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Worst place you've ever worked?

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You've not been dismissed in over thirty years so I reckon Scott's pretty safe.

Deleted the comment so I can only hope I'll still have a job when I go back later in the week after my exams. I'll try and trace Sergeant Wilson down and leave flowers and chocolates on his desk if he doesn't tell on me :wub:

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A small IT software house in Surrey. It was taken over by a US giant and as a result my career opportunities were limited due to new managers taking over. I decided to embark on a solo career and never looked back.

Every problem involves a solution that creates an opportunity

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You must have worked in a few "rubbish" places over the yeas Seamus?

It's like being relegated but you always know if you work hard enough you can get back up unless of course you've got competition and then you worry

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That story about the cows and sledgehammer is fucking horrific :lol:

Why has noone mentioned the thousands of prawns getting ripped in half alive? :angry:

Will someone please think of the prawns!

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When I was 19 and unemployed I took up a job getting people to sign up for charity. Not in the streets mind you, this was door to door, in high rise flats, in Govan. It wasd awful, you nevcer had a wage, purely commission and it was impossible to get anyone to sign up. The second day I was there I was going round with a girl and she was showing me what to do, I got halfway through the day and decided I'd had enough. We were up the top of a block of flats so i told the girl i was nipping out to the landing for fresh air. As soon as i got through the door and out of sight i legged it. She kept phoning and txting me asking where I was but I never looked back and just headed home. i don't know how anyone could do that, it certainly wasn't for me.

I went to the 'interview' for that. Advertised in the paper under the title 'BIG BREAKFAST!', had absolutely nothing to do with the Big Breakfast. People doing pressups as punishments for not selling enough, you'd get to 'run your own team of sellers' when you hit 12 sales, the "Work hard, play hard!" bullshiit mantra, etc

Got offered the job, stayed the fcuk away. Shady cuunts.

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John Lewis Contact Centre - Hamilton

I was forced into it by the JobCentre after uni and only claiming JSA for about 2weeks. I tried to do a trainspotting and be deliberately shite in the interview but still somehow got it. Travelling everyday was a nightmare and I was out the house for around 14hours a day. The people were decent but the management and company are like some sort of brainwashing cult who try to educate you into thinking that JL is the best company in the world. It's a surreal experience that I can't even describe, but you somehow end up telling everyone you meet how amazing the "partnership" is (you don't call it a company).

Looking back it's far from amazing, the pay was relatively shite and the job was mind numbing due to the middle class arsehole clientele that are attracted to JL

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John Lewis Contact Centre - Hamilton

I was forced into it by the JobCentre after uni and only claiming JSA for about 2weeks. I tried to do a trainspotting and be deliberately shite in the interview but still somehow got it. Travelling everyday was a nightmare and I was out the house for around 14hours a day. The people were decent but the management and company are like some sort of brainwashing cult who try to educate you into thinking that JL is the best company in the world. It's a surreal experience that I can't even describe, but you somehow end up telling everyone you meet how amazing the "partnership" is (you don't call it a company).

Looking back it's far from amazing, the pay was relatively shite and the job was mind numbing due to the middle class arsehole clientele that are attracted to JL

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John Lewis Contact Centre - Hamilton

I was forced into it by the JobCentre after uni and only claiming JSA for about 2weeks. I tried to do a trainspotting and be deliberately shite in the interview but still somehow got it. Travelling everyday was a nightmare and I was out the house for around 14hours a day. The people were decent but the management and company are like some sort of brainwashing cult who try to educate you into thinking that JL is the best company in the world. It's a surreal experience that I can't even describe, but you somehow end up telling everyone you meet how amazing the "partnership" is (you don't call it a company).

Looking back it's far from amazing, the pay was relatively shite and the job was mind numbing due to the middle class arsehole clientele that are attracted to JL

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Briefly worked testing the RBS website in an office in Edinburgh. 8 guys in a basement room with no windows and the room itself was barely bigger than a toilet. They were all very into their jobs, so there was absolutely no chat whatsoever - just complete silence apart from tapping of keyboards. Pay was amazing, but f**k doing that for a living. It was like being in solitary for 9 hours a day.

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Whilst doing an incredibly shit job in a fastfood shitehole last year I ended up being offered a job as a salesman whilst on holiday. Was a better wage, then commission, then travel paid for. I thought that was brilliant. I lasted 2 days before I realised the bosses were bullies and you were going to be forcing people into doing what you tell them too.

I just went for my lunch and didn't go back. They spent the next week demanding me to go back. Thank f**k I never as the place was shut down and moved elsewhere a week later.

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