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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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2 hours ago, Shotgun said:


I think I just hurt my eyes from rolling them so hard.

Another entry to add to my list of “reasons I left Facebook”.

1. It made me judgemental of people I care about. 
2. Like listening to Radio 2, it’s something only old people do. 
3. I already know how and why to wear a face mask. 
4. I have no say or influence whatsoever on whether Donald Trump is re-elected. 
5. To show my teenage children that it was an option. 
6. Because Jesus will kill you if you don’t repost his message

Even the couple in the photo look like they’re pissing themselves laughing at how ridiculous it is.

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24 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

You were already judgemental, it just gave you more opportunity. The solution isn't to leave Facebook, it's to be more accepting of others.

Normally when spending time with friends or family, you get to see evidence of both the supportive and destructive aspects of their personalities. You get to understand and appreciate their ups and downs, strengths and vulnerabilities and accept them as a normal human with a healthy emotional diversity in their life. 
On social media, people either seem to be promoting their “perfect lifestyle” or railing against whatever the media has told them to be outraged about today.
Whichever polarised view they are presenting is a pretence to compete in a competition for likes, retweets or whatever feedback is rewarded on that platform.  
It is for being complicit in that artificial competition that I judge them. I quite like most of them in real life.

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4 hours ago, Funky Nosejob said:

Normally when spending time with friends or family, you get to see evidence of both the supportive and destructive aspects of their personalities. You get to understand and appreciate their ups and downs, strengths and vulnerabilities and accept them as a normal human with a healthy emotional diversity in their life. 
On social media, people either seem to be promoting their “perfect lifestyle” or railing against whatever the media has told them to be outraged about today.
Whichever polarised view they are presenting is a pretence to compete in a competition for likes, retweets or whatever feedback is rewarded on that platform.  
It is for being complicit in that artificial competition that I judge them. I quite like most of them in real life.

It’s social conditioning I’m pretty sure you could make people like or hate anything and one of the reasons trump managed to win and millions believe the pandemic is a hoax or a conspiracy. People either take one extreme view or dumb down in order to be accepted for likes and the dopamine hit. I’ve seen really nice and intelligent people reduced to addicts to this shite, the scary thing is they don’t even realise how addicted they are. I don’t know how bad it needs to get before governments realise this is as bad as drugs, alcohol or gambling. It’s totally unregulated though and is a Wild West in terms of regulation. I don’t think that anyone can have a positive non mentally harming experience from it. You either switch off or turn into a weirdo. At least that’s how I see these perfect people online, it’s weird as f**k. Like stepford wives or something.

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5 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

 I don’t know how bad it needs to get before governments realise this is as bad as drugs, alcohol or gambling. It’s totally unregulated though and is a Wild West in terms of regulation.

I might be going a bit Black Mirror here, but I can see an end-game whereby the inevitable monetisation of a market based on followers and likes/retweets causes an unsustainable pyramid scheme and the whole thing collapses in on itself.


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I don’t think that anyone can have a positive non mentally harming experience from it. You either switch off or turn into a weirdo.

I think that opinion says more about the company you keep online than it does social media.

There are plenty of normal people online who have positive experiences with social media. It's incredibly rare I encounter someone whom I think is posting just for likes. It's a great tool for me to keep in touch with people I know all around the world.

In general it keeps people up to date with the things they're interested in, be it archaeology, economics, sport or origami. For example, a lot of the mainstays of my culinary repertoire I discovered through social media. If you're getting people ranting and showing off then follow some different folk for f**k's sake.
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I think that opinion says more about the company you keep online than it does social media.

There are plenty of normal people online who have positive experiences with social media. It's incredibly rare I encounter someone whom I think is posting just for likes. It's a great tool for me to keep in touch with people I know all around the world.

In general it keeps people up to date with the things they're interested in, be it archaeology, economics, sport or origami. For example, a lot of the mainstays of my culinary repertoire I discovered through social media. If you're getting people ranting and showing off then follow some different folk for f**k's sake.
You don't understand, its not the people its the underlying algorithms and design that's nefarious. Its very design makes people conform to be dumbed down or argumentative.
I get that its good for keeping in touch with people but all the stats indicate that its a very negative influence on people. Young people especially. Suicide, mental illness, eating disorders.
Perhaps they should stop whining as well and get better company?
I'd argue that 90% of their problems comes from using this shite daily and being addicted to it.
Good for you that you learned to cook on it but as I said its very design is borderline illegal and at best immoral.
The tide will hopefully turn one day as said and parents will see the effect its having on kids.



