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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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4 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

One of the downsides of the internet is it gives a platform to noisy minorities that know how to shout the loudest and once they start deciding something is bad and it becomes the trendy in thing to be complaining about, it all snowballs from there. The problem appears to be that a sizable chunk of the television audience simply can't cope with what appears to probably be GRRM's preferred bittersweet book ending because they have not been looking at the series any deeper than she's got a nice rack or that dragon's really cool and have completely missed that GRRM was aiming for an adult version of Tolkein with no clear-cut binary good vs evil thing going on.  Jon killing Danerys is going to  break the internet in proverbial terms if it happens. Fingers crossed it will, because the fallout should be absolutely hilarious.

Finish with a big musical number.

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This season has been a bit crap. My own personal theory is that the writers are pissed off that GRRM left them in the shit and are just getting it finished.

They had a hard task though as the main factors that made the show popular can't really be used in the final season. For me what made the show popular was that they were always introducing new characters, new locations and expanding the story which is obviously much easier than tying a story up (see also Lost and the fact that Martin can't even write the penultimate book never mind the final one). I also think the season has lost a lot by being almost completely shot inside the Winterfell and King's Landing sets with almost no rural location filming. The lack of antagonists this season was also a huge problem. The Night King walked into the Godswood and got killed by Jet-Arya and Cersei basically shagged Euron and stared out a window.

I think the success of the MCU has also influenced GoT. The big giveaway was the Westeros Avengers marching beyond the Wall last season full of banter last season and this season the King's Landing battle with falling masonry (but remarkably little smoke and fire) was straight out of a recent action movie. Arya sneaking about with Wights hunting her inside Winterfell seemed more like the director putting together a portfolio to apply for a big budget horror movie than something which belongs in GoT. The Hound vs the Mountain was the conclusive proof you aren't watching the same show any more, it was completely ridiculous.

Looking at the remaining characters we have Dany, Grey Worm, Jon, Arya, Tyrion and Davos in KL and Bran, Sansa, Brienne, Sam and Gendry in Winterfell. It's hard to see how they will wrap it up interestingly.

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On 5/15/2019 at 09:07, well fan for life said:

I've got absolutely no issue with her going tonto and burning the place to the ground as her heel turn to the mad queen was the always on the cards. My issue with this whole series is it just being really rushed. She'll have been the mad queen for about 20 minutes by the time next week comes around and she gets done in. 

She was certainly mad in the 'you mad bro?' sense of the term after Missandei was executed and hemorrhaging support to Jon but actual insanity really is not at work here. Danerys did exactly what Tywin Lannister or Stannis would have done - and the original, Targryens actually did - when assaulting a city with a f**k-off dragon at their disposal. None of those people were insane like the Mad King - they were however ruthless and willing to commit acts of massive cruelty in seeking power for themselves. 

A major plot arc has been Daenerys believing that her conquest would somehow be more cuddly and benevolent than all those before her; the episode just stressed how misplaced that idea was all along. 

Edited by vikingTON
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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Before the start of this season the Australian Red Cross complied a list of all the war crimes carried out.

Danaerys was at number 2.


Also lets took a look at some of her previous behaviour:

Season 1: Danaerys burns Mirri Maz Duur
Season 2: Danaerys burns the House of the Undying
Season 3: Danaerys burns much of Astapor
Season 4: Danaerys crucifies the Meeren masters
Season 5: Danaerys burns nobles
Season 6: Danaerys burns Vaes Dothrak
Season 7: Danaerys burns the Lannister wagon train and then the Tarleys

Season 8: Danaerys burns Varys

The decision to crucify the entire class of masters in Meereen as collective punishment is the most clear-cut act of genocide in the entire show. But as they were only leaders of a bad slave society people have glossed over that in their 'sudden and unlikely heel turn!' complaints, just because some plebs got crisped during the final battle. 

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An interesting theory I've heard is that Arya is actually dead and her riding away on that white horse was her "journey to the afterlife".  It was all very ethereal after all...


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31 minutes ago, Detournement said:

This season has been a bit crap. My own personal theory is that the writers are pissed off that GRRM left them in the shit and are just getting it finished.

