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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Think I'm the only one who doesn't watch this. Seems to Lord of the ringy for my liking.

It's completely different other than the fantasy setting. Most people who I know who are into it aren't particularly into fantasy (me included).

The first episode was fantastic I thought, although a tad disappointing we only got the aftermath of the White Walker attack. Budget I guess.

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I watched the very first episode today. Even although they introduce so many characters and lots of backstory it still hung together much better than the most recent episode.

Only getting 5 or 10 minutes of each group of characters per show is never going to be satisfying. Between jon snow, the wall, winterfell, theon, kings landing, Stanis, Rob, brienne and Jamie, where ever arya is and deanerys you have 11 arcs, some with multiple story lines.

We saw Stanis and melisandre for about a minute yet you are supposed to care about them?

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I watched the very first episode today. Even although they introduce so many characters and lots of backstory it still hung together much better than the most recent episode.

Only getting 5 or 10 minutes of each group of characters per show is never going to be satisfying. Between jon snow, the wall, winterfell, theon, kings landing, Stanis, Rob, brienne and Jamie, where ever arya is and deanerys you have 11 arcs, some with multiple story lines.

We saw Stanis and melisandre for about a minute yet you are supposed to care about them?

The problem here, as far as I experience this particular show, is the one hour a week. Give me a box-set of something like GoT, The Wire, Mad Men (yeah, I know), or the Sopranos, even, and I can get immersed in the whole panorama. Like you say, an hour (minus ad-time) isn't enough to keep it coherent.

The first episode in the first series not only gave a coherent storyline, with a couple of cliffhangers, it featured Sean Bean heavily. His participation was a large part of the "sell" for the series, and it showed a lot of bravery, IMHO, on the producers' account that they put the Big Name into a part that wasn't going to see out the first run.

By the time he lost his head, though, we were all getting attached to The Imp, hating Joffrey, and wondering which of Tywin's kids will eventually slaughter the old twat. My money's on Tyrion at the moment, not having read the books.

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I watched sopranos and have watched mad men as broadcast and I think that is best way to experience a show. Knowing tony or don over a period of years is going to have a different effect than battering through in a month or six weeks.

The difference is that those shows give you something to think about in every episode whilst game of thrones spends so much time pushing the pieces a wee bit forward that you don't really feel close to anyone. You are probably right that in a ten hour burst it would be satisfying but quite often the 50 minute chunks are unfulfilling. It seems like they are at bursting point already but as I understand it there are still plenty more characters to come so who knows how they'll deal with that.

I'll keep on watching it as it looks fantastic and there is some great acting (alongside a few dodgy parts) and obviously it has sex and violence and dragons. I can't help but feeling though that what could have been an all time great tv show will only be a great adaptation.

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To be honest, the best way to watch this show if you haven't read the books is to wait for the Blu Ray. There are cracking cut scenes narrated by the characters involved about the back story that isn't really touched on in the show. The best examples I can think off of the top of my head is how Robert banished Stannis to Dragonstone as a punishment are how Theon actually ended up in Winterfell. There are loads of similar ones on the blu ray that there is no way they had time to tell on the show.

By the way, Series 4 has been commissioned.

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It's certainly not going to replace The Sopranos or The Wire in my affections, but it is a cracking entertainment. The sex, violence and dragons seem to be aimed squarely at the teenage male demographic, but there's plenty of plot development and a sweeping storyline in there for the more mature viewer. Not that I'm averse to the sight of a nice set of breasts, but the political intrigue is what keeps me watching.

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It you want tits watch shit like Spartacus. And I don't know why you think teenage males would care about Dragons.

It's a terrific show, and you're right and saying it's the dense plot lines that put it in a bracket with the Wire and the Sopranos. So much televisions relies on reductive entertainment something that can accurately portray power relationships is much more appealing and realistic.

Take the cliched maverick cop show, it's all about not being "by the book". The Wire went far beyond that, and was a much better show as a result.

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It you want tits watch shit like Spartacus. And I don't know why you think teenage males would care about Dragons.

It's a terrific show, and you're right and saying it's the dense plot lines that put it in a bracket with the Wire and the Sopranos. So much televisions relies on reductive entertainment something that can accurately portray power relationships is much more appealing and realistic.

Take the cliched maverick cop show, it's all about not being "by the book". The Wire went far beyond that, and was a much better show as a result.

If I want tits, I watch proper pornography. The dragon remark (along with the tits) refers to the fact that the fantasy literature and movie market is overwhelmingly aimed at and consumed by that demographic. I once was that spotty youth, desperately waiting for two events - losing my virginity and the publication of the next Thomas Covenant novel. Sad thing is, at that age you don't realise one interest may be getting in the way of the other....

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Sorry. Probably best not to click it.

I can't wait to see how they portray Ramsey Bolton and his deeds. If you think the Lannisters are bad...

Edit: Another couple of things I noticed was that they changed Asha's name to Yara. I assume because it sounds too much like Osha but it's still quite strange.

