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Paris Hilltoon

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  1. Interesting take when your own team threw 3 away last night.
  2. This is where we should be looking to make it a permanent deal, yes pay a fee to Wigan but we'd recoup that and some if he continues to play as well as he has been for us. If only the war chest hadn't been plundered already.
  3. There's no way we're getting the Bellshill Cafu or Nouble. Signing either would have me in floods of tears one way or the other.
  4. Mind that time Danny McNamara went back to Millwall and a hero emerged from the shadows. We can but hope.
  5. Should have been more comfortable than it was, but enjoyed the performance for the most part anyway. When Gallagher first arrived I thought he looked decent and was unfortunate to get the leg break that curtailed his progress. He's since had to bide his time after Montgomery being pretty good and then Robinson being even better. However, he appears to be taking the chance to re-establish himself now and will hopefully only continue to improve. Same goes for Max, really flourishing at the moment and should have scored his 2nd chance today. Not much needs said about Fran, what a prospect he is. More than deserved his moment at the end. Wasn't his best game, but Phillips looks so good in there with the always excellent Smith. For two shorter lads, the don't lose much in the midfield battleground and can both turn it on when required. I've not posted in many match threads this season, but I'm struggling to recall a time over the last few seasons when I've felt this positive about most aspects of the team. Maybe it's because Hibs were poor, but we made them so. Levein has done wonders in no time, long may it continue.
  6. For no other reason than sentiment, I hope May gets till the end of the season so he can get a proper send off. MOH and more so Spoony were denied it, be a shame to make the same mistake again. Given the comments during the week on Jephcott and his abscenece today, him being a striker to move on seems highly likely. Neither Costello or DJ are strikers anyway, so getting one starter signed to play with Clark when he's occasionally fit leaves us Kane and May in reserve. Add a project player if you wish, who takeover next season from May and Kane if he's not offered anything beyond the summer.
  7. I've a soft spot for Brechin and I'm actually sorry we're taking so much away with our appointments. However, I feel we can benefit you in return and that would require you to approach Liam Craig to be your new gaffer. He was doing a fine job with our youths and was a sad casualty of us needing a completely clean break given he was assistant to Macca. I hope he takes the seat in our dugout in the future and see no better place to start cutting his managerial teeth than Brechin.
  8. It's a dull appointment, no doubt about it. I am however heartened by the number of fans from other clubs throwing their tuppence in, always a pleasure to read. As has been shown repeatedly over the last decade, they are usually wrong. If we shitfest it to tenth, he's done a good job and I'm pretty confident he'll achieve that.
  9. If indeed. We can't compete with those wages, but I can't see him being on that, I could be wrong, but I don't belive it would be that much. If he was earning that much, Celtic would be looking to have him loaned out at a higher level than us, where they'd likely be able to get a much bigger percentage of the wage covered. It's all speculation though, nobody knows. We do have a bit of a war chest in reserve still tho, even after Davidson tried to plunder it.
  10. Not sure I agree. If he believes in himself, as he should do. Then he'd be best taking a move to play week in week out and earning a bigger move off the back of that. 2 more years at Celtic won't really set him up that well, but 8-10 years playing in England after doing well for someone like us for a year or two would.
  11. I'd be very disappointed if he ended up at you and not us. I think he's a year left with Celtic so they may be open to a deal for a small fee with a sell on included. Another loan doesn't really suit anyone as he's never getting in their team.
  12. In a season filled with hilarity, what takes the crown for best f**k up? For me and probably many supporters of Tayside's finest, it will be the rather glorious Stevie May tackle goal. I'm not sure it would be possible to top that as the funniest goal I've ever seen.
  13. I doubt we'll ever see a player given as much time and patience from the fans as we did with Bair. The desperation for it to happen was palpable, but it wasn't to be for the big man. Had he ever bagged at Mcdiarmid I'm sure we'd all have went wild.
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