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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Has he ever had a vision of the past though? I don't remember one. How would he know? Unless of course he has more to come

Bran is with Meera Reed, whose dad Howland is the only other survivor of when Ned Stark went to rescue Lyanna at the tower of Joy.

If indeed there was a child, then there's a chance Meera would know.

Not that I'm saying that's what will happen, but this season has certainly been hinting that he is indeed the son of Rhaegar.

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As much as I like having a moan, it's worth stating again that this is probably the most visually stunning TV show there's ever been.

The sequence with Tyrion and Jorah when they saw Drogon had my jaw on the floor.

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I got in from the airport at 9am yesterday after a 7 hour flight from New York. First thing I did, before even having a cup of tea, was watch the new episode. Needless to say, I had to watch it again today as I fell asleep after about 10 minutes.

It seemed it be really dark the whole episode which seems to be matching the mood in this season overall. There seems to be a fair amount of foreshadowing going on here.

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I thought they should have ended the episode with Tyrion being pulled away under water. Would have created a better cliffhanger esp for us non book readers who don't know who is safe.

Loving a bit of Stannis this season. Also is the Targareyen at the wall (Aemon?) not the rightful king before Dany? Surely if he wanted he could just state his claim

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I thought they should have ended the episode with Tyrion being pulled away under water. Would have created a better cliffhanger esp for us non book readers who don't know who is safe.

Loving a bit of Stannis this season. Also is the Targareyen at the wall (Aemon?) not the rightful king before Dany? Surely if he wanted he could just state his claim

You give up your right to inheritance when you become a Maester. Aemon has already been in line for the throne before when he was young but had already become a Maester and refused due to his vows, so it passed on to his younger brother (the father of the Mad King and Dany's Granda).

Edited by Cityfan
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Loving a bit of Stannis this season.

Same here but I have a terrible feeling that he's going to die. The show seems to be building him up this season as someone to root for, which is never a good sign. The plan to defeat the Bolton's, leaving the North to Sansa, is too perfect I just can't see it happening. I reckon either Roose and co win the battle and Stannis dies, or he wins but gets killed by fucking Brienne of Tarth. I'll be absolutely seething if the latter happens.

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Same here but I have a terrible feeling that he's going to die. The show seems to be building him up this season as someone to root for, which is never a good sign. The plan to defeat the Bolton's, leaving the North to Sansa, is too perfect I just can't see it happening. I reckon either Roose and co win the battle and Stannis dies, or he wins but gets killed by fucking Brienne of Tarth. I'll be absolutely seething if the latter happens.

*Brienne of FUCKING Tarth.

Did Brienne mention to Sansa that she'd seen Arya? Just something i couldn't remember and its been annoying me.

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Brienne needs to die. Pod needs to die. Sansa needs to die. Ramsey Bolton needs to die. Reek needs to die. Dany needs to die. The annoying twat who shes marrying needs to die. The Sand Snakes need to die. Stannis' wife needs to die. They all bore/annoy the absolute f**k out of me.

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Brienne needs to die. Pod needs to die. Sansa needs to die. Ramsey Bolton needs to die. Reek needs to die. Dany needs to die. The annoying twat who shes marrying needs to die. The Sand Snakes need to die. Stannis' wife needs to die. They all bore/annoy the absolute f**k out of me.

The odd observation for me is that as a younger actress, Tara Fitzgerald used to get her full kit off at the drop of a hat.

Now, in a show full of nudity, she's always covered right up to the neck.

Obtuse bint.

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Bran and Rickon aren't in this season. Thank f**k.

I'm glad Bran isn't it it but we've not seen or heard from Rickon for at least two seasons he just left with that wilding and a direwolf if I remember correctly.

He's just another one to add to where the f**k are they list from a few pages ago with a guy from the red wedding and Robert Baratheons b*****d

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Has he ever had a vision of the past though? I don't remember one. How would he know? Unless of course he has more to come

When he has his visions with the weirwood tree in Winterfell, most of what he sees is of the past. He sees a blood sacrifice presumably from very long ago, a tall night who is meant to be Duncan the Tall from the short stories(about 100 years ago), and also one of Ned I believe, when he was younger. He also appears to beginning to be able to communicate with people using them, mainly Theon so far.

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Thought episode 5 was an absolute cracker.

Danaerys' scenes continue to bore the hell out of me, and it turns out nobody in those scenes can act.

But they've been more than made up for by the kidnapping and the new tangent towards the end of the episode.

As someone who hadn't read any of the books, I've been looking for a reason not to think this series is getting stale. Other than the fact that Samwell's turn to shine can't be far off, this Tyrion/Jorah angle gives me the most hope.

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Jon and the wildlings could be fun. I was praying this rebellion in the Dany story would make something interesting happen there, but its not

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