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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Just had to unfriend a guy who kept sharing posts from 'Britain First' page. It's the worst thing I've ever seen, basically just a collection of massive racists hating on all types of religion that aren't Christianity (mainly Muslim though). Really quite saddening to see there's still a lot of people like that tbh.

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I enjoyed the immediate switch from Peaches Geldof being tragic crusading mother to being a junkie skag whore bitch.

I mean, in reality, she's somewhere in the middle like the rest of us, but whatever.

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There's been a few pretty nasty incidents concerning animals in Kirkcaldy this week. Someone tied a dog to a tree and set it on fire, and a cat was shot with an air rifle. Naturally, both the dog and cat are dead.

These are both nasty incidents and unsurprisingly people have commented on it. Once again, people saying things like 'OMG sick b*****ds!!! I'll fucking set those evil c***s on fire if I catch them!!! SCUM!!!!!!'

The irony here is unbelievable. Yes, anyone who ties a dog to a tree and sets it on fire is pondlife, but it never fails to amuse me that people seem to want to become the very thing they are professing to hate - the only difference being they are advocating violence/murder against humans rather than animals.


Maybe, because of the internet, I'm just immune these days to all the terrible things that happen in the world however mock outrage and grief really get on my wick.

Man sets dog on fire - obviously a total, total scumbag.

But it kind of goes without saying, surely?

I'll never know why people immediately take to Facebook to let everyone know how SHOCKED they are.

Person who sets dog on fire is scum.

Aye, nae shit pal, in other news the sky is blue.

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I've seen more people commenting with this viewpoint against the 'set them on fire too' comments rather than those comments themselves. While I obviously don't think the people who carry out such horrific acts should literally be set on fire/shot or whatever, I don't think it's anything like the same thing to react in this way against them.

Inflicting pain and suffering on an animal or person for nothing other than your own amusement is surely completely different to wishing this inflicted upon someone as punishment for their evil actions. As I said, it shouldn't be taken literally but I don't have a problem with this kind of reaction.

If someone set my cat on fire I'd like to think I'd probably give him a thorough kicking but would draw the line at fiery vengeance..

I wouldn't.

I'd genuinely do terrible things to the person responsible for hurting a pet of mine in such a manner, probably leaving him/her in terrible agony for an indefinate amount of time before allowing them to suffer the same fate as they had inflicted upon my pet.

Whether it's right or wrong is of no consequence, I simply don't care, they would suffer immensely.

Edited by Vanquinho.
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Guy insults people taking part in Glasgow's 'race for life'.

A pack of angry, moronic woman managed to find out where the lad works - a small shop in Silverburn. Only it turns out he doesn't and didn't actually work there. The owner of the small independent shop is now desperately trying to appease the hysterical female cretins and trying to ensure they don't boycott/trash the place.

Facebook at its best.

Edited by Hammer Jag
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Guy insults people taking part in Glasgow's 'race for life'.

A pack of angry, moronic woman managed to find out where the lad works - a small shop in Silverburn. Only it turns out he doesn't and didn't actually work there. The owner of the small independent shop is now desperately trying to appease the hysterical female cretins and trying to ensure they don't boycott/trash the place.

Facebook at its best.


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Guy insults people taking part in Glasgow's 'race for life'.

A pack of angry, moronic woman managed to find out where the lad works - a small shop in Silverburn. Only it turns out he doesn't and didn't actually work there. The owner of the small independent shop is now desperately trying to appease the hysterical female cretins and trying to ensure they don't boycott/trash the place.

Facebook at its best.

He claims to be assistant manager at Modelzone !!

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... and he's a fan of wrestling and 'Rangers' :1eye

i fukin hate Dunfermline what a fukin pile of shite they r. fukin playin east fife at home and they get beat complete useless b*****ds theres goes me winnin 125 quid the day coz they cant beat a team fighting relegation at home. complete c***s

havin wee sash bash in ma gaff wae Thomas Allan f**k the pope n the ira

So I have been workin in retail for nearly 10 years now. i have 3 years experience as a supervisor and am now currently an assistant manager but according to Lidl i don´t have enough experience for a store assistant job AYE SURE NAE BOTHER LIDL FUKIN JOKE

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i fukin hate Dunfermline what a fukin pile of shite they r. fukin playin east fife at home and they get beat complete useless b*****ds theres goes me winnin 125 quid the day coz they cant beat a team fighting relegation at home. complete c***s

havin wee sash bash in ma gaff wae Thomas Allan f**k the pope n the ira

So I have been workin in retail for nearly 10 years now. i have 3 years experience as a supervisor and am now currently an assistant manager but according to Lidl i don´t have enough experience for a store assistant job AYE SURE NAE BOTHER LIDL FUKIN JOKE

You know your life's in the shitter when you're knocked back from Lidl.

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You know your life's in the shitter when you're knocked back from Lidl.

Lidl apparently have an excellent trainee manager programme, one of the best.

They clearlyhave a good filtering policy as well.

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Lidl apparently have an excellent trainee manager programme, one of the best.

They clearlyhave a good filtering policy as well.

Yeah it was a cheap gag and not one I'm proud of.

The impression I get with Lidl is that they seem to pay pretty well but you'll be doing every hour God sends and pretty much running the store on your own - or with a solitary punter to man the till.

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