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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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What about him being a Dragon? Not literally of course but in the sense that they refer to Dany as one and her Brother thought he was one, that handy immunity to fire that they never actually explain? Has there been any moments were Jon has burnt himself, been burnt, mentioned it in any way? One would assume he would have noticed it by now but the show seems to suggest that Dany was aware of the ability in her bloodline but not if she herself was one until her dragons were born

He got badly burnt when he defended Mormont from the wight in season 2.


Try again.

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I wasn't suggesting Rhaegar isn't the father, rather that we're all taking a leap assuming that he is. It's not been explicitly revealed or even implied in the show yet, even if it is the logical conclusion to draw from a series of clues.

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Why would Rhaegar Targaryen have the best swordsman in the world guard a pregnant Lyanna Stark if the child wasn't his? Also, why else on her death bed would she need to beg Ned, to protect the child from Robert Baratheon?

Edited by MONKMAN
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Why would Rhaegar Targaryen have the best swordsman in the world guard a pregnant Lyanna Stark if the child wasn't his? Also, why else on her death bed would she need to beg Ned, to protect the child from Robert Baratheon?


I agree - I'm just saying it hasn't actually been "revealed", as far as I'm aware.

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Book w****r alert.  Pretty sure he warged into wolf, part of a pack he controlled, and was last seen looking down a hill at someone. (Vague i know bit been a c!*ts age sine i read them).


Oh yeah, just wikid him. He warged into one of his wolves and sees the wildling woman he tried to warg into becoming a wight. Presumably he's lost in the wolf now.

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I think the point is that they didn't need to explicitly reveal him, because it was fairly obvious.


Obvious to those of us familiar with the theory, but for someone who's watched the show without reading other stuff online (of whom there must be a few) they might still be completely oblivious to the identity of the father.

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but for someone who's watched the show without reading other stuff online (of whom there must be a few) they might still be completely oblivious to the identity of the father.

If that's the case, they need to stick to colouring in books.

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Why would Rhaegar Targaryen have the best swordsman in the world guard a pregnant Lyanna Stark if the child wasn't his? Also, why else on her death bed would she need to beg Ned, to protect the child from Robert Baratheon?


True, but in that scenario both he and Lyanna would be similarly mistaken.


HBO have announced it with that family tree and they make the show. I'm sure they've done it just to clear it up as well.


Yeah, like I said, I'm pretty sure it's sorted and he'll be dragon-riding. I wouldn't base that on the family tree though (as I wouldn't put it past them just to do that to mess with us), but it makes sense plot-wise that Jon will be using a dragon to beast white walkers at some point. Unless that's Bran's job I guess.

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