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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I saw that pre-edit.


Got caught out by the old 'John McVeigh is a tit' ditty :lol:


I believe that's all too far fetched tbqhwi. Bumble Bee will clearly be King - Optimus is too self centred IMHO.


I did!  :lol:  I only realised by accident, and had an actual d'oh. Damn autocorrect PnB buggeration.


Edit - Bumblebee can't. Death's Head killed him. 



Edited by milton75
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It's always hard to predict what'll happen, but looking at the different armies involved, and where the series is going, I thought I'd give it a shot.


Jon's army will be approaching Ramsey's army when a blizzard strikes, making the first real evidence that Winter is Coming. This will give Jon's army a tactical advantage being as the Wildings are well accustomed to such conditions. Many in Ramsey's army are not and panic begins in the ranks. Ramsey manages to hold things together though, and rallies his troops personally leading formation as they plough into the smaller force. At this point the Knights of the Vale turn up, but in the chaos of the blizzard they slaughter as many of Jon's army as they do Ramsey's. Suddenly the blizzard stops, and a dragon's roar is heard. Bran and his pals are framed against the sun, and everyone looks up above the castle battlements... however, they then see that Sansa is standing atop the battlements screaming. She has her dress pulled up over her head, and where her clunge should be, she is as bald and flat as an action man. She has no fud. This explains why Ramsey kept bumming her. Everyone drops their weapons in astonishment, and the battle peters out of its own accord. Optimus Prime becomes king.


You b*****d, I spat tea everywhere from laughing reading that. Reeled me in you were being straight faced until the punchline - well played.


Optimus Prime wouldn't be king though, Vermin Supreme would - since he promises everyone a pony if he becomes ruler.


Alternatively, Littlefinger gets a sizeable chunk of the Bolton forces to desert, the wily owner of Westeros' chain of brothels promising there's Hot Pie ready for them if they march their forces away down the King's Road to the Inn at the Crossroads. Having not had a shag in months because Ramsey keeps feeding every woman he's not screwing himself to his dogs, the resulting misinterpretation proves both decisive and hilarious in a Terry & June sort of way.


Danys meanwhile after her forces defeat the Masters faces her umpteenth disastrous set back at the point of "not a matter of if I'll win but when" where the fed up Unsullied - watching their new Dothraki allies endlessly screwing each other as they've done all series long - are persuaded by Varys to join forces with his new allies in the Brotherhood Without Banners in Westeros. The new united army becomes the Brotherhood Without Boners.


Disheartened, she promptly takes off all her clothes before Theon Greyjoy for much the same George & Lynne cartoon lack of any plot logic all series long: causing him to grow a magical dragonglass todger that rips through his codpiece. The Red Priestess Kinvara announces that this is the secret weapon - the Shlong of Obsidian - promised by the Lord of Light to ensure she defeats the White Walkers, but to achieve its full powers only she can perform the necessary ancient ritual. In her private chambers, one hour from now, bring a bottle. Although Danys is suspicious of Kinvara's motivations, she agrees - Theon meanwhile cares not a shit about motivations, only in making up for a lot of lost time - which considering what happened to him last time he was handed a shag on a plate down at the Dreadfort proves he's not learned his lesson.


Finally in King's Landing, the Tyrrells try to stop Cercei's rash plan to blow up the city with wildfire by defeating the Faith Militant with a coordinated tabloid troubadour "High Sparrow's High Jinx In Baelish Brothel Shocker". This initially backfires however as the commoners shrug "like we didn't guess puritan hypocrisy goes with the territory" & "more a relief it wasn't anything involving Vary's Little Birds considering he's a cleric.".


The High Sparrow overplays his hand however in insisting in penance he will walk through the streets naked being whipped by Lancel Lannister while Septa Unella rings a bell and shouting shame, visibly drolling as he says so. This proves too Ken Russell for the locals who lynch the Faith Militant having had enough of anything fun being stopped by them, but just as a glint of steely triumph returns to Cercei's eye Pycelle overdoes his doddering old c**t routine, trips and clatters into Cercei, who in throwing up her hands as she loses her balance unwittingly gives the signal to Qyburn to ignite the wildfire jars.


The Dorne army of the Sand Snakes arrive to find King's Landing already burnt to ashes, the only survivor a blackened Edward Tudorpole from series 2, who when asked what happened simply spits "never trust a hippy!"

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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It's always hard to predict what'll happen, but looking at the different armies involved, and where the series is going, I thought I'd give it a shot.


Jon's army will be approaching Ramsey's army when a blizzard strikes, making the first real evidence that Winter is Coming. This will give Jon's army a tactical advantage being as the Wildings are well accustomed to such conditions. Many in Ramsey's army are not and panic begins in the ranks. Ramsey manages to hold things together though, and rallies his troops personally leading formation as they plough into the smaller force. At this point the Knights of the Vale turn up, but in the chaos of the blizzard they slaughter as many of Jon's army as they do Ramsey's. Suddenly the blizzard stops, and a dragon's roar is heard. Bran and his pals are framed against the sun, and everyone looks up above the castle battlements... however, they then see that Sansa is standing atop the battlements screaming. She has her dress pulled up over her head, and where her clunge should be, she is as bald and flat as an action man. She has no fud. This explains why Ramsey kept bumming her. Everyone drops their weapons in astonishment, and the battle peters out of its own accord. Optimus Prime becomes king.




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Ma stupit pal's maw changed her password for her sky go that he drunkenly gave me one night. Won't be able to watch this at 2am, when does it become available on torrents?

I don't know why bad things happen to good people. Woe is me.

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Is it this one or episode ten that's meant to be a bit longer?


60 minutes tonight/tomorrow (which is one of the longest ever) and then SIXTY NINE minutes next week.


Oh my goodness.

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