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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Guest Moomintroll
Not something annoying on Facebook, but I have only just noticed that Mellanius' avatar moves. 
I won't sleep tonight, now. 
Still no idea, and cannot be arsed finding out, how Mozza performs such witchcraft. I very rarely log in on via a laptop but it always tickles me when I see such an avatar.
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Christmas is upon us
Shops with festive cheer
Merry Christmas everybody
From Santa I hear.
Shame on us forgetting
The hungry, sad and ill
While we celebrate there's those
With empty mouths to fill.
There's suffering aplenty
In other countries too
Ebola still gives doctors
Far too much to do.
Children with no parents
Husbands with no wives
Too many dying
In this viral strife.
Yes Christmas is coming
Travelling at full speed
Leaving behind
All those most in need.
Share your thoughts and time with them
Help them all you can
Give them all some festive cheer
Woman child or man.
For who will know it could be us
That walks that self same road
Praying for someone's help
To lighten up the load.
Merry merry Christmas
Happy new year
Bring to everyone and all
A lot of Christmas cheer.
Written by Lorna Johnston.

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On 06/12/2018 at 17:02, Shotgun said:

I got laid off in February and now work for a competitor of my old company. Just got a Facebook message from a not-particularly-close colleague at the old place asking if I can contact him so "He can draw on my expertise to help solve a problem that no-one here can figure out."

Aye, I'll just stop work to help out my old company because they place such a high stock in my "expertise" that they laid me off after 16 years.

Why yes, I am still bitter. 

I used to work for a company that built air compressors, and out of the blue we had a German engineer join the design team who had came from one of our competitors. Everyone was saying how good this guy was, and all the knowledge he was bringing over with him was going to be great for the company. About 3 weeks after he started he didn’t appear on a Monday morning and most people assumed he was off sick. When he didn’t appear for the rest of the week and no one could get a hold of him alarm bells started to ring amongst the bosses. The guy had went back to Germany, back to his previous company, but had taken all the drawings with him as well as scale model rotors which were an absolute fortune. I thought it was quite funny. 

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12 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

I used to work for a company that built air compressors, and out of the blue we had a German engineer join the design team who had came from one of our competitors. Everyone was saying how good this guy was, and all the knowledge he was bringing over with him was going to be great for the company. About 3 weeks after he started he didn’t appear on a Monday morning and most people assumed he was off sick. When he didn’t appear for the rest of the week and no one could get a hold of him alarm bells started to ring amongst the bosses. The guy had went back to Germany, back to his previous company, but had taken all the drawings with him as well as scale model rotors which were an absolute fortune. I thought it was quite funny. 

Nowt to do in Facebook, but a guy joined our company a while back and then phoned in sick with the old "My wife has had a miscarriage" excuse. Turned out he had 2 jobs and was taking them week about and getting a double salary. 

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I got laid off in February and now work for a competitor of my old company. Just got a Facebook message from a not-particularly-close colleague at the old place asking if I can contact him so "He can draw on my expertise to help solve a problem that no-one here can figure out."
Aye, I'll just stop work to help out my old company because they place such a high stock in my "expertise" that they laid me off after 16 years.
Why yes, I am still bitter. 

I used to work for a large bank that experienced a catastrophic IT failure around 2012 and I know when that happened former staff who had left, retired or been laid off were contacted and offered large payments to come in and work on the problem. Someone has since told me that some of them demanded, and received, £10,000+ for a weekends work.

Just a thought.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

I used to work for a large bank that experienced a catastrophic IT failure around 2012 and I know when that happened former staff who had left, retired or been laid off were contacted and offered large payments to come in and work on the problem. Someone has since told me that some of them demanded, and received, £10,000+ for a weekends work.

Just a thought.


Thanks but I'm nowhere near that valuable. It probably took me longer to type my post on P&B than it would've done to tell them the answer to the problem - I knew what they needed before I'd finished reading the question. But, that just wasn't a precedent I was willing to set. It would simply have led to future requests for assistance being sent my way and if it came out I was assisting a competitor like that; I'd almost certainly be fired from my new job. Or at the very least; lose a lot of trust. Not something I'm willing to do even if I 'did' want to help them out.

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