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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I trust that guy that replied to your status about the Southmead shops apparently being on fire during the riots was one of them?

Shit, no. I missed him out. I might post that up here actually. There was debate here over whether or not he should be pitied for his stupidity, despised for his comments or ridiculed for his, well, stupidity again.

Edit: ah, bollocks, some of his more offensive posts have been removed. Basically, to anyone wondering what it was about, I posted a link up to the Avon and Somerset Police photo page that was asking if anyone could recognise the wee fannies rioting in Bristol. A guy I know replied with "oh they're all niggers, what a surprise". Apparently, there's no crime in "white" areas, only in "black areas". Oh, and "mixed race" and "black" people are the same thing. And all drugs were British until "are ethnick friends" started bringing them in from "abroud", and that's when all the crime started.

Edited by Mrs M
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"WHATEVER you give to a WOMAN, she will MAKE it GREATER. Give her SPERM, she will give you a BABY. Give her a HOUSE, she will give you a HOME. Give her GROCERIES, she will give you a MEAL. Give her LOVE, and she will give you her HEART! She MULTIPLIES and ENLARGES what she is GIVEN. So, if you GIVE her CRAP, be PREPARED to RECEIVE a ton of S - - T! I hope to see every woman on my friends list re post this! (only to those who are brave enough ;)"

Yep, you're gone too, pet.

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Shit, no. I missed him out. I might post that up here actually. There was debate here over whether or not he should be pitied for his stupidity, despised for his comments or ridiculed for his, well, stupidity again.

Edit: ah, bollocks, some of his more offensive posts have been removed. Basically, to anyone wondering what it was about, I posted a link up to the Avon and Somerset Police photo page that was asking if anyone could recognise the wee fannies rioting in Bristol. A guy I know replied with "oh they're all niggers, what a surprise". Apparently, there's no crime in "white" areas, only in "black areas". Oh, and "mixed race" and "black" people are the same thing. And all drugs were British until "are ethnick friends" started bringing them in from "abroud", and that's when all the crime started.

...and it turned out no trouble was started.

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"Breakfast in bed and a pot of tea. I have the best boyfriend. Thank you hunnypie ♥"


I only leave her on it as I went to primary school with her and she's a bit of a moron so can sometimes be funny... but someone made you some tea, whoopy fucking do! <_<

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My gran died on Friday and within 30 minutes, my sister had posted about it on facebook and this is how my wife got the news.

She phoned me in was in a blind panic as because i hadn't got in touch with her yet, it meant t that i didn't know and would find out via facebook. (I found out by text just before the post)

Since then there have been further posts thanking people for flowers and about having to buy a funeral outfit. Just attention seeking pish.

I'm half expecting her to check in at the crematorium on Thursday.

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