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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I got the impression he was waiting for his Queens signal to kill his downed foe tbh, as in the thumb down or thumb up moment. Maybe theres some law where killing someone without approval is acceptable unless hes unarmed and on the ground?


It just seemed like there were, what... 8 of them? Or something? In an absolute free for all with no dramatics or theatrics - just fighting. And then when the guy had Jorah at his mercy he sort of paused in a bit of an average cheesy TV sorta way.

I've come to expect better from Thrones. It's only a minor gripe... barely effected the whole episode or anything; just kinda bugged me the way that he hovered and it was the first time in GoT that I knew someone wasn't going to get killed. The knife-edge balance of characters' lives is a big part of their whole shtick.

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4 pictures have leaked. I wish I hadn't looked at them - 2 are spoilers for book readers too.


Two images are of Jon Snow - one of him after being stabbed lying on the ground dying, and the second of him with "warg eyes", presumably warging into ghost.

There's a photo of Stannis's wife having just hanged herself.

There's a photo of Cercei with her head shorn ready to do the walk of shame.

In the book it ended with Jon snow dying, so the warging is a twist - though pretty much what everyone expected. Stannis's wife hasn't died in the books yet either.

No he didn't, no it's not.

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No he didn't, no it's not.

You're right - poor choice of words. He was stabbed multiple times.

There's nothing about warging into Ghost in the book though, so it is new info. It's been a fan theory for a long time, but hadn't been confirmed.

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You're right - poor choice of words. He was stabbed multiple times.

There's nothing about warging into Ghost in the book though, so it is new info. It's been a fan theory for a long time, but hadn't been confirmed.

It's very, very strongly hinted at, also, as you said, most people thought that was the case anyway.

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4 pictures have leaked. I wish I hadn't looked at them - 2 are spoilers for book readers too.


Two images are of Jon Snow - one of him after being stabbed lying on the ground dying, and the second of him with "warg eyes", presumably warging into ghost.

There's a photo of Stannis's wife having just hanged herself.

There's a photo of Cercei with her head shorn ready to do the walk of shame.

In the book it ended with Jon snow dying, so the warging is a twist - though pretty much what everyone expected. Stannis's wife hasn't died in the books yet either.


Possible Book and TV spoilers

There's also been a leak of the "previously on Game of Thrones" clip from the finale, which features a certain someone not seen for ages in the books or the show...


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I know it was a brutal scene, but Cersei can walk down my street anytime :wub:

Rumour has it they CGI'd onto a body double :(

I'm glad the warg eyes photo was fake. He's pan bread. Good job there's a red witch back at the wall who may have the power of resurrection.

No more book spoilers now! Anyone who's not read the books can probably delve into the game of thrones wiki pages and forums quite safely. If they're bored.

Edited by RCR
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Holy Moly - loved that finale. Lots of stuff and got a few questions/observations for those that have seen it:

I was confused by Theon and Sansas jump - was that a suicide attempt or did they expect to survive that?

I'm not sure Stannis is really dead - I'm really sceptical when you never actually see someone die (eg. The Hound)

That little fuckwit Olly is now my most hated character.

What happens to Ghost now? Also where was Jon's last remaining buddy - can't remember his name

Are we meant to not know who the new member of the kingsguard is? Or is it obviously the mountain?

Tommen is the shitest king ever. Joffrey was a d1ck but he would never have stood for all this

Nothing from the Tyrells - I assume Margery and Lloris are still locked up? Also where is Littlefinger?

When I first saw Pod with the rabbits, I thought it was Gendry and marked out - only to be disappointed #StillRowing

Was good to see Arya get revenge on Meryn Trant, although her storyline needs to move on. Hopefully it will now

The Dorne stuff was totally underwhelming, easily the most disappointing storyline of the season

I'm a bit 'meh' with Danerys being back with the Dothraki - I expect another season no closer to Westeros

Was Drogon meant to be tired, wounded, dying, dead, can't be arsed etc?

Greyworm - your unsullied are useless, yet you managed to get a promotion and a bird. Some man

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Holy Moly - loved that finale. Lots of stuff and got a few questions/observations for those that have seen it:

I was confused by Theon and Sansas jump - was that a suicide attempt or did they expect to survive that?

I'm not sure Stannis is really dead - I'm really sceptical when you never actually see someone die (eg. The Hound)

That little fuckwit Olly is now my most hated character.

What happens to Ghost now? Also where was Jon's last remaining buddy - can't remember his name

Are we meant to not know who the new member of the kingsguard is? Or is it obviously the mountain?

Tommen is the shitest king ever. Joffrey was a d1ck but he would never have stood for all this

Nothing from the Tyrells - I assume Margery and Lloris are still locked up? Also where is Littlefinger?

When I first saw Pod with the rabbits, I thought it was Gendry and marked out - only to be disappointed #StillRowing

Was good to see Arya get revenge on Meryn Trant, although her storyline needs to move on. Hopefully it will now

The Dorne stuff was totally underwhelming, easily the most disappointing storyline of the season

I'm a bit 'meh' with Danerys being back with the Dothraki - I expect another season no closer to Westeros

Was Drogon meant to be tired, wounded, dying, dead, can't be arsed etc?

Greyworm - your unsullied are useless, yet you managed to get a promotion and a bird. Some man

I assumed it was a suicide pact. They both figured they they'd never escape and death was the best way out.

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This season was a slow burner, but the last 4 episodes were up there with the best that Game of Thrones has offered up. Not going into details, but that was an excellent finale for me. Up there with the season 4 one.

Spoiler looking on to the next season;

Theon and Sansa had to survive that fall. I can see them team up with Brienne and Pod now, in search of Rickon and Bran. I suspect they'll find Bran before Rickon. The other alternative is that Theon goes back to the Iron Isles with Sansa, and they attack the Boltons at Winterfell.

Surely that can't be the end of Jon? A lot of the stories all seem to circle around him - Melisandre showing up at the Wall seems rather convenient, especially given that Dondarrian was brought back to life by Thoros.

I'm guessing Davos will now take the black? He's the highest profile survivor of Stannis' 'rebellion'. I can't see any other way that he'll survive.

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I assumed it was a suicide pact. They both figured they they'd never escape and death was the best way out.

I thought they jumped because it looked like the snow was fairly well packed at the bottom?

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I thought they jumped because it looked like the snow was fairly well packed at the bottom?

You may well be right. I'm hopeful that I'm wrong anyway!

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That "battle was a disgrace. How many episodes of build up? How did the red head get to the Wall so quick, even though it took Stannis how many episodes to get to Winterfell? ( not sure of the map layout so maybe it wouldn't take long but when people travel it seems to take 4-5 episodes normally )

Anyway after all the build up to this battle, you get a minute of tension then it totally skips by it. I think thats really poor to be honest.

Good episode though but hardly one that will break the internet. Could see the Jon Snow thing coming a mile away, will he/ won't he come back to life? Who knows. The actor has said thats it finished for him, could all just be talk though.

The naked walk was obviously CGI'd. Nice tits whoever they belonged too though!

I think the dragon looked wounded and tired, don't think he's dying. It's as if all it was doing "I've got you all to myself now", and took a nap! I think it was rebelling. Surely the way to find Tits McGhee is to let the other dragons go find her.

No doubt Sansa will be alive ( yawn )

Good enjoyable tv though. Still waiting for the Hound to appear :bairn

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