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Grand Theft Auto V

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I got a text from my nephew last night saying he'd just completed GTA.

The f**k? I've not even unlocked Trevor yet!!!!

ETA: I realise he means he's hammered the main missions and probably not explored/ done side missions at all, but still..... the f**k?

Edited by Confidemus
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I got a text from my nephew last night saying he'd just completed GTA.

The f**k? I've not even unlocked Trevor yet!!!!

ETA: I realise he means he's hammered the main missions and probably not explored/ done side missions at all, but still..... the f**k?

Would you say that completing the main quest line counts as completing GTA V or would you say not until you get that 100% achievement?

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Would you say that completing the main quest line counts as completing GTA V or would you say not until you get that 100% achievement?

I don't know about the 100% achievement, as I'm guessing that would be pretty hard to get, but I certainly wouldn't consider the game "complete" just for finishing all the main quests.

Like I say, I've not even unlocked Trevor, just been fannying about, enjoying exploring and doing side missions etc. It was only last night that I begun to scope out my first heist.

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The depth of detail is incredible, cars, waves,textures are fantastic. You can get lost in time playing this game. Spent over an hour at shooting range and tennis ffs. 25% complete so far, aiming for 100% before online comes on....doubtful.

Only annoying thing i've found is you can run into traffic lights, fences, certain lamposts and they'll break and fall but if u run into a wooden post you smash into it. Small thing but annoying if you're racing.

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Busy till around 2 today then free till pretty much tomorrow.

My usual Friday night consists of going to the pub then wherever after that or sitting in with a takeaway watching terrible tele wishing I was in the pub. Tonight is the first Friday night in forever that I am looking forward to sitting in. Sad really :lol:

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Anyone else had problems when taking pictures with the in game phone? I'm absolutely mad for a selfie and most of the time I can't connect to the rock star social club when I try to save a picture, this has caused my Xbox to crash a few times when I try to reattempt it.

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Anyone else had problems when taking pictures with the in game phone? I'm absolutely mad for a selfie and most of the time I can't connect to the rock star social club when I try to save a picture, this has caused my Xbox to crash a few times when I try to reattempt it.

Mine crashed completely the first time I tried it but seems to be working now.

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