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Another home economics one was that we'd steal the plastic chopping boards and then use a heated knife at home to carve them into custom grinder plates for our rollerblades. It was the 90s and aggressive inline skating was cool.

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We were obsessed with making explosives for a few years (don't do this, kids. Apparently folk take a dim view of it these days).

The easiest ways to make basic gunpowders, thermite, etc. Was to either steal from chemistry (where nothing but the most harmful acids and so on were locked up), or to grind up the ceramic gunpowder engines from model rockets. You could also go for fertiliser/sugar etc., but I understand fertilisers sold now are no longer suitable for exactly that reason.

Anyway, our favourite way to use these mixes, especially if mixed with mg powder for effect, was to put a little hole in a ping pong ball, fill it up, use a petrol-sodden bit of string as a fuse, and one person would light the fuse as the other released the mini bomb from their catapult (I had a Black Widow, mate had a fancy Diablo).

Our favourite targets were a hated teacher's greenhouse, launched from field behind his house, and another house I won't specify. Because my friend fired an absolute beaut that went off next to an attic window with obvious consequences. We ran away.

We stopped doing it after an idiot at the next school asked for a recipe and made a mess of himself. Muppet tried to use mg ribbon to light an open little pile of powder. Outside. A breeze hits it and as it ignites it covers him. He was very lucky and only lost hair, eyebrows, and bit of skin and nails on one hand. All was okayish after a few months.

It seemed a warning.


Plus one on the explosives. A tennis ball sliced open with a Stanley knife, filled with match heads till it's absolutely full, taped shut with gaffa tape and then given a good, hard bounce is good fun. Also, Vaseline mixed with weedkiller was another. Produces incredible amounts of thick white smoke, then flares like magnesium. We also used to put socks over our hands, spray the socks with deodorant, spray a bouncy ball with deodorant, light the bouncy ball and then play catch with it, igniting our aerosol soaked, be-socked hands. f**k knows how we never died. Thankfully the anarchist's cookbook existed in a pre-Google, pre-9/11 world.

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Plus one on the explosives. A tennis ball sliced open with a Stanley knife, filled with match heads till it's absolutely full, taped shut with gaffa tape and then given a good, hard bounce is good fun. Also, Vaseline mixed with weedkiller was another. Produces incredible amounts of thick white smoke, then flares like magnesium. We also used to put socks over our hands, spray the socks with deodorant, spray a bouncy ball with deodorant, light the bouncy ball and then play catch with it, igniting our aerosol soaked, be-socked hands. f**k knows how we never died. Thankfully the anarchist's cookbook existed in a pre-Google, pre-9/11 world.




That sounds like the best/most stupid game ever.

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That sounds like the best/most stupid game ever.


I used to have two single beds in my bedroom at that time, for when mates would stay over. Me and my childhood best friend were playing this insane game in the floor space in the middle of the room and managed to scorch and burn the carpet and the bedspreads on both beds, one at each side of the room. Told my maw my chemistry set blew up and she believed it. She would literally believe anything I told her as a kid, the benefit of being the baby of the family and her being a busy, harassed single mum I suppose.

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Ah - Home Economics - that takes me back - took it as a leisure subject in 6th year as a "filler".  But the real reason was that the teacher was an absolute stunner - couldn't have been much older than us and the sight of her bending down at the ovens with her apron covered in flour marks, just about sent our raging teenage hormones off the scale!!!  Totally knew what she was doing with her 6th year leisure class!!


Rumours were flying that she was involved with the woodwork teacher and he was an absolute nutter.  For no reason, he would slam the head of a broom against one of the wooden worktables and the booming noise would bring everyone to a standstill before he just smirked and walked off.



ETA - just realised that the Home Ec story sounds a bit like the scene from Gregory's girl with Clare Grogan - I can confirm though, they were 2 separate events.

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I used to have two single beds in my bedroom at that time, for when mates would stay over. Me and my childhood best friend were playing this insane game in the floor space in the middle of the room and managed to scorch and burn the carpet and the bedspreads on both beds, one at each side of the room. Told my maw my chemistry set blew up and she believed it. She would literally believe anything I told her as a kid, the benefit of being the baby of the family and her being a busy, harassed single mum I suppose.


