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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I de-activated my FB as certain folk were getting on my nerves. Think all of the sanctimonious shite about the two minutes silence on 11/11 was the final straw.

Don't miss it one bit.

How will the world know which car you're driving this winter? I demand to know! :P

I bet NO guy has the guts to write a girl a paragraph in her inbox. Girls put this as your status and see who the nicest guy you have on your Facebook that can actually write a paragraph that will stun youuu !!

Some daft cow just wrote this on Facebook.

Send her a sweet message to her inbox and cheer her up!

Something like 'Get yer rat oot ya manky strumpet' should do.

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and this misses all the woe is me / men are dicks / should i give in to him posts!!


ps i promised this would happen a few pages back!!

She's just pissed off cos she got the red, yellow and blue sets. If she had Mayfair and Park Lane you wouldn't hear a fucking peep! :angry:

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Obviously all X Factor related posts are tedious as f**k, but I really admire this stupidity:

So bored of craig off x factor now, all he does is stand and sing, booooorin

Why the f**k are you watch a fucking singing competition if you don't want to just watch people sing? Also, yes it is boring, so stop posting a minimum of five updates about it every week. Christ almighty.

Also a different girl earlier had the usual generic shite:

Reading something than instantly pisses you off and Makes yu realise someone is a lying c**t

Then of course when someone asks 'aw what's up babe xx' she says it doesn't matter. Don't post it then you pathetic excuse for human being.

Edited by Dunning1874
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It's statuses like this that make me think it wouldn't be such a bad thing if the entire human race was extinguished by big fucking comet-induced fireball:

OILFIELD MEN are: not afraid to get dirty, rough around the edges, cocky, head strong, intense, hard working, competitive, driven, passionate, strong, out spoken, sometimes harsh but honest men. Most came from a modest childhood and are determined to give us more than what they had. GUARANTEED: they miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, good/bad days, and unplanned emergencies year after year..................They do not have the pleasure of kissing their children goodnight or sleeping with their woman every night or even telling loved ones goodbye in their dying hour. An oilfield man willingly goes to a "Oil Rig in the middle of no where" for weeks at a time where he MUST go to work everyday because there are NO sickdays or playing hookie, he eats at a scheduled time or not at all, and works all day in dangerous/unsuitable weather from hurricanes to sandstorms to snowstorms only because the job must be done. Why would anyone do this? Because an oilfield man is SELFLESS! Facing the long hard hours KNOWING that he will be; uncomfortable, strained, pushed to his limit, and tired. They are often degraded by their superiors who yell, scream, and cuss at them more and more as the weeks go by and the testosterone rises. He has to bite his tongue and swallow his pride recalling that the pictures inside his hard hat are the only reasons he has to not quit. Over half of his time is dedicated to his rig while his heart is always at home. An oilfield man endures the days in an about an 8x8 room counting down the days until he has a cold beer in hand with his family by his side. Why? BECAUSE AN OILFIELD MAN PUTS THOSE HE LOVES BEFORE HIMSELF. It's not only true love, but a selfless love and genuine concern for their family's future. He sacrifices his life for his family...

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It's statuses like this that make me think it wouldn't be such a bad thing if the entire human race was extinguished by big fucking comet-induced fireball:

OILFIELD MEN are: not afraid to get dirty, rough around the edges, cocky, head strong, intense, hard working, competitive, driven, passionate, strong, out spoken, sometimes harsh but honest men. Most came from a modest childhood and are determined to give us more than what they had. GUARANTEED: they miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, good/bad days, and unplanned emergencies year after year..................They do not have the pleasure of kissing their children goodnight or sleeping with their woman every night or even telling loved ones goodbye in their dying hour. An oilfield man willingly goes to a "Oil Rig in the middle of no where" for weeks at a time where he MUST go to work everyday because there are NO sickdays or playing hookie, he eats at a scheduled time or not at all, and works all day in dangerous/unsuitable weather from hurricanes to sandstorms to snowstorms only because the job must be done. Why would anyone do this? Because an oilfield man is SELFLESS! Facing the long hard hours KNOWING that he will be; uncomfortable, strained, pushed to his limit, and tired. They are often degraded by their superiors who yell, scream, and cuss at them more and more as the weeks go by and the testosterone rises. He has to bite his tongue and swallow his pride recalling that the pictures inside his hard hat are the only reasons he has to not quit. Over half of his time is dedicated to his rig while his heart is always at home. An oilfield man endures the days in an about an 8x8 room counting down the days until he has a cold beer in hand with his family by his side. Why? BECAUSE AN OILFIELD MAN PUTS THOSE HE LOVES BEFORE HIMSELF. It's not only true love, but a selfless love and genuine concern for their family's future. He sacrifices his life for his family...

So, it's nothing to do with the f**k off wage he gets every month?

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Someone on my friend list has just asked, and i quote - "anyone no when its ment to snow this year? just so i can plan ahead!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Respond with 'you've not heard? It's coming tonight! We've been out and bought all the salt and bread from Asda. Have you got a 24 hour Tesco near you?', etc., stir a bit of panic buying.

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Someone on my friend list has just asked, and i quote - "anyone no when its ment to snow this year? just so i can plan ahead!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

He needs to know when he can dispose of that body he has decomposing in his garden. The snow is the best covering you can get as the tracks all disappear! :D

Seems like a wise move...

In reality though, I'd like to know as I want to sit my driving test before the ice and snow get here!

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