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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So....will the Rangers board swiftly hand over the cash due to Rangers retail (Mike Ashley) or will they put up a fight and MA will have to go through the courts to claim it?.



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I don't think Bennett is an idiot.


He has mastered the role-play of appearing to be an idiot  simply to create annoyance to all those of us  who have mocked his old dead cheating club and the travails of the bizarre frankenstein tribute act that was created in the aftermath.


diddies,eh? what are they like?

Yes, that's about the size of it.

Bennett's a maddening bugger, but he's alright really.

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So....will the Rangers board swiftly hand over the cash due to Rangers retail (Mike Ashley) or will they put up a fight and MA will have to go through the courts to claim it?.



Are you heavidor on twitter?

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