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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why? You're just another angry diddy railing against Rangers and using The Big Thread for catharsis.

So you do not want to discuss the issues?  Baseless claims made by your own are allowed to go un-challenged, are those the new rules?


Never mind, you keep trying to deflect with claims of bullying etc.  Maybe when you have sobered up you will answer a simple question.


Have the debenture holders been paid back?

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As far as I'm concerned, Rangers (In liquidation) owes every single fan the cost of every single ticket, pie, petrol receipt, train journey and match day pint they purchased during the cheating years.  I didn't pay my money so I could watch my side compete against a club simultaneously defrauding the public purse while deliberately deceiving the league.


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The begging does not even end at the 90K!

'As we have said before, if even a third of our regular readership voluntarily committed to the lowest sub (which amounts to 15p a day), we would be ridiculously cash rich'

Are these fuckers for real?

They must need it all to talk about all of Scottish Football right? I mean their mission statement reads;

'The Scottish Football Monitor aims, through time, and by winning the trust of ordinary fans, to fill a gap in the football media in Scotland.'

It also states;

'as an umbrella organisation providing a platform for ideas from across the spectrum of opinion on Scottish football.'

In their latest blog they list all the topics they have discussed in the past, it is a broad subject matter.

'We’ve noted and discussed the following and more –

  • Two different signatures from the same club on the 5-way agreement
  • Two different and concurrent memberships of the SFA
  • Players TUPE-ing for free and no lawyers getting rich in trying to get them back
  • Pre-season games being cancelled because of registration and insurance issues
  • The Brechin game coming too soon for the paperwork
  • The entry-round in The Ramsdens Cup for the old club or is it the new club?
  • Record crowds, an even more aggressive songbook
  • Ian Black getting a surprise call-up and a bit of a game to legitimise The New Rangers with their first cap
  • Millions raised from a gullible city and desperate fans but still several last gasp saves needed to avoid new financial stramashes
  • A charity that pays for holidays in America
  • Quasi-legal stuff with dodgy parameters for questionable enquiries like Nimmo Smith
  • Bryson and his logic that Spartans could and should have used to stay in the cup
  • A “Hopelessly Conflicted Chairman†re-elected and a new one who has fitted in seamlessly
  • Real legal stuff like HMRC appeals, and phrases like side-letters
  • Charlotte Fakes and maybe even Fake Charlotte Fakes
  • Fit and proper persons running our clubs
  • Recorded conversations
  • Onerous contracts
  • Metaphysical concepts of what football clubs in our courts with big bucks being spent on our behalf by our administrators

There is and has been a whole lot more and more to come on the schedules too.'

Aye lets replace the MSM because all they do is talk aboot Rangers :blink:

Great research there. You guys needs to do something!

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The begging does not even end at the 90K!


'As we have said before, if even a third of our regular readership voluntarily committed to the lowest sub (which amounts to 15p a day), we would be ridiculously cash rich'[/size]


Are these fuckers for real?


They must need it all to talk about all of Scottish Football right?  I mean their mission statement reads;


'The Scottish Football Monitor aims, through time, and by winning the trust of ordinary fans, to fill a gap in the football media in Scotland.'


It also states;


'as an umbrella organisation providing a platform for ideas from across the spectrum of opinion on Scottish football.'


In their latest blog they list all the topics they have discussed in the past, it is a broad subject matter.



'We’ve noted and discussed the following and more –

  • Two different signatures from the same club on the 5-way agreement
  • Two different and concurrent memberships of the SFA
  • Players TUPE-ing for free and no lawyers getting rich in trying to get them back
  • Pre-season games being cancelled because of registration and insurance issues
  • The Brechin game coming too soon for the paperwork
  • The entry-round in The Ramsdens Cup for the old club or is it the new club?
  • Record crowds, an even more aggressive songbook
  • Ian Black getting a surprise call-up and a bit of a game to legitimise  The New Rangers with their first cap
  • Millions raised from a gullible city and desperate fans but still several last gasp saves needed to avoid new financial stramashes
  • A charity that pays for holidays in America
  • Quasi-legal stuff with dodgy parameters for questionable enquiries like Nimmo Smith
  • Bryson and his logic that Spartans could and should have used to stay in the cup
  • A “Hopelessly Conflicted Chairman†re-elected and a new one who has fitted in seamlessly
  • Real legal stuff like HMRC appeals, and phrases like side-letters
  • Charlotte Fakes and maybe even Fake Charlotte Fakes
  • Fit and proper persons running our clubs
  • Recorded conversations
  • Onerous contracts
  • Metaphysical concepts of what football clubs in our courts with big bucks being spent on our behalf by our administrators
There is and has been a whole lot more and more to come on the schedules too.'