This isn't as bad as setting fire to the floor, but you've just reminded me. A guy in my year and his younger brother introduced me to a game when I was staying over at their house. You took your shoes and socks off and stood with your feet together. The person facing you threw a dart at your feet. You had to jump and split your legs apart as they threw it (but not before) so that it stuck harmlessly in the floor.


There were a couple of accidents, and a while later his wee brother got a really bad one stuck right in. His mum was not happy.

Not sure how sorry I felt for his wee brother given that the guy once thought a funny joke was to shoot me at point blank range in the back with an airgun while I was playing the Amiga.

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I remember an experiment in chemistry where you were supposed to create methane. You attached a rubber hose to the bit off the side of the vessel and put the other end in a basin filled with water and fairy liquid. The idea being that any methane you created would make bubbles on the surface and once you had enough you could light them.


We did something wrong couldn't get it working so we surreptitiously just used the gas-tap instead. The bubbles went everywhere in a huge tower. Our chemistry teacher (who was always a bit mental imo) came over going on about how well it had worked and threw a lit taper at the pile. The fireball hit the ceiling, destroying a panel. We thought we'd get in trouble, but he was delighted.


The same teacher apparently hated the HE teacher in the class above, and took great pleasure in upsetting her with loud noises and chaos from his class. At least once a year he'd fill a balloon with hydrogen, tie a thread to it, and let it float to the ceiling before lighting the thread. You'd get a spectacular boom and mini-fireball, and she'd come downstairs to see what the commotion was.


If it wasn't for the fact that he also really liked handing out punishment exercises (generally writing out pages of old textbooks), I reckon he'd have been one of the most liked teachers in school.


The day he discovered a lad in my class had his bag stuffed full of his father's porn mags was one of my favourite days in school. He started pulling them out going "what have we here?!" to the delight of everyone else.

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Plus one on the explosives. A tennis ball sliced open with a Stanley knife, filled with match heads till it's absolutely full, taped shut with gaffa tape and then given a good, hard bounce is good fun. Also, Vaseline mixed with weedkiller was another. Produces incredible amounts of thick white smoke, then flares like magnesium. We also used to put socks over our hands, spray the socks with deodorant, spray a bouncy ball with deodorant, light the bouncy ball and then play catch with it, igniting our aerosol soaked, be-socked hands. f**k knows how we never died. Thankfully the anarchist's cookbook existed in a pre-Google, pre-9/11 world.


Similar to that, it was not unknown for us to do that with our old trainers when playing football. Spray them with deoderant, light them up then see how long you could play football while on fire. Was all fun and games until someone decided to coat the ball without telling the goalie. Boy sets his shoes on fire, takes a shot, ball catches fire, keeper makes highest pitched noise I have ever heard as he realises.


Fortunately/sadly the keeper managed to get out the way. Was funny at the time.

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My school, Inverkeithing, had a funny mix of pupils. We had the working class children from Inverkeithing and Rosyth, the slightly posh kids from Dalgety Bay and Aberdour, then for some reason I still don't understand. We would bus in feral kids from former mining villages like High Valleyfield, Toryburn etc.


I remember more than once the mining village boys decided they just didn't fell like school that day, so kicked the upstairs windows out of their bus and throw the seats down after them. Some of the ringleaders also discussed how to get a spike onto the bus one day so they took stick it through the bus engine. They never did pull that one off though.

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Dunfermline High School - fecking dump of a place when I was there.  Wonderful teachers though.


One English teacher had been getting rather fed up with one the jokers in the class mucking around and did an amazing run and jump on to his desk before doing a little dance. Can't mind what he said exactly but it was basically along the lines of "you're not centre of attention anymore!"


Graph comm. We had a rather....interesting teacher who viewed this class as the perfect opportunity to disappear and watch Jeremy Kyle episodes.  This of course led to utter chaos in the class with 25 unattended pupils on computers and having rubber fights.  Downside was that about 2 weeks before the year ended he announced that we still had 2 peices of work to do for our portfolio which led to the whole class copying the only guy in the class who did it.  Were all caught straight away as there was one mistake on every single one!


