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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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The boy is clearly trying to dress his job up as being glamorous because he flies to all these different locations when in actual fact he spends the majority of his time squeezed into a metal tube dealing with pissed up and irritating passengers or sitting about airports seeing hee haw of the country he's landed in.

I doubt he leaves the airport

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The boy is clearly trying to dress his job up as being glamorous because he flies to all these different locations when in actual fact he spends the majority of his time squeezed into a metal tube dealing with pissed up and irritating passengers or sitting about airports seeing hee haw of the country he's landed in.

He's always been a bit like this. Last time I saw him he told me he was saving up to live in America. That's why he's a flight attendant over a year later. Aye, right you are, mate.

Complete nugget of a boy. He also claimed to be a Jambo but didn't know what games they were playing, what the scores were, etc etc. Fucking clueless. And as previously mentioned, he never drank pints and had a sesh with the boys - just drank poofy koppabergs.

He seems to have caused a bit of a stir here so I'll give you all an update of his latest ramblings in the near future.

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Govanhill in Glasgow, a large breading ground for illegal immigrants poisioning our communities and putting even more strain on our wonderfull nations resources. This photo was taken by myself on Friday afternoon in broad daylight where I counted 12 individuals of various ages climbing out the back of a truck from Bucharest, Romania. No one, except myself batted an eyelid, are we that scared in our own country ? Or is it the case that people HAVE to be scared to speak out because we are fast becoming the minority in our own country. The generations before us fought and died to make this nation and its people free, and they would be turning in their grave if they seen the revolving door; turn a blind eye to it policy the government seem to have adopted on all immigrants, illegal or not. Britain first are the only group willing to stand up for the belifes of the working class people, the class of people who have no real platform to air their views. I support you Britain First, No Surrender; ever.

Please share this to help show the rest of the world what's going going on In Britain.

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Could possibly be a furniture removal company?

Or would that be jumping to conclusions? Either way I'm suspicious because they look foreign.

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nothing worse than when you see a bunch of terrorist getting unloaded out the back of a van and it is pouring with rain. you cant help but feel sorry for them tbh...

If only they could force their weather on us like they do with their beliefs and culture.

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If only they could force their weather on us like they do with their beliefs and culture.

Nobody should have to travel half way round the world -in the back of a dark sweat filled van wit- with murderous tent and be met with terrible weather when they arrive

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The positivity challenge.

If anyone nominates me for this, I will gouge their eyeballs out with a rusty spoon.

And then probably post it as the first thing I'm happy about.

Whenever I hear the words "rusty spoon" I automatically flashback to the first time I was unfortunate enough to watch the "Spoons" episode of Salad fingers. Genuinely the creepiest thing you'll see

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