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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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People with a claim to the Iron Throne:

Danaerys (questionable)

Stannis (the strongest in my view)

Tommen (...unless his b*****dy is formally exposed)

Ithink that's it. I don't think Stannis has an heir.

Royal blood - could be hundreds if you count the descendents of all those who have been king at some point.

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Would probably give this a miss if you haven't read the books, a few future spoilers in that!!!

Still quite interesting though, but some people obviously have too much time on their hands!!!

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Have gone back and covered up his posts and the quoted ones with spolier tags.

No idea if they are spoilers or not but aint chancing it

Don't know what the grey area here is over what a spoiler is. If he's seen something in the press it's as stone cold a spoiler as quoting something from a book that might or might not happen.

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How come Mel only needed a few leeches worth of royal blood to kill off three massive figures yet needs a princess burnt at the stake to take out the Bolton's?

If you really want to know it's in the following spoiler tag, it's explained in the books in her one PoV chapter, so I'm not sure if it will ever get a show explanation as its all in her head that she thinks this.

The leeches never actually did anything, she had foreseen the deaths in her fires and used the leeches as a trick to convince Stannis to burn Gendry (Edric Storm in the books), which is where the real power comes from.

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I only found it strange that the Sand Snakes were still in jail at the time Bronn was getting released. Surely their uncle would have released them before him. All very strange.

Bronn is a retainer, a non entity foreigner. His living or dying is down to the value his life can be traded for between the nobles.

The Sand Snakes are local nobles who can potentially replace Doran and they are locally popular. He needs to confront them with a fait accompli over Jamie, a done deal with the Lannisters and the Iron Throne. He also needs to reinforce they are on thin ice for their lives.

There are only three characters who are really moving their own game that is Littlefinger, Varys and Doran (I think I called him Oberyn last week), I really think in the book and TV show people underestimate him. Everyone else is being manipulated by others or over playing their hands (Cersei )

I also think the whole Stannis thing is bang on with his character. He held out at Storms End for duty. He was going to burn Gendry because it was his duty to make himself king. He offs family members and burns gods idols. He is blinded to his humanity by his sense of duty. Would he have ordered a son to hold onto an impossible defensive position knowing he would die? Yes, thus losing a daughter to his duty to rule the realm is within his character and part of his character arc.

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I also think the whole Stannis thing is bang on with his character. He held out at Storms End for duty. He was going to burn Gendry because it was his duty to make himself king. He offs family members and burns gods idols. He is blinded to his humanity by his sense of duty. Would he have ordered a son to hold onto an impossible defensive position knowing he would die? Yes, thus losing a daughter to his duty to rule the realm is within his character and part of his character arc.

Absolutely with you on this re:Stannis...don't know why people are losing their shit. He's not a good guy and capable of anything since meeting Mel.

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Also Mellisandre's visions are very important in her wanting to burn Shireen. And in Stannis going with it. To him she's not so much saying "you should do this" but "if you don't do this, very bad things will happen". Stannis has seen that she's right with these things, he watched her birth a smoke monster that killed his brother, it's not blind faith...he knows how powerful she is first hand and would absolutely follow her regardless of the consequences at this stage.

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Depending on Dany's abilty to control he dragon they could still be stuck in a bit of a situation as per when we saw them last...actually on that note wonder where the f**k Drogon is gonna take her if she has no control over it. Be a bit of a twist if he just dumps her in the ocean, or drops her all the way back at the start in Pentos..."There you go luv"...*flies off*

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Also no-ones answered my question i posed earlier that i couldn't remember from either tv/book....any takers?:


As this is important as to whether this week's happenings were in/out of Stannis' character

Edited by Christophe
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Also no-ones answered my question i posed earlier that i couldn't remember from either tv/book....any takers?:


As this is important as to whether this week's happenings were in/out of Stannis' character

Siege of storms end was years before. Think he met her relatively recent to the start of the series because he only totally converts when he burns the idols at the start of season 2 I'm sure

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