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tennant developed not one iota in his entire run bar his brief stint as 'time lord victorious' for about 60 seconds.

the rest was just a bunch of annoying shouting and arsing around weeping about that awful harridan of a companion who eccleston should really have left to be frazzled by the tardis heart or whatever it was that possesed her.

the only real character development under RTD was turning donna from an irritating loudmouth into to just a loudmouth.

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tennant developed not one iota in his entire run bar his brief stint as 'time lord victorious' for about 60 seconds.

the rest was just a bunch of annoying shouting and arsing around weeping about that awful harridan of a companion who eccleston should really have left to be frazzled by the tardis heart or whatever it was that possesed her.

the only real character development under RTD was turning donna from an irritating loudmouth into to just a loudmouth.

:lol: Very good!

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Just because there aren't signposts signalling character development doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I like that it's much more subtle under Moffat rather than the shining beacon of morality and being right on that Tennant and RTD were championing every week.

I much prefer Moffat to Davies as well. Partly it's down to lots of the little touches such as one liners or reactions of the Doctor to specific events as well as the monsters which appear, well, a bit more monstrous than Davies. Of course, I can understand why people prefer Tennant but I don't.

Edited by NotThePars
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Just watching the last episode again, which is even better second time round, and I noticed that Idris comes away with an interesting line when her and the Doctor are discussing the old control rooms that she's archived. She says that shes done about 30, which the Doctor replies that he's only "changed the desktop" about a dozen times so faR. She says that she's archived control rooms that he hasn't changed yet.

Now, usually each "new" Doctor gets a new control room, and it would be unlikely that the next 2 regenerations are going to have a remodel 18 or so times, so could this be a wee hint that they're already planning to get around about the pesky limited number of regens?

Or am I just a bit hungover and reading too much into a throw away line?

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Just watching the last episode again, which is even better second time round, and I noticed that Idris comes away with an interesting line when her and the Doctor are discussing the old control rooms that she's archived. She says that shes done about 30, which the Doctor replies that he's only "changed the desktop" about a dozen times so faR. She says that she's archived control rooms that he hasn't changed yet.

Now, usually each "new" Doctor gets a new control room, and it would be unlikely that the next 2 regenerations are going to have a remodel 18 or so times, so could this be a wee hint that they're already planning to get around about the pesky limited number of regens?

Or am I just a bit hungover and reading too much into a throw away line?

they -annoyingly- tried to insert a get out clause when the doctor guested in the sarah jane adventures, I suspect they'd use this as their defence if it ever became a major issue.

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they -annoyingly- tried to insert a get out clause when the doctor guested in the sarah jane adventures, I suspect they'd use this as their defence if it ever became a major issue.

I didn't see that. What was the get out?

I know that it's been suggested that the 13 was always a limit imposed by the Time Lords themselves, and that since he's the last one then it no longer applies. And also in Trial of a Timelord it's suggested that a Time Lords regens can be handed to another person.

Was the Master not given a whole new set of regens as well at one point?

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I didn't see that. What was the get out?

I know that it's been suggested that the 13 was always a limit imposed by the Time Lords themselves, and that since he's the last one then it no longer applies. And also in Trial of a Timelord it's suggested that a Time Lords regens can be handed to another person.

Was the Master not given a whole new set of regens as well at one point?

here <_<

I wonder if we could argue that *technically* there's no limit c.f. the master incident you cite but that he's a last of the timelords so there's no one to *give* him a new set.

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here <_<

I wonder if we could argue that *technically* there's no limit c.f. the master incident you cite but that he's a last of the timelords so there's no one to *give* him a new set.

Hmmm, that would be a bit of a cop out. Realistically, surely the BBC realise that there could be an incredible story arc for the 13th Doctor discovering if he's mortal or not.

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here <_<

I wonder if we could argue that *technically* there's no limit c.f. the master incident you cite but that he's a last of the timelords so there's no one to *give* him a new set.

How do we know that the timelords didnt force them to die after 13 regens and with no Timelords left he can go on forever? :unsure:

Amy Kidnapped though and old favours to call in? Liz 10? Captain Jack?

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I know that it's been suggested that the 13 was always a limit imposed by the Time Lords themselves, and that since he's the last one then it no longer applies. And also in Trial of a Timelord it's suggested that a Time Lords regens can be handed to another person.

Was the Master not given a whole new set of regens as well at one point?

How do we know that the timelords didnt force them to die after 13 regens and with no Timelords left he can go on forever? :unsure:

Thart's my understanding of how they're getting round it. The thirteen regens was a timelord imposed law not a physical one.

Quite enjoyed tonight's episode anyway. Not as much as last week's, but it was a decent old-style bit of Who.

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