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Amy is nowt more than a cypher, her characterisation changes from week to week dependent on the plot.

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Three things:

(i) This week's episode once again emphaisised that "the doctor lies".

(ii) It was written by Tom McRae. Is that the singer songwriter Tom McRae or another one?

(iii) Do Amy & Rory not really care about finding her baby now. She was distraught three episodes ago, now she doesn't even think of the baby. I mean, I know they know it's River Song much later, but surely any decent parent would still try to find the baby?

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But you never saw her getting killed, not properly. You can't 100% rule out her being dead.

She was touched with anestetic, but you never properly saw her get injected with whatever those robots had.

They rescued her young equivalent though. She never existed.

(iii) Do Amy & Rory not really care about finding her baby now. She was distraught three episodes ago, now she doesn't even think of the baby. I mean, I know they know it's River Song much later, but surely any decent parent would still try to find the baby?

Maybe the fact that they know the baby survives is enough to put their minds at ease? I tend not to think too much about stuff like that tbh, I find that Dr. Who fans are among the worst for pointless over analysis (see this thread), and Moffat is far worse than RTD for stupid self referential stuff, so I just tend to try and ignore stuff like that.

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Saturday's episode seemed to be focused on the idea of time being rewritten.

Why do I get the feeling that's what's going to happen in the finale to prevent River from killing the Doctor...or indeed, even existing in the first place?

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That was so much better thab last weeks snorefest.

Dont worry peeps A&R will be back in 2 weeks time for the series finale.

Great to have a reference to Season 17 in there this evening but they really do need to stop all this foreshadowing of the death of the Doctor.

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Yup, I'm a James Cordon hater as well, hust so long as he never appears again, I'll bear with him for 1 episode.

Again like others, I really enjoyed that episode, it wasn't scary, but it was well thought out and executed, also playing a massive part in the real understanding now between the doctor and his companions. Also nice to see very little reference to future events in the seasons finale in 2 weeks. Very much how I like the episodes written.

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Yup, I'm a James Cordon hater as well, hust so long as he never appears again, I'll bear with him for 1 episode.

Again like others, I really enjoyed that episode, it wasn't scary, but it was well thought out and executed, also playing a massive part in the real understanding now between the doctor and his companions. Also nice to see very little reference to future events in the seasons finale in 2 weeks. Very much how I like the episodes written.

You mean apart from the monsters entire dying speech and the Doctor shutting his coimpanions out of his life as he approaches his death? :huh:

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Cybermen next week then! Should be good.

Amy and Rory are still not very concerned about thier missing child though.

I assume eye patch woman and that mental god crew from Demon's Run are involved in the finale. River Song will surely be in it too.

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I ask the question: why couldn't the Doctor just have regenerated (in principle) in this episode? It seems that there's something about surrendering her regenerations just to keep the Doctor alive here, rather than necessarily prolonging his regeneration cycle count.

Whilst the death of the Doctor is indeed a fixed point in time, you'll recall the huge age differential between the Doctor in the stetson and the one who was sent a blue envelope. We also saw that he just found out when and where he dies. As for the stetson Doctor's age, it's unlikely the series will let that much time pass. Rule 1: the Doctor lies. This is coming a lot sooner than we think.

Dear God will someone get this boy his hole!

Thanks for that five minutes of my life lost cleaning up the mess made by that mouthful of tea spluttered across the room from laughing so much at your post, you b*****d!


Have a green one! :bounce1

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What did you think The Doctor seen behind his door? Don't think it was a coinstance it

Was door number 11.

Possibly him regenerating into 12.

Certainly not a coincidence.

The confidential show didn't say what it was, so left open for speculation.

If Stephen Moffat works the whole Amy/River and Doctor's death into a coherent plot that also solves the whole 'time lords only have so many regenerations' then he's played a fucking blinder.

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