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Most of Colin Baker's era especially the rank The Twin Dilemma and the utter bollocks that was Timelash

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Enrico's coming for you. Be scared

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Most of Colin Baker's era especially the rank The Twin Dilemma and the utter bollocks that was Timelash.

From Tom's time they could ditch The Horns of Nimon no probs - from Nu Who Fear Her was shit as was that Cybermen nonsense from last season Nightmare in Silver- not in any hurry to see any of them again

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NEVER! The Twin Dilemma is crap but it's fantastically crap, as is Timelash. I've watched The Twin Dilemma more times than I've watched some of the genuinely good Doctor Who stories. They maybe rubbish stories but at least they are never boring. And you can never get rid of the The Horns of Nimon, it's got a performance from Graham Crowden that is so over the top it makes Tom Baker look completely normal.

I'd be happy if the Narnia rip off christmas special from a couple of years ago were to disappear though. Anyone who suggests that Love and Monsters deserves to be lost is getting reported for being an eejit.

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Anyways, the official synopsis for the 50th has just appeared on twitter

"The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th anniversary special. In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches a devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him"

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Anyways, the official synopsis for the 50th has just appeared on twitter

"The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th anniversary special. In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches a devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him"

That seems to be confirming that we'll see the end of the Time War.

That should remain unseen, I reckon.

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If there are 90 returned, as rumoured, this leaves 16 as yet unfound episodes. If you had to CHOOSE the 16 that would never ever be returned, what would they be?

First up, I don't believe that rumour. Though if you'd told me in the summer that we'd found nine I probably wouldn't have believed that either, so I'll live in hope.

Sixteen episodes not to be found, of the ones that are currently missing? Any Hartnell episodes apart from Marco Polo and maybe The Massacre, I think. I'm more of a Troughton fan so I'd be happy to have all of his stuff.

Any sixteen episodes to lose from the full history of the show? I could live without most of Matha's episodes, and yet Blink and Human Nature / Family of Blood all came from that series and may be the best three episodes of New Who. Otherwise, pretty much anything from series 23 (Trial of a Timelord) and 24 (Bonnie Langford).

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As for the 50th special - I'm expecting it to be shit. Ditto the Christmas one, just because the specials usually are, and bringing back Tennant and Piper is setting off all sorts of warning bells. But it might surprise me, and I will of course be watching it in any case.

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To be fair Colin did have the occasional good story - I love Revelation of the Daleks and even have a soft spot for a The Two Doctors and Attack of the Cybermen. As for Timelash if you take Paul Darrow's performance in the hammy over the top manner it was intended and even though the android looks like something out of a Duran Duran video then I suppose it's watchable

I must also point out that shit Doctor Who is still better than a lot of stuff on the telly.

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Talking about shit episodes, my least favourite was the one a good few years ago where Peter Kay was involved as some kind of bin monster. Tennant never even featured in it at all, and this wasn't even compensated by it being a particularly clever episode.

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Anyone who suggests that Love and Monsters deserves to be lost is getting reported for being an eejit.

Talking about shit episodes, my least favourite was the one a good few years ago where Peter Kay was involved as some kind of bin monster. Tennant never even featured in it at all, and this wasn't even compensated by it being a particularly clever episode.

Don't say I didn't warn you. :P

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Second and third image are very interesting. Why is there someone wearing Colin bakers scarf? And queen Elizabeth being in the special.

could this be where we see tennant's doctor marrying queen Elizabeth, which was eluded too in both Martha's 2nd episode & his second last episode(who's names both escape me)

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Strange question, but I've not watched much of Smith's tenure. Is Smith the 'main' doctor? By that, I mean is he perceived as the 'better' doctor by the direction they take when him and Tennant are on screen together?

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They haven't been on-screen together yet so we'll just need to wait and see.

In the multi-doctor episodes that got made back in the old days of Who, there seemed to be a tendency for the more recent doctors to defer to the seniority of the previous ones. (Partly just because the previous ones were older actors, maybe.) It made no sense, 'cause the more recent doctors are the more experienced ones. But I would think Smith and Tennant are similar enough in vintage that it's not likely to be a major factor anyway.

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