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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Because that is when it's first broadcasted in the UK, the vast, vast majority of people I know record it at 2 then watch it sometime before 9.

Similar to F1, it can be shown halfway through the night but that is the broadcast time, you wouldn't go in the F1 thread after it has been broadcast even if it has a repeat later on?

F1 is a live sporting event, not really the same thing

I've already said why 9pm is better than 2am, including those that watch it "sometime", so Im not going to repeat myself. There really isnt anything else to say without going round in circles.

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What are peoples thoughts on Sansa? I hated her to begin with but im still to warm to her character despite all the shit the character has gone through. I can't work out whether the actress is doing a really good job or a really bad one.

Still can't stand Sansa, she deserves all she gets. Same with Theon to be honest.

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On Sansa and Theon, if they do survive that fall it's not ridiculous at all. If it is, then it's been ridiculous from the very first episode, where Bran survived a fall from a greater height onto hard ground. Sansa and Theon on the other hand were jumping into a gigantic amount of snow which can break their fall. They've been taking about the amount of snow for several episodes and they made a point of having a shot of the snow on the ground before they jumped.

There's obviously a high chance that the jump could kill them, but even in real life that drop wouldn't necessarily be fatal, never mind in a TV show where you may see some boundaries of reality pushed. People have survived dropping from absurd heights into snowdrifts before, albeit most have had an absurd number of broken bones. There's no guarantee they're dead.

they were jumping onto snow and who knows,maybe they dump shit over the wall at that point too.i think theyre alive

a bomber command rear gunner who came out of his plane without his parachute in ww2 fell over 20,000 feet and survived with only a broken ankle-he landed in a pine forest,fall was broken by the trees and he landed in a snow drift

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This is the show thats killed of the likes of Tywin, Ned and Robb. Nobodies too important to die, sadly.

I think Ayras been blinded to teach her a lesson

I hope Dany deserts Mereen, and makes her march towards Westeros with the Unsullied, the Dothraki, and three Dragons in tow. I can see the final scene of the next series already. A smoking, torched Kings Landing being looked upon from the Red Keep by the Lannisters/Tyrells/Martells/Littlefinger after the great war. Only to see a swarming mass of an army appear and three great shadows in the sky. Ooft.

Tywin, Ned and Robb were nowhere near as important as Jon to the future of Westeros.

Aye but what was happening with her pulling off all the faces and then the last one being her own? And then the Waif turning into Jaqen?

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Erm yes, because Tywin was only the main native creditor of the crown, a highly powerful and feared baron on Westeros and still running the kingdom when he was killed - some ringer in the Night's Watch takes natural precedence.

It would be absolutely fantastic if all of the 15,000 theories were a complete bust and he was just dead. They could just take the whole north with him tbh; cut it off at Moat Cailin like the failed statelet.

Edited by vikingTON
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Tywin, Ned and Robb were nowhere near as important as Jon to the future of Westeros.

Aye but what was happening with her pulling off all the faces and then the last one being her own? And then the Waif turning into Jaqen?

All three had actual, real, power though, Jon was on the "Edge of the World" with only a fat bloke and his bird as friends. All the theories, all the flouncing, all ended in a brutal fashion, seems like classic GoT to me tbh

And fucked if I know, the whole faceless thing has me pretty fucking bamboozled tbh

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If we are meant to fully understand Aryas stuff from season five and all the faceless assassin stuff then they have done quite a poor job of explaining it

No, I think it is meant to be confusing. If a guess is a spoiler then

This is the bit in martial arts films when the usually western hero is plunged fully into the learning s\he does not understand to gain the skills to return to their life and seek vengence etc. In an 80s flick it would be a montage, but with two seasons left we will see Arya gaining skills in season six and then kicking on as an avatar of Nemisis in season 7. The instrument of vengeance.

In Karate Kid it was wax on wax off, Neo the pay off was the whole "I know Kung Fu" etc etc all that stuff. Westerner finally immerses themselves in the Eastern mystery and becomes the all conquering bad ass.

And the actress hits an age where it is believable.

​You do not understand the faces thing because she does not. As she learns so the audience will.

Then season 7

Let slip the dogs of war.......

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Erm yes, because Tywin was only the main native creditor of the crown, a highly powerful and feared baron on Westeros and still running the kingdom when he was killed - some ringer in the Night's Watch takes natural precedence.

Well yeah Tywin was one of the most powerful people in the Kingdom but really he was only important to the future of House Lannister, without him everything has gone to shit for them, but the Kingdom can continue on...until the White Walkers invade.

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Well yeah Tywin was one of the most powerful people in the Kingdom but really he was only important to the future of House Lannister, without him everything has gone to shit for them, but the Kingdom can continue on...until the White Walkers invade.

Cuts to the chase of the whole story. We know the white walkers are comming but in Kings Landing they scoff at them as grumkins and kids stories. To a Westerosi noble the death of Tywin is one of the key events of the age. To the audience, we can see the real threat. Standard horror movie or whatever set up: girl on phone going nuts at boyfriend dumping her while the audience can see the axe murderer\werewolf in the upstairs loft.

Tywins death was a huge event for people focussed on the foreground: the Tyrells and the Lannisters and all that lot. But the audience anticipates Jon as one of the heroes to save the people from the white walkers.

If he is dead then its a big BANG you were all wrong or if he survives its kind of YES now hes around for the real fight.

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Nope, by the time the White Walkers actually get round to invading the entire, huge and pointless North then the real action will be over and done with. Plus Ramsay will end up beating them anyway because that's apparently how it works.

It's just as disjointed in the timeline of the books; wouldn't be surprised if Martin just bumps the WW off using the dragons as soon as Daenerys lands.

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Nope, by the time the White Walkers actually get round to invading the entire, huge and pointless North then the real action will be over and done with. Plus Ramsay will end up beating them anyway because that's apparently how it works.

It's just as disjointed in the timeline of the books; wouldn't be surprised if Martin just bumps the WW off using the dragons as soon as Daenerys lands.

The 'entire, huge and pointless North' has a lot more importance than you realise, if that's your opinion. Jon told Sam that the White Walkers already had an army of 'tens of thousands, bigger than any army the world's ever seen'.

The whole series is called 'A Song of Ice and Fire' - not Game of Thrones. The Wall and the threat of the WW appears to me as the biggest story so far... everything else just seems like politics. Daenerys seems to be the fire. She seems to be a very integral part of the story that will be there until the end. Jon always seemed like the Ice. Either way, the battle has nothing to do with all the shit between the Lannisters and the Boltons and the Tyrells and whoever else... that's all just politics that are pre-cards to the main event. The main event - as apparently only Jon Snow realised so far - is that the White Walkers are coming for everyone else. 'Winter is Coming' and The Starks seem to have an unshakable grip on the entire story that cannot be ignored despite most of them being killed off.

It's a Song of Ice and Fire.

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