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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Checking in at a hospital - :huh:

An ex-work colleague of mine often checks into St Johns in Livingston with one of her kids ... she never says why she's there cause she's desperate for someone to ask about it or to say that they hope all is ok

I'm convinced it's a form of Munchausens by Proxy.

Quite often she follows it up with a bizarre unrelated post that totally belittles the concern she was apparently showing just a short time before ... I'd delete her but she's absolute quality entertainment ... and a total ride !!

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I was just about to come back and say that someone's going to die because of this nonsense when my mate links me the worst one i've seen yet. Some guy sitting naked on a toilet, shits in a protein shaker, adds chocolate milk and beers, gives it a shake and yeah you know what's coming - guy starts drinking it. Beyond vile. He doesn't finish it though, claiming "the rest is just lumps." What does he do? Pours the rest on himself. What an absolute c**t.

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I honestly can't wait. I've got work most nights for the next while but I'll just phone in sick. It'll be worth it.

A 33 year old going to a 18th birthday is a bit beasty but I don't care in this instance. I'm imagining that it'll be like that Skins advert.

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I was just about to come back and say that someone's going to die because of this nonsense when my mate links me the worst one i've seen yet. Some guy sitting naked on a toilet, shits in a protein shaker, adds chocolate milk and beers, gives it a shake and yeah you know what's coming - guy starts drinking it. Beyond vile. He doesn't finish it though, claiming "the rest is just lumps." What does he do? Pours the rest on himself. What an absolute c**t.

I really wish I could believe that isn't real but sadly I'm sure it is.

Possibly a new low for the human race when someone eats their own excrement for facebook likes.

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