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The Wire


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I enjoyed the wire, in fact Im sure I watched all 5 series within a month but I think some people tend to go over the top.

Some of the characters are tremendous but I felt some of the storylines slightly weak and/or predictable. I remember thinking that whilst watching it.

Any specific examples here? Spoiler it obviously

watched the first 1 last night and found it run of the mill tbh just a typical US cop show with swearing unless the rest of the shows are a drastic improvment on the first I think ill stick to Braquo.

Yeah, it starts of appearing like a typical cop show, you need to persevere with it

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A wire spin off, unless it followed a charcater to a new city, would just be weird I think, it;s big strength was it's scope, a spin off still set in Baltimore would have limited that.

I just remebered hands down, my favourite Wire scene.

Omar and Bunk - season 3 perhaps - on the bench, talking about the "old days". Brilliant,brilliant,brillaint. Bunk. so often light relief in The Wire was so intense in that scene.

"We had a community"


5:26 in 8)

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Not reading through the thread for fear of spoilers...

Watched the first episode on Sky Anytime today, only took me about 15 - 20 minutes to get right into it. I still haven't got a clue what any of the characters names are though, there's a fair few laugh.gif It'll come though. Apart from the smug looking fucker with the Polish name that's connected, hope he ends up like Percy from The Green Mile. As stereotypes go, the "incompetent but connected with big names in high places = untouchable" one always manages to rile me up (although in saying that it's a touch unfair to pigeon hole his character into it based on just one episode, he certainly seems to fit the bill... not a bad thing necessarily; that religious lady from The Mist is the most one-dimensional character I've ever seen, but she played it so well on screen that I was genuinely delighted when the bitch got her comeuppance

Trying to figure out the significance of the "If you don't play the game, you can't lose" part... in other words, don't play it on their terms/play your own game?

Really liked it so far, only disappointing thing is I've to wait till Friday for the next one.

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The game is rigged. But you cannot lose if you do not play. I'm pretty sure that when Daniels' wife says that she means that he has been dealt a losing hand with the new detail, and that he should resign from the police and become a lawyer, rather than be the head of a detail that is supposed to fail. Although the reality in The Wire is that just about every 'Game' is rigged in favour of someone. Generally references to The Game mean drug dealing, so I suppose the use of the quote at the start of the episode is meant to be taken to apply universally.

Best scene for this bear


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The game is rigged. But you cannot lose if you do not play. I'm pretty sure that when Daniels' wife says that she means that he has been dealt a losing hand with the new detail, and that he should resign from the police and become a lawyer, rather than be the head of a detail that is supposed to fail. Although the reality in The Wire is that just about every 'Game' is rigged in favour of someone. Generally references to The Game mean drug dealing, so I suppose the use of the quote at the start of the episode is meant to be taken to apply universally.

Best scene for this bear


Tremendous stuff. I know it gets said every time Stringer's mentioned on here, but I was genuinely astonished when I found out he's a posh Arsenal supporting RADA luvvie.

And in other slightly disappointing news, Vic Mackey is also a republican voting crooner. And is really shit.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Just started season 4, 3 was much better than 2 but I still prefer the first season.

Another character I've grown to like is Cutty, I empathise with him and his struggles which is obviously intended so it's good to see him get on his feet.

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Cutty's battles are probably one of my favourite ongoing stories through The Wire. There's a brilliant scene where it's just him wandering down one of the empty streets, and he looked lost. Just seemed very cool.

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Cutty's battles are probably one of my favourite ongoing stories through The Wire. There's a brilliant scene where it's just him wandering down one of the empty streets, and he looked lost. Just seemed very cool.

Him and Bubs are the two who I want to get out of the game so far.

So I was pleased when that cunt Johnny was found dead.

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I love the respect that Omar commands, he just needs to stroll down the street and everyone is running away. He's like a modern day Robin Hood, except he doesn't give any of it back to the poor.

I love Omar most of the time, but sometimes the whole superhero thing used to get on my tits. I'd be yelling 'shoot him in the back!' at the corner boys as he strolled off whistling. Just at times he was turned into a bit too much of a superhero for such a realistic show.

He had some of the absolute best lines and scenes though. Unlike Mouzone, who was just a pish character (imo of course).

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I watched the wire for about 8 episodes. Really couldn't get into it. Does it get better after that?

It's a slow burner in the beginning but I think if you're not getting into it by the 8th episode, it's really not worth persevering.

Although, having looked at episode synopses online, I think it was actually episode 9 - Game Day - where I really started to get hooked.

The Wire's less episodic than most TV programmes too, even taking into account the best of the rest from HBO; each series is one big story so maybe it is worth persevering after all :lol:

To quote Lester Freamon 'All the pieces matter'.

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