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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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People adding stuff in the middle of their name on Facebook, for example the 2 I've seen today:

"*1st name* ispaddysprincess *2ndname"

"1st name mummytoanangel 2nd name"

What the f**k is wrong with people

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So I'm taking part in a volunteering project in July and the private facebook group for it just got set up. I had a nosey to see which of the others I knew were taking part....

Anyway, not something that's been "written on facebook" per se but there was a lad in the group that's profile picture was a close up shot of him full on winching a burd. Like he was literally tongue deep in her month in his profile picture.

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

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