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So the question is, was the new assistant hotter than Karen Gilan in that episode. I'm going to say that the very short red dress worke in her favour.

As for the episode itself, it was ok actually, but then it's maybe a leader episode onto the rest of the story line. I'm not overly concerned it wasn't amazing, but I thought it was solid enough.

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So the question is, was the new assistant hotter than Karen Gilan in that episode.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

I liked the episode, particularly the *puts on Dalek voice* "DOCTOR WHO?" bit. It was good to see a different side to the Daleks, although I'm sick of seeing them.

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Dull, sorry but not an episode I feel like rewatching - it just wasnt Daleky, if you get my meaning. The were reduced to generic bad guys until the final twist, a twist which i fear will lead to more utterly dreadful timey wimey bollocks later in the run.

Still at least JLC proved she can at least act whilst as noted in the script all Gillan can do is pout at the camera.

I'll score it average but I think thats the most disappointing Dalek episode since Who came back in 2005.

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I don't like they keep using the term "Doctor Who"

Looks like he wants to make The Doctor more mythical than legend, with faking his death last season and now making the Daleks forget about him etc...

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Im not really a fan of this, my kids like it, and ive watched snippets with them but ive just popped onto this thread to say that no doctors assistant could even register on the boner scale compared to the stunning Karen Gillan....... ugh :P

Until it went red raw or fell off...

Edited by magee84
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I thought it was really good and potentially quite clever depending on what they do with it. Note the references throughout to two things: firstly that the more the Daleks hate The Doctor, the more powerful they become, and secondly how the one thing The Doctor considered an effective weapon against them was making them remember who he and his companions were. Having the entire Dalek race forget who he is is therefore a double-edged sword.

The new companion (she takes over properly at Christmas apparently) looks like she could be a really good character. Thinking through the new series this could be the first time in ages that The Doctor has a genuine geek for a companion. Win for the geeks! :D

Also, she makes my knees go a bit wobbly. :wub:

Admittedly that could be exemplified by the fact Gillan was wearing a wig in this episode that made her look a bit silly (in addition to the whole Inversneckie accent thing going on) but I'm going to call it now: hottest Who companion in the new series.

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Admittedly that could be exemplified by the fact Gillan was wearing a wig in this episode that made her look a bit silly (in addition to the whole Inversneckie accent thing going on) but I'm going to call it now: hottest Who companion in the new series.

In fairness it isn't a rough "No badger shell" accent. It could have been worse. Much worse.

Brace yourselves gentlemen...




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Admittedly that could be exemplified by the fact Gillan was wearing a wig in this episode that made her look a bit silly (in addition to the whole Inversneckie accent thing going on) but I'm going to call it now: hottest Who companion in the new series.

Please feel free to fully explain.

Is it the cringe?

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Nope, I don't understand that at all.

Thing is, it doesn't make any sense.

Feel free to fully explain your original comment....

My original comment:

1. Karen Gillan looked weird with a wig on. The hair looked distinctly not her natural colour and her fringe looked daft compared to her natural look. Here ends the full explanation in relation to the first bit you emboldened in your last post.

2. Her Inverness accent makes things sound gormless, even when the thing being said isn't gormless and the way it's expressed isn't intended as gormless. This is common among a great many Teuchter accents. Here ends the full explanation in relation to the second bit you emboldened in your last post.

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