My old registration teacher started as a nice calm lady but slowly the class wore her down until one day she launched the class TV (on top of one of the rocky old stands with wheels) across the room and into the wall.  Last time I saw her we were crossing the road as she came down the street. 99% certain she sped up and only missed us by a bawhair!  Wasn't long before she was off sick and we got a new registration class which was one of the drunk old maths teachers :lol:


Best teacher was Mr Thompson the geography teacher.  A rather large man who would never get up out his desk.  To silence the class he had a golf club (minus the head) that he would drop on his desk if the class was getting too noisy. Nicest guy you could ever meet - sadly died as I was writing my geography dissertation as I had hoped to go in and see him just so say hi.

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Did anyone ever get taken to Hadrian's Wall for a school trip?


We went for Latin class and stayed in some youth hostel near the wall. Not sure exactly where except that it was near that tree you see them rescue the kid from near the beginning of Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.

Some guy was there doing something to a wee dry-stane wall round the tree, and our Latin teacher excitedly started speculating that the wall could be the remains of an old well that the tree was growing out of. The guy working on the wall explained he was building it to help protect the tree. I've since seen pics of the spot and the wee wall isn't there anymore, presumably a giant tree doesn't need too much protecting.


The hostel served food & had one of those black boards up that you can stick white letters into to say what you're serving. The sort beloved by old-fashioned chippys and front covers of books about Jocky Scott. On day one it was subtle changes made, like a packed lunch being £50, and after day two the hostel was offering very cheap hand-jobs and various other poo or genital related services. That went down well with the owners.


We were in rooms of about 8 bunks, and our Latin teacher decided he was sleeping in ours. I don't think it was because he wanted to bum us, I suspect it was due to certain behavior on the train down. You never know though.

We were upstairs, so set fire to the top of a dead pine tree that was outside the window using the old lynx can method, but couldn't reach to get it to go out again. Luckily fire only really goes upwards, so there was a limited time it could keep burning. We shut the curtains before the teacher came into the room, but being as it was mid-afternoon, the first thing he did was throw them open.

We just sat in silence as he leant forward and sighed really deeply. The first thing you could see looking out the window was the incinerated and still smoldering top 3 feet or so of this tree. He just turned round slowly and said something like "is this really what it's come to, boys?", before wandering off.


We got hold of booze in some local town near an old fort with amusing results. Some girl that hadn't drunk before promptly got smashed and projectile vommed in the bus. It hit the back of a lassie I despised, so that was good.


Can't remember what else happened, but the trip was cancelled for future years. The next 2 years after my years' French Exchange to Paris were cancelled too  :lol:


ETA - apart from a policeman telling our teacher we all had to leave the Arc de Triomphe after a girl threw half an apple off the top and hit a car, I really don't remember what we did that was so bad in Paris, and that would cause them to suspend the event. We did get a bit drunk a few times and killed an ornamental carp at the Palace of Versailles by feeding it chewing gum wrapped in bread, but no-one knew that was us. The French Exchange does stand out in my mind as by a long way my favourite thing we ever did in school though, so maybe other mischief did occur, I can't remember.

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Guy in my class had the biggest cock I've ever seen.

School policy was trunks for swimming. He tried to explain he couldn't wear trunks for "medical reasons" and they told him to f**k up and get on with it, no trunks = no participation and detention. He came strutting out wearing trunks.

Bollocks and boaby hingin out from all angles, that shitey material was meant to be navy but was stretched white in some areas and it was just generally a terrifying sight.

The teacher though the was at the wind up (Mr Burnette was his name) and started going tonto marching towards him until he got close enough to realise this was no game.

Shorts for Danny from then on.

He also hospitalised his bird some years later by getting carried away during doggy style.

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A funny one from PE: I mind my swimming teacher, Mr Burnette IIRC, insisted that I wore trunks instead of shorts. 


And some weirdo kept staring at my cock. 

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Biology teacher? If so he was South African

Some sort of sciencey stuff - I could never tell the difference between them and was equally pish and disinterested in all. Described him as Germanic as I knew he wasn't German but had a pretty strong Fatherland vibe - Afrikaans with a more German than Dutch heritage is what I recall.

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