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Pie And Bovril Instant Messaging


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As part of our super duper hosting package we have the ability to create our own internet messaging system, a bit like MSN, Yahoo, AIM and the like.

The difference would be that it would be safe from the hoardes of assholes on the web but you can add gateway accounts through to your MSN, Yahoo, AIM and ICQ accounts.

Basically this would be dead easy for me to set-up but I am unsure if there is any demand or what impact it would have on the forum.

It's a service called JABBER and we can create our own personal version of it so users would be like username@pieandbovril.co.uk

What d'ya all think :unsure: ?

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I think it would be great!

MSN is too clogged up with beta versions, viruses and arseholes.

One request if it goes ahead though, everyone should register with their username so that theres no confusion when someone called "dannybaker0124784@pieandbovril.co.uk" appears on your contact list and you have no idea who it is.

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It might be most useful when part-timers dont attend games and cant instantly chat without having to post normally where usually there's duplicate posts.

Also, people will hear the one score and everyone wont bother posting the same score.

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I actually think it would be a great idea. Not everyone that uses P&B has the likes of MSN or Yahoo or whatever so it will give them the chance to have a decent chat with opposing fans the night before a game or something.

Div, if it is easy to set up then why don't you give it a shot? If it doesn't work then you can easily scrap it, and keep it if it's going well.

Good idea though. B)

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Right, who was that? <_<

Very, very poor ;)

You actually think someone will own up? :lol::P

Back on topic. I think we should have a Yes or No poll to see who is and isn't in favour of this happening, to see if it will be worthwhile doing it.

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Good idea,as msn comes with all sorts when you download it,spyware ect,so this would be a great thing to have instead.

MSN Messenger contains no spyware, merely adware. The only people who have problems with it are those who f**k around with it, or execute dodgy files :P

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MSN Messenger contains no spyware, merely adware. The only people who have problems with it are those who f**k around with it, or execute dodgy files :P

So why has someone made a programme that get's rid of spyware for it then? :P

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I think certainly on match days it would be useful to communicate scores but wasn't that what the chatroom was for and we all know what happened there?

Maybe it can be installed for a trial period?

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