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The Official Thread for Everton FC


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Everton have offered us the following players

Conor McAleny, John Lundstrom, Chris Long, Luke Garbutt, Shane Duffy, Matt Kennedy and Tyias Browning all on loan.

Hallum Hope is to feature in the first team this season


Sure they have.

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Sure they have.

He posted it on the Hibs thead aswell and within two minutes a Hibs fan had questioned it, so SOL suddenly decided he knew it was a made up story and said he never believed it one bit

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit surprised he's been given two years due to his age. But he is still capable, and his experience should be valuable for the younger players.

Is Kone still kicking about? In fact has he played since he signed?

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Bit surprised he's been given two years due to his age. But he is still capable, and his experience should be valuable for the younger players.

Is Kone still kicking about? In fact has he played since he signed?

I watched Kone balloon an open goal over the bar v Hull at Goodison last season. Injured though.

As for Eto'o, if he's not on astronomical wages then I think it's a good deal on a free.

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I watched Kone balloon an open goal over the bar v Hull at Goodison last season. Injured though.

As for Eto'o, if he's not on astronomical wages then I think it's a good deal on a free.

Talk is 70k a week, which i can just about stomach conisdering he was on anything between 130-150k at Chelsea depending on he source.

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Bit surprised he's been given two years due to his age. But he is still capable, and his experience should be valuable for the younger players.

I'm a bit surprised it's two years. Doesn't he have a bit of a petulant reputation as well?

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Eto would have been worth a deal 4 years ago, when he was 34

1 game, 1 goal. Pleasing.

I can't believe we have Eto'o. It's a great signing on a free. Apparently liverpool were in for him but he turned them down for us :thumsup2 .

What a mental game that was today. 6 defensive mistakes, 6 Chelsea goals. You have to laugh. Naisy's goal was great. Defending has to improve drastically although I tipped Chelsea to win the league at the start of the season and today I think they showed why. So clinical.

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