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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Some absolute spanner shared this on my facebook from a guy called Kevin Mcgranaghan:

Rite pepo this dirty b*****d messages this to my niece who is 7 who obv wrote back yes not realising how bad it actually is so ad watch out for um and if anybody knows who it is plaza


Seems legit.

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This guy is doing my nut in, it's from an Old Falkirk in Pictures page and someone just quizzed him about who actually owns the pictures he's been posting:

Mark Newman aw the pics av posted here were from a Google image search, I have not visited individual sites, photography or otherwise to steal any. I simply type things into a search engine and the pics appear, I then right click on the pic to see if i have been given the option to save image. A lot of images wont save due to being copyrighted or will have a watermark, I continue searching till i find something i can save or for pics withoot watermarks. The vast majority of pics posted here are from the 60's back and more often than not come from other social networking sites, historical sites and newspaper archives found through Google searches. Google are the ones takin it withoot asking if anything no me. A think am quite blameless, am pic sharin wi pics any tam, dick or harry wi a keyboard can obtain and as ive said before i have never claimed ownership of any, hence when you asked if they were mine a said...naw. Fair doos a kin see whit yer sayin te a point but were dealin wi auld pics of an auld toon, a canny see auld Tam Johnstone that took the pic of the corner of Callendar riggs in 1949 is too fussed whit the hell happened to it, he's to busy bein 94. If it wis te turn oot that copyright law hud been breached through me posting a pic obtained through Google on here then whits the worst thats gonny happen...al get telt te remove it and a will, simples! Court shmourt, who the hell's gonny take me te court for firin an auld pic of aitkens chimney comin doon, huv a word wi yersel. Ye ken av never been on Facebook fur mair than ten mins at a time fi a joined years ago cause a thot it wis aw jist folk talkin shite, arguin or threatnin and lettin the world ken whit ther dain when ther dain it! Then this page comes to ma notice a week or so ago and av got te say its been a fine way to pass the time and reminisce, but theres always wan who shoves ther opinion in the dish's of folk who didny ask fur it and before ye ken it there fifty posts of shit and the original topics lost. This is the reason a hate these sites and the reason al be takin a back seat fi noo oan.....

I hope he does take a f'kin back seat cause trying to decipher his brand of pish hurts my head although I do like his suggestion that 'Google' are the ones breaching copyright and not him :1eye

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Rite pepo this dirty b*****d messages this to my niece who is 7 who obv wrote back yes not realising how bad it actually is so ad watch out for um and if anybody knows who it is plaza

I was following that all the way to the end. How the hell do you "plaza" ?

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Are these people actually putting these vids together or is fb automatically putting your pics together and throwing them onto your friends newsfeeds?

fb puts it together , you chose to put it on your feed

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Viewed mine privately and it made me look like a right weirdo. It was awash with pictures of my ex-bird, abandoned washing machines and "hilarious" graffiti on the back of vans.

I was wondering if you could view it first, I'm in some questionable groups and would be quite scared what FB might produce.

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