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In even better news, the abomination of a character that is Amy Pond will be leaving in episode 5 :D

Kill her and none of this timey wimey bollocks - your already treading on thin ice here Moffat, less timey wimey, NO River Song, kill Pond and no fucking aliens that only want to be loved by their dad or similar nonsense.

Also confirmed today - return of the Daleks somewhere in Episode 1 to 4 and the Weeping Angels for the last Pond episode.

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Works for me! I liked Amy in that she was hot, but I didn't really enjoy her character. Now just to replace Matt Smith and get someone to slap Moffat back to his senses before its too late, and we might have a show on our hands!

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Matt Smith is great, far better than the c**t who preceded him.

Agreed. I liked Tennant at first, but he quickly became tiresome, though not all through his own fault, as he suffered from some shitey writing.

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BUMP - just to show EA that his thread isnt needed as there is already this one :rolleyes:<_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently filming in New York for the departure of that awful Pond woman.

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  • 3 months later...

....and SGMilne you are totally wrong about Ambassadors, Season 7 is a pinnacle that the show has never reached again in 40 years of trying.

Sorry, I never saw this comment...

I thought I was pretty complimentary about Ambassadors.

Certainly Season 7 was the best of his era.

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  • 3 weeks later...

With regards to Asylum of the Daleks. Have the "new" multicoloured Daleks seen in Victory of the Daleks been quietly dumped? From the trailers it certainly seems to be the original design ones.

As shit as they looked, it would still be pretty cool to have an old school Who civil war between the different factions of Dalek.

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I think judging by the trailers the skittle brigade have been ditched. However I get your thoughts about a war between Daleks. Infancy you never know that might be what happens. There's also the potential for those to e future Daleks I guess who are a later incarnation of the ones in the new series.

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I've not seen any trailers for the new season, BBC doesnt seem to have publicised it as much as previous season, only found out this week its back on the screens!

Still, looking forward to it :D

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