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You don't understand, its not the people its the underlying algorithms and design that's nefarious. Its very design makes people conform to be dumbed down or argumentative.
I get that its good for keeping in touch with people but all the stats indicate that its a very negative influence on people. Young people especially. Suicide, mental illness, eating disorders.
Perhaps they should stop whining as well and get better company?
I'd argue that 90% of their problems comes from using this shite daily and being addicted to it.
Good for you that you learned to cook on it but as I said its very design is borderline illegal and at best immoral.
The tide will hopefully turn one day as said and parents will see the effect its having on kids.



You've either not understood my argument or decided to ignore it.

You said nobody can be a normal person on social media. I simply said that wasn't true and your reply does nothing to counter that. Plenty people use social media in a perfectly healthy way.

You are not a child, you're not a teenager, you're an adult so you can absolutely choose the company you keep online and take some personal responsibility rather than blaming it on a nebulous algorithm.
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45 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

You don't understand, its not the people its the underlying algorithms and design that's nefarious. Its very design makes people conform to be dumbed down or argumentative.
I get that its good for keeping in touch with people but all the stats indicate that its a very negative influence on people. Young people especially. Suicide, mental illness, eating disorders.
Perhaps they should stop whining as well and get better company?
I'd argue that 90% of their problems comes from using this shite daily and being addicted to it.
Good for you that you learned to cook on it but as I said its very design is borderline illegal and at best immoral.
The tide will hopefully turn one day as said and parents will see the effect its having on kids.



I just had a look on my own facebook and in fairness I'm only part of two or three groups and have less than ten friends but I can't see anything untoward. 

none of my friends are gammons or girls in their teens/early twenties so maybe that matters but it is only a few posts from friends and adverts for things that I recently looked at online.


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I don't know what age all of you are, but if you are, say 30 or over, social media is just something that sort of came into your life when you are almost an adult anyway. You either embraced it or didn't*

For kids these days, its part of growing up, a cornerstone of daily life and at the very core of socialising for them. They are living a different experience to their parents and living in a different world. I think that's where the real potential for harm is.

*of course some older folk have gone balls deep into it and are doing themselves no good, but I imagine in general, its in younger folk that social medias influence is much much stronger.

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Quite topical in the news today, at least the sports news. Karen Carney getting it tight after the leeds tweet, Les Ferdinand calling out the ability to create anonymous accounts and Kick It Out looking to take Instagram to task regarding the ability to DM people you arent friends with, after the racial abuse of a QPR player.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I ditched FB a few weeks ago. 
Had a wee look at it yesterday and the second story I saw was about a Chicago surgeon dying of the Pfizer vaccine. 
Decision vindicated, app deleted. 
Why not just hide the friends posting that sort of thing and keep the ones who aren't idiots?
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On 29/12/2020 at 12:10, DiegoDiego said:

You were already judgemental, it just gave you more opportunity. The solution isn't to leave Facebook, it's to be more accepting of others.


On 29/12/2020 at 23:07, DiegoDiego said:

You are not a child, you're not a teenager, you're an adult so you can absolutely choose the company you keep online and take some personal responsibility rather than blaming it on a nebulous algorithm


5 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

Why not just hide the friends posting that sort of thing and keep the ones who aren't idiots?

Hiya  Mark Zuckerberg. Hiya Pal.

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6 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:
10 hours ago, Ebanda said:
I ditched FB a few weeks ago. 
Had a wee look at it yesterday and the second story I saw was about a Chicago surgeon dying of the Pfizer vaccine. 
Decision vindicated, app deleted. 

Why not just hide the friends posting that sort of thing and keep the ones who aren't idiots?

Too many folk contravening the phone call rule. 

Better just bumping the whole thing. 

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48 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

It's nonsense logic though, akin to depriving yourself of pepperoni pizza because some folk like mango on theirs. Just don't order mango pizza.

You should put this in a wacky font with a colour-fade background and an attribution to Winston Churchill then post it on Facebook.

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