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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I thought it was a very entertaining episode but some of the overly convenient timings and the invention of teleportation in Winterfell kind of ruined it for me. How did Jon Snow manage to go from being completely surrounded on all sides to being 200 yards away without a scratch? Jorah Mormont miraculously appearing in front of Daenarys when her tea was surely oot? Sam Tarly lying on a pile of bodies when they got rezed and he makes it away from them?! Obviously they can't just ice half the cast but it seemed like everyone in Winterfell died apart from the 8 that we actually know. 

The Wight Walkers were fucking pointless as bad guys as well. We got a class scrap at Hardhome with one of them and apart from that they just stood about with their thumb up their collective, undead arse. 

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Not particularly arsed that the Night King and his squad have been papped out, personally far more interested to see what happens now that the winning army has no common enemy left to fight. What we're left with is essentially various temporary allies who no longer find themselves under the same banner, and have gone back to being enemies. 

It is a bit of an underwhelming ending to the White Walkers, but as people have already said, some ludicrous swordfight with the Night King would have been significantly worse and out of character. 

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23 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Hand to hand combat with Jon wouldve been marginally worse, I suppose. 

7 seasons of him and the dead being built up as the main threat, with them barely appearing in episodes for any length of time, then within an episode they're killed off in their entirety, never to be seen again.

And thank f**k for that, the worst bit of the whole story. I agree the show made them out to be the real bad guy/danger so you’d expect more to be made of dealing with them, but nobody has put forward any suggestions for how that should’ve been done. As has been pointed out, last night either the living or the dead had to wipe the other side out for it to end, so either we have the storyline of the dead winning and then marching on to Kings Landing (which would have absolutely ruined GoT for me) or somehow they all had to be killed - the only way to do that was to dispose of the NK, and again nobody has offered up an alternative they would have found acceptable.

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25 minutes ago, GiGi said:

The three eyed raven, unless they use the coming episodes to elaborate, contributed to one scene by warging some crows to give us a shot of the NK on his dragon and literally did nothing for the rest of the battle. I can't get my head around what his role was meant to be but it feels like it should have been more.

Most of the plot armour was a bit daft but I can live with that, there are plenty of stories left to round off.

My main thoughts also.  I can forgive a lot of plot holes and miraculous life-saving elsewhere, but Bran's lack of intervention left me wondering wtf was happening.

Escapism from the horror, or deliberate procrastination because he's going to be the baddie in the end?

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I can relate to why some people feel a little bit shortchanged, as fun as that episode was to watch. Hardhome and the Battle of the b*****ds were IMO still better scenes.

Since Jon Snow's stabbing, only Hodor's death has held any real impact in the TV show. Beric's died 20 times already, so I'm fine with that; Ed's no longer on the wall, and the deaths of  others like Jorah Mormont  pretty much had no other purpose other than as meat for the grinder in the show (even the kid Mormont felt like lip service for going out in the most epic way possible). Anyone with any real contribution to make still survived. The whole point of being emotionally invested was the surprise factor that came with Ned's beheading or the Red Wedding, was main characters felt truly fair game. It's probably why I felt more in Hardhome when Jon Snow stopped a WW striking him with his Valeryian steel sword than I did at the finale there, because quite frankly I did not for a second think that Bran was going to die. I didn't think surrounded by hunners of WW Jon Snow would die, I didn't think Daenerys would even get a scratch and expected Jorah to get chibbed several times; I thought at Hardhome, Jon Snow might have died in that moment.

In fairness, I was pleasantly surprised it was Arya of people, even the switch of hands was a good scene FWIW, but the ending felt predictable, and probably will diminish the tension of any re-watch. Game over. Time for the epilogue now. And it's three long episodes. Lord of the Rings were less cruel.

The White Walkers were always supposed to be the big bad. Right from the first scene of the show, and as show when Hardhome happened, it felt like everything else in Westeros became irrelevant as it felt like the WW had arrived. So for it all to be settled in the space of one battle, one episode, when this was probably supposed to be a war, I can totally relate to feeling shortchanged. It was supposed to diminish the fight for the crown, and for it still has. If you've survived something like that, Shirley you're first thought is 'might try some of that living thang' rather than 'want my crown now'. I almost don't care who rules Westeros now, because in spite of whoever wins the crown always being a w****r, nobody other than Arya has really changed from the experience IMO. Daenery stills wants her, Sansa still wants everyone to leave her alone, and anyone else who survived is probably just happy to be alive until the next battle.

P.s. Yes the lighting for the fight was shite, and I'll bet it was supposed to be scarier fighting an enemy you can't see, but the directing for it was terrible. You should still be able to follow what is going on, and that was a struggle. The execution was a let down for all the Sapochik hype.

p.p.s The Dothraki were supposed to be hardest c***s in the game, and yet with fire swords they were still emptied in record time.

