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On 07/02/2022 at 10:32, scottsdad said:

I for one am enjoying the updates from @Miguel Sanchez as he suffers through the Chibnall era. 

The messages in there are as subtle as a brick. 

I'm not sure if the multiple companions thing was to try and ease Whittaker in or to try and #represent as many people as possible but it's not working. It diminishes the relationships between the Doctor and the companion and you're learning about four characters at the one time rather than one. It's all a bit pointless.

The same problems with the way the show's filmed aren't helping me and the guest stars aren't great either. I look at Bradley Walsh and I don't think it's a character, I don't think it's Graham or whatever his name is, I look at him and think "that's Bradley Walsh." He talks and I think "that's Bradley Walsh talking." The worse thing is he's actually decent as an actor in it, but I look at him and just think about him laughing at a woman called Fanny.

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I did say that the Chibnall era is a difficult watch. Had he stayed on as showrunner, I am certain the show would have been cancelled. Bringing back RTD is a last throw to save the show. 

If  @Miguel Sanchez really, really cannot stand it, I suggest skipping straight to Doctor Who: Flux which aired last year. It was easily the best of the Chibnall era, and is only 6 episodes (one of which is an absolute belter).

Honestly, watching the Chibnall shows always put me in a bad mood because it could and should be so much better. 

This is how I imagine you right now.


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On 15/02/2022 at 18:46, Miguel Sanchez said:

I'm... enjoying Lenny Henry? This can't be right.

Not a fan of the new Master though.

The reviewer in the Guardian always referred to him as the Hot Camp Master. Not a patch on Michelle Gomez. 

Lenny Henry was good when he was being a straight actor. Sometimes someone can surprise you like that. I remember Matthew Kelly (from Stars In Their Eyes) playing a serial killer on some ITV drama years ago and he was utterly chilling. 

Years ago I went to Ibrox to see Falkirk take on Rangers. Andy Cameron came out before the match and was "warming up" the crowd. One of the other Falkirk fans shouted the ultimate insult: "You're about as funny as Lenny Henry"

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6 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The reviewer in the Guardian always referred to him as the Hot Camp Master. Not a patch on Michelle Gomez. 

He seems a bit... childish? He seems overly hysterical in a way which just looks overplayed rather than genuinely unhinged. And his teeth are huge.

Second Whittaker series was going well. Enjoyed the opening two parter. Was enjoying Orphan 55 as a standard "we've landed somewhere and something's wrong" episode, even if Jay from the Inbetweeners was wearing a stupid wig. About twenty minutes in I thought "this is going to be like Planet of the Apes. It can't be, they wouldn't be that stupid." Then the episode reached its end and uh... well, look at that. 

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

He seems a bit... childish? He seems overly hysterical in a way which just looks overplayed rather than genuinely unhinged. And his teeth are huge.

Second Whittaker series was going well. Enjoyed the opening two parter. Was enjoying Orphan 55 as a standard "we've landed somewhere and something's wrong" episode, even if Jay from the Inbetweeners was wearing a stupid wig. About twenty minutes in I thought "this is going to be like Planet of the Apes. It can't be, they wouldn't be that stupid." Then the episode reached its end and uh... well, look at that. 

Orphan 55 was just heartbreaking. Not in a "Oh my, climate change!" kind of way, but in a "What a waste of a show" kind of way. 

What did you make of Demons of the Punjab? My favourite Whittaker episode. 

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14 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Orphan 55 was just heartbreaking. Not in a "Oh my, climate change!" kind of way, but in a "What a waste of a show" kind of way. 

What did you make of Demons of the Punjab? My favourite Whittaker episode. 

I think I got interrupted during that one so I didn't watch it all in the one go, but not much. Felt like a bit of a microcosm of the problems of the other episodes - hey here's Yaz here's her family here's her granny in the Tardis here's her granny when she was young right let's see what's going to happen - then hey look humans do stupid stuff and it's usually the British to blame - and I couldn't really shake that by the end, even if the ending was/should have been poignant. My favourite from the first series was definitely the Norwegian one with the blind girl. 

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2 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I think I got interrupted during that one so I didn't watch it all in the one go, but not much. Felt like a bit of a microcosm of the problems of the other episodes - hey here's Yaz here's her family here's her granny in the Tardis here's her granny when she was young right let's see what's going to happen - then hey look humans do stupid stuff and it's usually the British to blame - and I couldn't really shake that by the end, even if the ending was/should have been poignant. My favourite from the first series was definitely the Norwegian one with the blind girl. 

I saw it in one go and thought it was excellent. I was very worried beforehand that it was going to go down a "British colonial rule = bad" route with all the subtlety of being rub over by a lorry. But it didn't - the poignant but for me (when Bradley Walsh was helping the guy get dressed, knowing he was going to die) I thought was well played. 

Anyway, you're nearly caught up. Just this mess of a series, then Flux. 

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13 hours ago, Clown Job said:

The thing that starts to bore me with the show is seeing the same villains over and over again 

Surely we can go a season without Dalek or Cybermen 

There is a persistent rumour that due to some legal agreement with Terry Nation's estate, if the BBC go a series without at least showing a Dalek, they could lose the rights to the show. Not sure if this is true or not, but every single series does indeed have them (even as a cameo)

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On 18/02/2022 at 20:46, stanton said:

Classic Dr Who episodes now on Forces Tv ( 181 Sky )   Jon Pertwee  in The Daemons this week.  Next week Tom Baker in Genesis of Daleks 

I have said it before - best channel on TV. The A Team, Knight Rider, Quantum Leap, V and other gems from my childhood.

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On 22/02/2022 at 18:40, Miguel Sanchez said:

Did you know that plastic is bad? Who knew. I've just been shredding my yoghurt pots and firing them into the ocean. Sometimes I don't even eat the yoghurt, I give the fish and the birds a tasty little treat when I kill them for being a horrible planet killing human

That must be a bit messy.

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