Also, Tyrion is meant to get his nose chopped off in the battle of the Blackwater. Too much prosthetic work involved I would imagine. As long as they don't take the same approach with

Jaime getting his hand chopped off and Brienne getting her face almost bitten off (although that one may pose the same problem as Tyrion's nose).

Best to put that second line in spoilers lad.

I agree though, this place will go into meltdown!

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I don't think major upcoming events should really be hinted at all. Maybe I'm nitpicking but I've found that even when people don't specifically tell you what is going to happen you start to expect the unexpected.

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Bateman, get that second line in a spoiler!

So, tonight's episode, again watched the US broadcast.

Jojen Reed, Olenna Tyrell and Thoros of Myr make their first appearances. Going by that they've all been cast perfectly. I was disappointed Jojen and Meera didn't show up in the second series but there's been no problem the way they've introduced them, haven't made a c**t of it the way they did with Ygritte and the way Jon went to the wildlings. Looks like the stories revolving around Harrenhal might be getting back in line with the book too after they deviated majorly last series. Was thinking it might be a few episodes until we saw Theon but I'm looking forward to seeing that storyline run.

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I can't wait to see the reaction of people who haven't read the books to the

Red Wedding

People are going to lose their minds :lol:

These are book spoilers, so don't bother clicking if you haven't read the books!

Yep, it's going to be absolutely brilliant to watch some of the reactions. Similar to the Battle of Blackwater in the previous season, the Red Wedding will surely be the episode they devote the most of their budget and time to ensure they get it right. I can see some of the more 'hardcore' element refusing to watch anymore after that. Although, if they do continue watching, they'll be treated to a presumably even more satisfying wedding!

I firmly believe if they get this season spot on, and the next if they decide to split it into two parts, they'll be guaranteed to be able to produce the rest of the series as people will be emotionally connected. Even more so than now in my opinion.

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These are book spoilers, so don't bother clicking if you haven't read the books!

Yep, it's going to be absolutely brilliant to watch some of the reactions. Similar to the Battle of Blackwater in the previous season, the Red Wedding will surely be the episode they devote the most of their budget and time to ensure they get it right. I can see some of the more 'hardcore' element refusing to watch anymore after that. Although, if they do continue watching, they'll be treated to a presumably even more satisfying wedding!

I firmly believe if they get this season spot on, and the next if they decide to split it into two parts, they'll be guaranteed to be able to produce the rest of the series as people will be emotionally connected. Even more so than now in my opinion.

As above, if you haven't read the books, please do not open this spoiler under any circumstances.

I've seen a lot of people who've read the books speculate that much of the audience'll chuck it after the Red Wedding, but I don't see it that way. Yeah, it means there's no hope for the Starks in winning the war and things look bleak for those that survive, but I think they've done a good job of setting up the characters to make sure everything doesn't revolve around the Starks since Ned died.

Obviously the surviving Starks will still be in bleak situations, but people who are still primarily invested in the Starks have them to follow. People have been caring about Dany from the start and if anyone doesn't like Davos they're a c**t. The dividing lines within the Lannisters are clear with Tyrion clearly established as a sympathetic character against Cersei, Tywin and Joffrey. Even if they don't give a shit about him surviving, if they do the Theon story right everyone will want to see it. There will be plenty of characters to care about and plenty of reasons to keep watching.

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It's a TV adaptation. It doesn't have to be exactly like the books. Indeed because it's a TV show it can't be exactly like the books. I've not actually read the books but the same argument always comes up with TV and film adaptations of books.

Anyway, decent episode last night. Brann appears to have aged at least 5 or 6 years mind. Interesting to see where Theon actually is.

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Anybody else recognise Thoros of Myr???

Took me a while, but I got there!!!



wonder if Steve Martin is still as big fan of the show, as I remember Dennis absolutely destroying him with one line at an opening night on his own show!!! :lol:

Edited by King Kebab
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jamie lannisters's line about not getting renly off the iron throne if it was made of cocks was top drawer.

i wanted to boot f**k of liam neeson's son when i watched love actually so i can't say i'm happy to see him showing up here.

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So, after a long wait I finally watched the first two seasons. I'm a huge fan of the books and held off watching for a long time. Some thoughts:

Most of the casting was spot on in regards to how I pictured certain characters. One I think they got badly wrong is Shae. I also don't like how they have seemingly altered her and Tyrions relationship. Won't say too much more in case of spoilers, but I will be very interested to see how the writers proceed with this...

Lily Allen's brother annoyed me at first as Theon, but he grew into his role.

I didn't like how they changed Jon and Qhorin Halfhand's exchange beyond the wall.

Not enough emphasis on just how much Catelyn hates Jon Snow. It's pretty explicit in the book just how much she despises him.

The actress playing Arya is outstanding. Perfect portrayal.

Love Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont.

Some pretty petty things I admit. Overall though, I think they have done a brilliant job so far of bringing to the screen some pretty dense and hard to film material.

I can't wait to see the reaction of people who haven't read the books to the

Red Wedding

People are going to lose their minds :lol:

I nearly stopped reading the books after that. Gutted.

I started the books after having watched the first series, so a lot of characters I just saw as how they were on the screen. I'd still say I think it's been cast very well.

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