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Not sure what's more cringey, Brand and his populist "oi mate in the glasses, yeah you're right you are" patter or Boris and his wannabe populist "yur yur Russell has a point".

I despair.

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Not sure what's more cringey, Brand and his populist "oi mate in the glasses, yeah you're right you are" patter or Boris and his wannabe populist "yur yur Russell has a point".

I despair.

Even the audience is cringeworthy.

They couldn't give a shit what's happening elsewhere in the country, as long as London's still alright.

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  • 3 months later...

If Milliband's dad was the leader of the Labour Party instead of his insipid son Ed or the Stepford wives Blairite, David, they may have been worth voting for.

The Daily Mail is a paper almost beyond parody. Any satirical left leaning piss take you can make of it will be out-dated in 6 months time when the op ed page will contain a view so hackneyed Colonel Blimp would spin in his grave.

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And Hasan's bullet point style rant at who hates Britain more; the Daily Mail or Ed Milliband's father was absolutely devastating. Loved it.

Turns out Hasan tried to get a job at the Mail a few years ago. He praised the paper's "passion, rigour, boldness" and "news values".

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  • 8 months later...

Is anyone watching this tonight? Peter Dow's nemesis was on.

Aye, been good so far.

I don't know what you're referring too tho. I hope it's the fucking mental guy in the audience.

The Head of the Orion Group sitting next to Ricky is a total plant from the Better Together campaign. His rhetoric might as well have been lifted from their campaign leaflets.

Edited by Paris Hilltoon
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Aye, been good so far.

I don't know what you're referring too tho. I hope it's the fucking mental guy in the audience.

The Head of the Orion Group sitting next to Ricky is a total plant from the Better Together campaign. His rhetoric might as well have been lifted from their campaign leaflets.

It is the fucking mental guy in the audience to whom I refer. Bonkers.

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For anyone that missed him....

"In the name of Jesus!" - Scottish Independence d…:

Girl on my twitter feed is pretty delighted as he captures her feelings....wow.

Scott Hastings had a nervous smile when the guy was speaking the second time because he was worried about being praised by him.

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