Aye lets replace the MSM because all they do is talk aboot Rangers  :blink:

You just know that a few of them are on here, one killie fan hinted strongly that they took him very very seriously.....

Those guys are seriously cracked, in 5 - 10 years time they'll still be there, trying to get people to listen to their conspiracy theories and taking money from clowns like densboy.

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Talking about the Scottish Football Monitor :lol:

I took this from their home page, right beside the big paypal logo.

If even a third of our regular users donated the current minimum subscription we would raise around £90,000 per year. [/size]

What the f**k does a blog site need with that kind of money?

Wow these sites really get to Rangers fans...anyway remind us how much RFFF got from fans to help protect the club financially? Half a million?!...oh wait then spent it on a stand ...at the training ground?! Lol what a fucking waste . Edited by THE KING
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Wow these sites really get to Rangers fans...anyway remind us how much RFFF got from fans to help protect the club financially? Half a million?!...oh wait then spent it on a stand ...at the training ground?! Lol what a fucking waste .

Another ^^ example of whataboutery?

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Oh, get over yourself. That makes you look both angry and stupid.

But, but, the schools! The hospitals!


I am entitled to be angry, why stupid though? Expand a bit please.


And if we are going to take the piss about schools and hospitals, let us not forget all the servicemen Rangers helped to murder in Iraq and Afghanistan.  If only we could have afforded better light vehicles than the snatch landrover in 2003 and just think of all the mummies and daddies who aren't here because they didn't have any body armour. 


How many motherless or fatherless service children would be worth it, in your opinion for you to secure the services of Bert Kontermann?

Again IMO, you and every person associated with that hideous, vile, but thankfully departed club has blood on their hands.  Shame on you.


You don't like that one?  OK, you tell me where you think the money Rangers owes should have gone, but didn't because they were thieving, cheating b*****ds. 

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I am entitled to be angry, why stupid though? Expand a bit please.


And if we are going to take the piss about schools and hospitals, let us not forget all the servicemen Rangers helped to murder in Iraq and Afghanistan.  If only we could have afforded better light vehicles than the snatch landrover in 2003 and just think of all the mummies and daddies who aren't here because they didn't have any body armour. 


How many motherless or fatherless service children would be worth it, in your opinion for you to secure the services of Bert Kontermann?


Again IMO, you and every person associated with that hideous, vile, but thankfully departed club has blood on their hands.  Shame on you.


You don't like that one?  OK, you tell me where you think the money Rangers owes should have gone, but didn't because they were thieving, cheating b*****ds.

What a roaster you are.

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On an aside....


Whilst you're on your moral high-horse as a Morton fan...


At Ibrox you sang...


"You're not Rangers anymore".....standard, no points for orginality


"Same old Rangers, always cheating".....kinda ruins chant one.


...and the Billy Boys....but with "St Mirren blood" instead....


And you lecture us.....


how does "Same as the Old Original Rangers Club / Company Which Was Liquidated in 2012, always cheating" grab you?


(and nothing will ever top the  ' Same Old Alloa, always cheating' line used by a young deluded bear last season. :lol: )

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That is rather a big statement to make. You obviously have proof of a direct link here that nobody else has seen. You should probably share it with us to avoid looking like a Grade A moron.

How about the fairly easy to follow indirect link? Its enough for me.

Look I understand this seems unpalatable to you. I'd be green with shame and self loathing too.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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That is rather a big statement to make. You obviously have proof of a direct link here that nobody else has seen. You should probably share it with us to avoid looking like a Grade A moron.


Do you deny The Now Dead Rangers Club deliberately withheld taxes that were due?

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That is rather a big statement to make. You obviously have proof of a direct link here that nobody else has seen. You should probably share it with us to avoid looking like a Grade A moron.

You seem like the gullible sort of bear :)

(Is there any other kind?)

Give anything yesterday ?


adastra is online now 1st Team Regular

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Default Re: Charity tins last night outside louden and around ground ( forgotten heroes)

Fellow Bears, I write this advice with heavy heart as I would never wish to send a negative signal regarding charitable collections for Service charities. Having proudly served for 31 years I would count myself at the front of the queue in giving. However, unlike the official veterans collectors you will meet around Glasgow such as the Parachute Regiment in Blazers and ties and the likes of BoB week and Poppy Sunday, myself and none of my mates on leaving the service would don combats and collect money. Blazer, tie, medals yes but ill fitting combats, scraggy hair and beards - no.