They had a hard task though as the main factors that made the show popular can't really be used in the final season. For me what made the show popular was that they were always introducing new characters, new locations and expanding the story which is obviously much easier than tying a story up (see also Lost and the fact that Martin can't even write the penultimate book never mind the final one). I also think the season has lost a lot by being almost completely shot inside the Winterfell and King's Landing sets with almost no rural location filming. The lack of antagonists this season was also a huge problem. The Night King walked into the Godswood and got killed by Jet-Arya and Cersei basically shagged Euron and stared out a window....

So maybe they should have included Aegon/Young Griff and Jon Connington invading with the Golden Company and had them as the other contender in KL rather than Cersei, maybe they shouldn't have skipped over Quentyn Martell so the Dorne plot would have been stronger and maybe they shouldn't have merged Sansa's story with Jeyne Poole's so Littlefinger didn't inexplicably lose about 30 IQ points from one season to the next? Suspect if they had used more of GRRM's material the last two seasons could easily have been three or four and it all would have held up better.

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1 hour ago, Fide said:
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An interesting theory I've heard is that Arya is actually dead and her riding away on that white horse was her "journey to the afterlife".  It was all very ethereal after all...


Is she not in the trailer for the next episode?


Edited by LongTimeLurker
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5 minutes ago, Fide said:
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An interesting theory I've heard is that Arya is actually dead and her riding away on that white horse was her "journey to the afterlife".  It was all very ethereal after all...


I'd seen that and it did seem a bit dream like but


She's in the trailer for next week standing near the unsullied so pretty unlikely.


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An interesting theory I've heard is that Arya is actually dead and her riding away on that white horse was her "journey to the afterlife".  It was all very ethereal after all...


I thought that at the time too.

If you watch that bit back again its hard to see how she didn't die.
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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

The decision to crucify the entire class of masters in Meereen as collective punishment is the most clear-cut act of genocide in the entire show. But as they were only leaders of a bad slave society people have glossed over that in their 'sudden and unlikely heel turn!' complaints, just because some plebs got crisped during the final battle. 

Aye her 'heel turn' has been in place since season 1.

In Season 2 she threatens to destroy Qarth and burn everyone in it because one of the 13 was a dick to her. A massive overreaction that showed what she was capable of.

She threatened to execute every single Master in Astapor after Cleon took it back if they didn't bow to her demands.

When she chained up two of her dragons in Meereen it was a very thin allegory for trying to deny the true nature of things, and all but screamed at the viewer that she had been denying her true self. Letting them loose again might as well have had a subtitle saying that true nature cannot be denied.

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7 minutes ago, Fide said:
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An interesting theory I've heard is that Arya is actually dead and her riding away on that white horse was her "journey to the afterlife".  It was all very ethereal after all...


It's not really an interesting theory.

It's a daft theory that makes zero sense and doesn't fit in with the series (all of them, not just series 8) one bit.

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16 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

 Suspect if they had used more of GRRM's material the last two seasons could easily have been three or four and it all would have held up better.

The issue with that is that some actors and the production team don't want to keep making it.


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The issue with that is that some actors and the production team don't want to keep making it.

And, frankly, many people don’t want to carry on watching it. The problem is too much material, not not enough.
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Aye I like the books but they're so dense with so many side characters and subplots that don't necessarily go anywhere that there's way too much material for a faithful adaptation.

They could have done a far better job at adapting some of the stuff from the books (Dorne for example) but it would be hard to do so concisely. I reckon they would have needed at least nine full seasons of 10 episodes and as has been said it doesn't look like a lot of the cast and people behind the show would have been keen to do that.

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Supect GRRM got a bit jealous of the acclaim D&D were receiving and the liberties they were taking with his plot, and deliberately held back Winds of Winter, so they would have to prove they could convincingly fill in the gap between the end of his books and the ending he had told them. They clearly failed to keep the quality up. If the non-book-reading portion of the audience goes completely mental after the finale it will be interesting to see if Disney will still be so keen to have them doing the next Star Wars trilogy. If they were looking to ride their wave of adulation after GoT, they really haven't been paying attention.

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59 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

They should defo redo this series and give every single viewer their own personal prefered ending.


Bandersnatch meets Game of Thrones?

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