My favourite comment from someone on the Guardian.

Arya: "I just killed the Night King, the White Walkers, and the entire Army of the Dead."

Gimli: "That still only counts as one!"

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Nah, I'd even have preferred something with Bran taking him out. 

As for the second point, that's almost entirely what they've done. The Dothraki scenes makes absolutely no sense to anybody, not a single fucking jot, yet it's done so they can have the epic moments of watching the flames go out. Absolute certainty theres still, somehow, a swathe of them and their horses still alive next week.

I doubt they'll have any surviving Dothraki next week (or at least very few). As a battle plan it made absolutely no sense but it terms of tying off one the plot strings it probably helped a lot.

There were no major Dothraki characters left and if we assume one of Dany/Dany & Jon/their child end up on the throne, the Dothraki have no real part to play in their new world. They like attacking villages, killing people and raping women, and whilst they’d follow Daenerys into battle, I doubt they would settle down and live peacefully afterwards. Killing them all off in one swift attack kind of solves that issue.

Of course, there should still be hundreds of Dothraki women & children somewhere but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were either ignored, or swept under the carpet by a passing comment.

Edited by Jaggy Snake
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Don't think anyone has suggested it was a bad episode. It was great tv, and certainly didn't feel like an extended episode watching it.

Definitely just a bit underwhelmed as to how the whole army of the dead thing was brought to an end.


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24 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Don't think anyone has suggested it was a bad episode. It was great tv, and certainly didn't feel like an extended episode watching it.

Definitely just a bit underwhelmed as to how the whole army of the dead thing was brought to an end.


How else would it have ended?

The Night King was always going to die. As I said earlier, it seems like no way of ending it was going to please anyone. 

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I'm not sure how to feel about it - the thing that makes GoT good is that it's fantasy but not a load of witchy-woo magic.  The story is driven by human concerns, motivcations and errors.  If the Night King had made it to Kings Landing and there had been a huge battle of humans v dead there it would've been a let down IMO.  On the other hand, the entire series, from the prelude in the pilot episode, has been about the rise of the White Walkers and it was a bit of a "oh" moment when they were destroyed.  Although, again, if you watch the lore nad read the background you could see this fitting into the WEsteros narrative of legends and myths of heroes.

As things stand currently then

Cersei - Has the remnants of her army, the Golden Company and the majority of the Ironborn.  In theory she holds the Reach, the Riverlands, the Stormlands, Kings Landing and the Crownlands but it's doubtful how much control she has over these areas.

Dany / Jon - Remnants of the Northern army, the Knights of the Vale, the Unsullied and Wildlings.  Don't seem to be any Dothraki left.  Two dragons intact and the main leadership of the group have survived.  Yara apparently holds the Iron Islands but has fewer fights than Euron.

Unknowns.  Does Dorne still exist?  Does anyone know or care? They were in alliance with Dany at the end of season 6 but aside from Cersei killing the  Ellaria and Tyene.  

Cersei has by far the stronger armed forces but neither of them are properly loyal to her - sell swords and mad Euron, both of whom will leg it very quickly if things turn bad.  I think that will be the key, she won't have anyone loyal to her and it'll cost her the throne.

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52 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

And thank f**k for that, the worst bit of the whole story. I agree the show made them out to be the real bad guy/danger so you’d expect more to be made of dealing with them, but nobody has put forward any suggestions for how that should’ve been done. As has been pointed out, last night either the living or the dead had to wipe the other side out for it to end, so either we have the storyline of the dead winning and then marching on to Kings Landing (which would have absolutely ruined GoT for me) or somehow they all had to be killed - the only way to do that was to dispose of the NK, and again nobody has offered up an alternative they would have found acceptable.

I wish, if this how they planned on ending it, theyd made the Night King more of a Bran enemy, and him and Bran do some form of battle at the end, with the main idea still being the battle for the throne, instead of building him up as the main storyline and then just discarding him.

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7 minutes ago, Estragon is a fud said:


The Iron Bank of Braavos  will likely switch sides and back Dany now considering that such a big point was made of them being repaid in full by the Crown in the previous season, so they'll magic up an army from nowhere no doubt, or get the Golden Company to switch sides.

The Second Sons are still in Meereen.  Or are they?

Might we see the two most famous sellsword companies battling it out against each other.

Edited by The Master
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1 minute ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

Get the feeling RandomGuy didn’t like that episode.

I enjoyed it, as an episode, but put it into the show as a whole and it leaves me feeling a bit empty.

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