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Bit of a random one, but what happened to the big multi coloured Daleks from Victory of the Daleks?

I'm sure they appeared briefly in the background of an episode featuring the Daleks a couple of series ago. Then everyone remembered that they agreed they were shit and never to be mentioned again.

Anyway, that was a really good two parter, and I did enjoy the lack of CGI for the Fisher King.

I agree that next weeks looks too much like the Robin Hood one for my liking.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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I preferred the first part but it was still a good episode and I didn't feel that it dragged in at all. The next episode does indeed resemble the Robin Hood episode but I also felt it had parts of that awful pirate episode with Matt Smith so I'm not overly confident.

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Bit of a random one, but what happened to the big multi coloured Daleks from Victory of the Daleks?

The iDaleks!!!


They were indeed shit and never appeared again!!!

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Enjoyed part 2. The two-parter format to this series really works. My boy has watched it a few times now.

As for next week, my feeling is one of trepidation. My early memory of Doctor Who was when it was shit in the 80s. They were always walking round a field saying "It's 1544. There's a battle just over that hill. Let's hide behind a bush." Just crap, and the trailer reminded me of those days.

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Agree. Moffat and co have done to the Daleks what the writers of Voyager did to the Borg.

The first Eccelstone episode with a Dalek really made them seem like the worst thing imaginable.

A single Dalek and the Doctor is "no one on this base is safe, no one on this planet". Now a whole Dalek fleet, hell a whole planet of them is brushed aside like a minor inconvenience.

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I must be the only Dr Who fan that thinks the Eccleston episode just called "Dalek" is massively overrated.

The bit where the Doctor is left alone with the Dalek is excellent, gripping stuff. Probably Eccleston's finest five minutes in the role.

The rest of the episode just seems a bit dull though. I've watched it three or four times, each time thinking I must be missing something, but it leaves me a bit cold.

I'd say there are plenty of good two-thirds of Dalek stories in the re-vamped series. They do always seem to get beaten in about five seconds by somebody pressing a button or some other such nonsense.

Still nowhere near as bad as the episode where the Cybermen were defeated by a father's love. Do f**k off. That's the closest I've ever come to giving up on the show and never watching again.

I think the best Dalek story since the reboot is Asylum of the Daleks while the best Cyber-sodes are the Dark Water/Death in Heaven double bill. In each case they didn't really have too much of their headline monster in them.

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