I post this as guide and hope it will help you question the fraudsters who masquerade and leach of your generosity and loyalty. Please question but please please keep giving to the legitimate causes and certainly not to the poppy scarf sellers who claim they contribute to the likes of Erskine, I can categorically state they don't.

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So anyway, back on topic.


I have a few more questions if you don't mind:


Is there any evidence whatsoever that all oldco debts have been transferred to the newco and have been paid (Big Tax Case aside)?


Do Rangers fans see the need to get to the bottom of this, and ask questions of their own?


Or are they happy to let the old debts stay with the oldco, and thus forget about them?


Where are David Murray and Craig Whyte these days? What would Rangers fans like to see done to them (in terms of prosecution, if anything)?


And, to answer someone's question previously if I care about the money that Dundee, Hearts etc. didn't pay their creditors in full, all I can say is that, as you all know, as regrettable as it is, entering administration is no where near as severe as being liquidated, and of course, unlike Rangers fans, Hearts fans did something about saving their club, and guess what? They did!


It would appear to many that the whole demise of Rangers was carefully orchestrated from the moment David Murray decided to walk away, and only very few honest Rangers fans saw what was eventually coming.

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So anyway, back on topic.


I have a few more questions if you don't mind:


Is there any evidence whatsoever that all oldco debts have been transferred to the newco and have been paid (Big Tax Case aside)?


I'm intrigued by this too.

My instinct is that Solitaire is unilaterally prattling absolute made up nonsense on this. If that fighting fund really had settled all those bills, it would actually be quite impressive and would provide a pretty good riposte to many of the taunts Rangers fans receive.

The fact that none of the Rangers fans on here came to Solitaire's aid with anything but deflection, doesn't change my view on it.

What is the reality though? Dunfermline received some money this way, I believe. I've also heard that the local newsagent was reimbursed. I'm guessing some others like that probably were too, but I don't know.

Is anyone able to provide some factual information on this?

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Liquidation and administration are not really that different when it comes to debt.  In an exit via admin (Hearts, Dundee, Dunfermline) creditors agreed to a deal that saw them getting only a few pennies in the pound, in Liquidation (Rangers, Leeds) creditors did not agree but will still receive something, how much depends on what happens with the BTC but they could well end up getting a bigger % than those who exited via admin.  These other clubs fans did not do anything to 'save their clubs' they just happened to be dealing with creditors who were willing to do a deal, HMRC were not willing, Rangers fan could do nothing to change that, that really is the difference here.


I have no love for DM but he had no choice in the matter, the bank were running the show from 2009 and even had an employee installed on the board, I have no doubt the deal to sell to CW suited him, he certainly was not duped but the bank ultimately were calling the shots.

I actually agree that in terms of debt and even morality, there's little to separate what Rangers did from what, say Dundee did. The fact that Rangers deprived someone big enough to not settle for whatever they could get, ie HMRC, is what led to liquidation. It's that liquidation however that calls into question the idea of continuity. It's also the deceit of the side letters when registering players that means they should lose titles.

Defending David Murray by suggesting that the bank called the shots is of course disingenuous in the extreme. The bank were only involved at all because of his reckless spending of their money.

Murray wanted out at all costs because he knew what lay ahead and he really didn't want to be at the wheel at the time.

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You have already been told that the RFFF paid the small creditors, you have also been told that the footballing debt was paid as part of the deal to have the membership transferred from oldco to newco.

I know about sonsy face and the glass makers who made David weirs commemorative paper weight. Haven't heard of any others. But even if you have paid off the wee guys, that's nothing to brag about, come back to me when the middle sized and large creditors have been paid, in full, plus interest and every single last one of you deluded vermin have apologised, to each creditor, Scottish Football, Scotland and the game of association football.

You can start, I am listening and am ready to receive your apology Tedi. Pray let us hear your contrition.

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As far as I'm concerned, Rangers (In liquidation) owes every single fan the cost of every single ticket, pie, petrol receipt, train journey and match day pint they purchased during the cheating years.  I didn't pay my money so I could watch my side compete against a club simultaneously defrauding the public purse while deliberately deceiving the league.




I'll let them off with the pints - I'd have had those anyway.  And I quite enjoyed most of them.

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