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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Some bint is complaining that someone wrote a note and put it under the wiper blade on her car not once, but twice because she parked over 2 spaces in a car park. Instead of berating her, her sycophant friends are hitting out with gems like "you should contact the police and have the person charged with touching private property". Or, just don't park like a fanny.

Pre-Facebook days, I recall a wumman bitching on an online forum after receiving just such a note. She actually called the polis and demanded this be treated as "an act of domestic terrorism". This wasn't long after 9/11 and terrorism was on the minds of a lot of people back then. However, the lads in blue, no doubt struggling to keep their faces straight, advised her that this was no such thing and all that was required was for her to learn how to park properly. On the verge of tears, she then hit them with the only weapon left in her arsenal. "But I have my child with me."

Astonishingly, they still didn't take her side. No wonder she was outraged.

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There is a very amusing page on FB, called First Buses that posts "customer complaints", usually because of obscene things happening on the buses.

Anyway, they've put a video up of them burning a poppy badge, basically because they believe the poppy is used these days by extremist right wing scumbags for hating Muslims and such. The seethe this post has created is nothing short of glorious. Rangers fans everywhere foaming at the mouth screaming "SCUM." You have to love the irony.

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There is a very amusing page on FB, called First Buses that posts "customer complaints", usually because of obscene things happening on the buses.

Anyway, they've put a video up of them burning a poppy badge, basically because they believe the poppy is used these days by extremist right wing scumbags for hating Muslims and such. The seethe this post has created is nothing short of glorious. Rangers fans everywhere foaming at the mouth screaming "SCUM." You have to love the irony.

I believe the boy that runs it is a Rangers fan as well :lol:

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Aye, I saw one last week or so along the lines of pensioner bowling, where the driver slams on his breaks while they're walking down the bus to see how far they'd fly. A few pictures of bruised old blokes and the full time mummy brigade were out in force at how "cruel" and "discustin" it was to treat oldies like that. Loved it.

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"2 years ago tomorrow this cord was cut but the bond could never be separated. My beautiful baby is going to be 2 :/ where's the time gone? I'll have a 3 year old and a 2 year old and I've loved every second of it!!! :D

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Some woman has taken up issue with the fact she has been reported for posting this. Of course we have all the mummies coming in and saying "disgraceful, this is a beautiful picture xx" and "breastfeeding is a wonderful thing, gd on you xxx".

Wtf is wrong with people? Shit like this has no place on Facebook.


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Little Baby Jesus Mother of God...that dickhead Morton supporter Ryan O'Donnell who keeps appearing on my newsfeed due to some friends of mine liking his shit has reappeared as Return Of The King Ya b*****ds. He claims to be a 'comedian'.

I defy anyone to go onto his page and watch any of his videos without immediately going down to your local shady pub with dubious Northern Irish connections and enquiring about the going rate for a hitman.


What a fucking banger!
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^^^ This has appeared on mine too. The seetheometer is approaching critical in the comments section, with other facebook mums "showing support" for the original poster by also posting pics of themselves breastfeeding :lol:

Indeed, with some even adjusting their baby's hand so that it's giving a middle finger and a "big f**k you to all the haters!!!"

Absolutely fucking tragic.

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Some out of touch idiot has just posted the Bill Cosby I'm 83 and I'm tired rant that was doing the rounds ages ago, upon trying to find out how old this status was i googled him to see how old he was now expecting maybe he's 85 but in fact he's only 77. After the quote from Cosby who ever came up with the FB status added the infuriating after thought of "If you don't forward this then you are part of the problem"

It's weird how almost every quote or story shared on facebook is an urban myth. You'd think some of it would need to be real.

Agree with timehop too - it is mainly reminding me not giving a f**k the first time around.

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