as I imagine Whedon had his own ideas on how to end it instead of this one to set-up phase 3 and the foundations of Civil War with the new 2.5 Avengers team) of the film in the future. I also wouldn’t be surprised if there would be a better flow to the movie because the amount cut from it. To be honest, I would have had no problem with this movie running for three hours, because it definitely didn’t feel like too long a movie.

There has also been comments from Whedon and Sepinwall about how Agents of Shield has not been able to stand on its own two foot because of the MCU (don’t get me wrong it rejuvenated the show after Winter Soldier, but I don’t think there should be such a reliance on it). I think there might be something in that, as I found myself a little disappointed in the latest episode sucking up so much to Age of Ultron. Apparently, there is supposed to be a spin-off of SHIELD in the pipeline, so I wouldn’t mind one going off on its own tangent while the other sticks to MCU brown-nosing, as there is definitely the potential there. You only need to see projects like Daredevil and Agent Carter to see there is plenty of it.

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Reading through this, why are two x men characters involved?

I was always under the impression that marvel couldn't use x men people in avengers films.

marvel and fox both own the rights to scarlet witch and quicksilver, but marvel must not refer to them as mutant or use the word mutant in any of its universe

marvel's maximoff twins were so much better than fox's first attempt at them

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