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Everyone else touched by the Siren was transported to the spaceship hooked up to a life support machine - why weren't the Doctor, Amy and the pirate captain? They just woke up on the floor!

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Everyone else touched by the Siren was transported to the spaceship hooked up to a life support machine - why weren't the Doctor, Amy and the pirate captain? They just woke up on the floor!

Wasn't it because they only p***ked their finger and so the siren transported them and by the time they got there the wound had healed so the siren wouldnt need to heal them. Everyone else would still have had cuts and needed medical help?

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Really? I thought her "FBI" trouser suit number was the business.

Tie me up in an interrogation cell and shove stuff up my arse please, Agent Pond

:rolleyes: kinky.

The trouser suit was good, liked her hair, but we're awaiting the real pwhoar moment of the series.

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Curse of the Black Spot

Awful episode, Just seemed like such lazy writing.

I'd put it up there with "Victory of the Darleks" & "Fear Her"

I do think Smith is a very good Doctor, and Moffit can really come out with some cracking stories, But i'd never say 1 Doctor is better than the other, they all have there plus and negatives and a lot of it has to do with the writing, Smith would never fit in with Eccleston's stories and vice versa

EDIT: forgot to add, Seemed a bit repetitive in the cause, Remember "The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances" Hospital ship....Doesnt know how to heal humans (A Moffit story)

Edited by Hoopy The Hound
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A spoiler free review of next weeks Episode - The Doctor's Wife

As many of you will know, this is one of the episodes fandom has been awaiting with some internet-beating excitement. The very notion of a Neil Gaiman Doctor Who story seems so perfect that we wonder why it's taken just so long for this union to happen. Anyway, 'The Doctor's Wife' has arrived and there's not a church in sight...

Like Series 6's opening two-parter, this episode is difficult to review due the spoilericious nature of the plot and surprises; so forgive us if you walk away from this piece none the wiser as to what actually takes place.

What we can tell you is that the pre-transmission hyperbole, telling us that this story goes straight to the heart of the show's mythology, is bang on. Chances are, you will never look at Doctor Who in quite the same way again as you re-assess 47 years of time-travelling.

Thankfully, the "myth" - or Whoevrue, as no one calls it - will not put off the casual viewer, so strong is the story, so vital are the characterisations and so wonderfully eye-popping are the visuals taking place. As a one-off, or a one-shot, 'The Doctor's Wife' is breathtaking in its cinematic scope.

The production is a feast with 'Gridlock' director Richard Clark injecting scenes with genuine terror; rendering the TARDIS a labyrinthal nightmare for the Ponds whilst other scenes resonate with an acute palette of colours and enigmatic lighting.

Also entertaining greatly are the cast, and what a lovely bunch they are. Playing Auntie and Uncle, Elizabeth Berrington (Waterloo Road) and Adrian Schiller (Zen) bring bags of life and personality to their respective roles; memorable and instantly likable. Let's hope that their numerous rumoured cut scenes make it onto the DVD. Michael Sheen (Frost/Nixon, Tron Legacy) also manages to make an eerie impression with just his vocal talents as House.

Special mention, though, must go to Suranne Jones (Coronation Street) for her portrayal of Idris. She's a little bit Mary Poppins, a little bit Leeloo from The Fifth Element - a part Helena Bonham-Carter was born to play. Jones is an absolute delight, demonstrating a flair for the eccentric and sometimes robotic. And damn sexy with it. Every scene she inhabits is made that much more fun through her engrossing performance.

Sensing competition in the acting department, Matt Smith considerably ups his game, riffing with Jones in a gigglesome 1930s Cary Grant screwball comedy kinda way. However, there are more serious moments for the Time Lord and Smith impresses immensely; veering from a more tricksy Doctor (a trait we've not previously witnessed) to an angry and then to a devastatingly pitiful one.

Neil Gaiman has crafted an ingenious plot that will satisfy the internerd and long term fan (and give some serious food for thought) whilst absolutely enthralling and enchanting everyone else. In no uncertain terms 'The Doctor's Wife' is an instant classic with scenes that will live long in the mind and characters that will delight and sadden in equal measure.

Let's hope Gaiman says "I do" to future episodes.

I knew that they had roped Neil Gaiman to write one this Series, just didn't realise it was this one, this will be good!!!

Edited by King Kebab
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Thought that episode was awful, one of the worst since the beginning of the new series.

Apart from a couple of smart nods to future storylines the writing was terrible and cliched. Nothing at all happened, there was no build up of the siren taking the men getting progressively worse, or even different from the previous times, just the same thing over and over again. There was no suspense, nothing dramatic and nothing entertaining. The sword fight with Amy was cringeworthy, the supposed one liners from Smith were not funny in the slightest, the captain, the son and all the crew gathering round to fly the spaceship at the end didnt need to be there and was just sentimental for the sake of being sentimental, and they even threw in the classicly boring " Oh no, someone is dead and won't recover even after giving mouth to mouth :( oh wait, he's coughing and absolutely fine again yayyy " spiel.

Being Dr Who i genuinely thought that Rory had died, and was excited to see how they'd bring him back into it, maybe realising a way to save the Doctor in the process, but no they resorted to awful sentimental rubbish that RTD would have been panned for, except didn't even do it aswell as RTD did it.

If you're going to have a pointless filler episode, then at least it has to be entertaining. Come on Dr Who, you're much much better than this.

Edited by port-ton
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Didnt hear the Ecclestone voice, Are you hearing things?

Complete meh of an episode - big bad threat does things, run around the TARDIS and then trick the bad guy into doing something stupid - its like Season 15 but with a budget.

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That was a strange episode. Not a great ending but nevertheless an enjoyable episode up until that point (far better than last week <_< ). The bit with 'the House' messing about with Rory and Amy in the TARDIS corridor was quite creepy but very good to watch.

Line of the week goes to the Doctor.

Doctor: "No bunk beds are cool. A bed with a ladder! You can't beat that."

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wow. mixed reaction.

It was my singular favourite ep of the season so far. Gaiman pitched it just right, great dialogue. great resolution. Interesting emotional dynamics throughout.

those who didn't share this view need to watch it again, and remember it doesn't always have to be about peril, big baddies, and that stuff. sometimes one can advance the plot of a season with one line, and use the rest of the episode to explore the characters emotions/conflicts. did anyone spot the davidson/baker 2 tardis' in amy/rory's journey through the tardis?:D

great ep.

edit: Darvill's performance in particular was outstanding.

Edited by theentomologist
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Didnt hear the Ecclestone voice, Are you hearing things?

I wonder if he meant the house - that was Michael Sheen.

I actually enjoyed that - reminded me of the one last season with the alternate realities. No big shouting baddie and a lot of good character stuff. Agree about Darvill - lots of plaudits there.

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