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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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When some fandan posts something looking for attention/sympathy (female) and all her friends reply 'Thinking of you' or even worse '(((hugs)))'. If you're that good a friend or that worried, pick up the frigging phone and give her a call.

Loads of girls on my page do that as well. It gets on my tits. Like you said if your so concerned about yopur friend just phone them

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A guy on my facebook posted this morning to inform all his friends his dad had died during the night. It's obviously a sad time for him but I just don't see why he had to post about it as soon as it happened. It's a bit of a personal thing and the last thing on my mind would be "oh better go put this on facebook".

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There's been a sudden craze this season (among a few Morton fans anyway) of creating a facebook event for every game we have. Now, considering that I've been going to games for as long as I can remember and I'm not a moron, I don't need a facebook event to remind me that a game kicks off at 3pm on a Saturday, or that the location of this game will be a football stadium. I also have a season ticket and can walk up to the gate and pay at away games, so I don't need some mind cripple on the internet to invite me to it; I'll go if I want to you tossers.

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There's a guy on my friends list who puts love hearts at end of every status. He also puts 'lol' in just about every status aswell. It's cringe worthy.

There's been a sudden craze this season (among a few Morton fans anyway) of creating a facebook event for every game we have. Now, considering that I've been going to games for as long as I can remember and I'm not a moron, I don't need a facebook event to remind me that a game kicks off at 3pm on a Saturday, or that the location of this game will be a football stadium. I also have a season ticket and can walk up to the gate and pay at away games, so I don't need some mind cripple on the internet to invite me to it; I'll go if I want to you tossers.

I've noticed that with lots of Ayr games. As if it wasn't bad enough, the guy who created the one for Ayr v Hamilton got the home/away teams the wrong way round.

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There's a guy on my friends list who puts love hearts at end of every status. He also puts 'lol' in just about every status aswell.

FFS, get that nancy boy deleted!

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Think it's already been mnetioned, but these "Scotland where..." groups are fucking horrendous.

As with all of those groups, the first couple were funny. Then, as per usual, the fannies started taking it too far and they quickly became shit and boring.

The arse has been well and truly kicked out of the <doing something> because your (sic) a <something> b*****d groups too, yet people still persist with them. They aren't funny, and it annoys me that people continue to 'like' this pish so that it can clog up my newsfeed.

It's a sad indictment of my current life that I continue to use Facebook quite a lot. about 80% of it is a pile of uninteresting shite, and I am begining to wonder why I bother. The pointless likes are a particular bugbear with me just now, maybe Google+ does have something to offer after all...

I think the only think the only thing preventing me from deleting it are my tagged pictures and the chat function being quite useful.

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My chat is a heap of shite. Good people from Pie and Bovril talk to me and I can't even reply, it makes me feel rude and nasty. I don't want to feel that way. sad.gif

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Someone who I've always thought to be sound just posted the following status:

If you cross the N. Korean border illegally, you get 12 yrs hard labour. If you cross the Afghanistan border illegally, you get shot. If you cross the U.K. border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing & child benefits, education, & tax free business for 7 yrs. No wonder we are a country in debt. Re-post if you agree with this piss take

As I'm just in from the pub and could not give a f**k what anyone thinks at this moment in time, I responded with factuallyincorrectrants@dailymail.com. I look forward to tomorrow's notifications.

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