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Weakest of the series imo but that didn't make it bad. Huge undertaking to make a coherent story for the whole series and they're making a bloody good job of it so far. Btw next week looks sensational 

Edited by RosspCfc
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I wasn't a huge fan of that. The general story, when revealed, was OK. The confusion for me was giving random characters the faces of the Doctor's mates. That made everything more confusing than it needed to be. For the past Doctor, why not just get Jo Martin plus three extras? It would have made the story telling easier. 

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of new-Who, I loved Eccleston; went off Tennant after his first season (his K9 episode was excellent just for nostalgia) but his time-wimey shit and then his serious/solemn face did it for me; watched and enjoyed most of Matt Smith but found the plot lines becoming ever more convoluted; same with Capaldi, enjoyed him but stopped watching as more and more I found myself disliking the plots; and following on from that, have not watched one episode with Whittaker. Part of the reason for that was the whole "gang" type approach and also because of Bradley Walsh but my brother said he was actually quite good in it. 

Based on the above, and being a fan of classic Who which I return to time and time again, am I missing anything by not watching any of Whittaker's episodes? and if I were to dip my toe in, what would be a good one to do so with - the episodes with the Fugitive Doctor? 

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7 hours ago, KingRocketman II said:

I missing anything by not watching any of Whittaker's episodes?

The current season is absolutely excellent. Partly because it's episodic like Classic Who

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Yeah, the current series has been great. I even enjoyed last week's, which a lot of people weren't so keen on. This week's was the strongest yet, and had an all-time classic cliffhanger, too. 

I'd say if you've never seen any Whittaker episodes, it might make sense to watch Fugitive of the Juddoon, Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children, first. I expect the storylines from them to be important to the overall Flux plot.

None of the first series is really essential viewing though I rate Rosa and Demons of the Punjab.

Edited by Small Bovine Maisonette
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