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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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53 minutes ago, bennett said:

For the 157th time. bdo will receive an additional bill from HMRC and they will give them a percantage of the creditors pot.

Everything else was dealt with by the William Nimmo Smith hearing and the five way agreement.

Howling at the moon will not change anything.



81 :lol: 

Make that 76 :lol: 

Edited by Henrik's tongue
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Guest Flash
1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

The SPFL is a craven organisation born out of greed.  The 2nd oldest football league in the world was binned purely so that the (then) SPL members would get their greedy mitts on our media rights.  It hasn't an ounce of either credibility or integrity and I don't see that changing.  

According to the SPFL Limited (formerly SPL Limited) accounts, the SFL transferred its business and assets to the SPFL Limited in exchange for the issue of shares to the former members of the SFL. Does this not mean that the SFL still exists within the SPFL company?

This would seem to be particularly logical because it brought all the then current and previous members of the SFL (ie the clubs who had previously quit to form the SPL) back together in the same company. All that has effectively happened is that the previous unincorporated business carried on by the SFL is now carried on in a company, albeit that it was done in stages, with the breakaway SPL clubs being on their own for an extended period.

Edited by Flash
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8 minutes ago, Flash said:

According to the SPFL Limited (formerly SPL Limited) accounts, the SFL transferred its business and assets to the SPFL Limited in exchange for the issue of shares to the former members of the SFL. Does this not mean that the SFL still exists within the SPFL company?

There is no longer a league operated by the SFL  It was bullied in to submission by the then SPL for one reason only - Rangers' media rights - so to ask the SPFL to investigate us is brazenly ignorant (not that I'm suggesting you're saying this).

The SPFL is the product of greed on the part of the then SPL members who knew their own league would have been bankrupt in our absence (not the same as individual clubs' bankruptcy for the slow of thinking).  As the excellent Jim Ballantyne said:



“It’s sad the SFL has had to be a casualty. The original plans and discussions were for a new, merged and independent body to take the game forward. As time went on it became clear that wasn’t going to happen.

“The SFL is the one which has had to take the hit and I’m very sad about that.”

Ballantyne doesn’t call spades gardening implements and so he refuses to call a takeover a merger when he has the floor.

He said: “The fact is this is a takeover and not a merger. We (the SFL) are joining their (the SPL) company. They have swallowed us up. They can use nice words about it but it’s a takeover. The facts determine that.”


So if there is any blood-letting over the BTC (and there is no reason for it) I'd like a 360 view which takes cognisance of the fact that the (then) SPL clubs exploited our demise to save their own league and enrich themselves at the same time.

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Guest Flash
27 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

There is no longer a league operated by the SFL  It was bullied in to submission by the then SPL for one reason only - Rangers' media rights - so to ask the SPFL to investigate us is brazenly ignorant (not that I'm suggesting you're saying this).

The SPFL is the product of greed on the part of the then SPL members who knew their own league would have been bankrupt in our absence (not the same as individual clubs' bankruptcy for the slow of thinking).  As the excellent Jim Ballantyne said:

So if there is any blood-letting over the BTC (and there is no reason for it) I'd like a 360 view which takes cognisance of the fact that the (then) SPL clubs exploited our demise to save their own league and enrich themselves at the same time.

I understand the reasons for the merger (or takeover) but if the business and assets of the SFL were transferred does it not still exist within the SPFL company? 

In terms of the administration of the league, I accept that the SFL administrators are no longer involved. But I think it is quite logical to suggest that the SFL business still exists within the new company. If the SPL hadn't been set up whenever it was (can't remember when the original members broke away to from the SPL) and instead it had been formed in 2013 in order to acquire the business of the SFL (which would have been formed of all 42 clubs) then nobody would have suggested that the SFL no longer existed. It would just have changed from being operated as an unincorporated business into an incorporated one. Is that not effectively what has happened, albeit over an extended period?  All the original SFL clubs are back together operating a league, and other competitions, in a company owned by all of them. So, I think it is reasonable to conclude that the SFL still exists.

If I am wrong, then it means any time an unincorporated business transfers into a company, it means the business no longer exists, even if it transfers into a company whose shareholders are the same people who operated the partnership, or whatever. I don't think that makes sense.

Edited by Flash
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13 minutes ago, Flash said:

I understand the reasons for the merger (or takeover) but if the business and assets of the SFL were transferred does it not still exist within the SPFL company? 

Now you're sounding like me with your 'same league' suggestion ;)

In truth we no longer have the SFL.  It was sacrificed through the greed of the big clubs who wanted to save their own near-bankrupt cabal.  I'm surprised that more isn't made of this.

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2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

The SPL investigated us thoroughly, found us guilty and punished us.  Do you thik the SPFL will find us guiltier? 


2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

The SPFL is a craven organisation born out of greed.  The 2nd oldest football league in the world was binned purely so that the (then) SPL members would get their greedy mitts on our media rights.  It hasn't an ounce of either credibility or integrity and I don't see that changing.  

:lol: If only you could defend those walls better than you are defending a club that for over a decade cheated everyone in any competition they won.

You don't half post a lot pish, wind and bluster. :lol: Your old club got fined for breaching the rules and the SFA decided to fine the company in liquidation??? :blink::lol:

This is a completely different scenario you deluded old drunk, the loans aren't deemed as loans any more which the oldclub did get away with but were fined for not disclosing to the associations they were giving players loans. Now they are payments in the form of wage top ups that weren't declared to the associations so that completely changes everything and every player who played for Rangers have now been deemed to be improperly registered.

Hopefully you see this as the case now ffs. Or are you going to shove your head back up your arse and come back with some witty repost about bad glammar & shpeelin?

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

Our indiscretions have been fully investigated and sentence passed.  I think if an organisation which clearly had its snout in the trough reopened said investigation it would be open to ridicule.  Imagine an organisation which owes its existence to Rangers' demise deciding to investigate said demise?  We know what the outcome would be. The SPFL will kick this in to the long grass as they have everything to hide.

Anyway, the BTC outcome changes nothing.  That we may lose the case was factored in to the LNS enquiry so there is no new news.

And again you deluded munter. The loans aren't loans any more are they? Which now means they were payments and the double jeopardy rule must be re-looked at in light of the Supreme Courts judgement overturning the SPL's commission outcome that seen the EBT scheme was being used for tax free loans.

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Absolutely everything in the post was factually accurate. 
Only rewriting of history is from Moon Howlers like yourself.
It is Moon Howlers like yourself that are trying to rewrite history.
54 Titles and still going strong.
How is life in the lower leagues? That aint changing anytime soon for you. Karma cunto

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Just now, hellbhoy said:

And again you deluded munter. The loans aren't loans any more are they? Which now means they were payments and the double jeopardy rule must be re-looked at in light of the Supreme Courts judgement overturning the SPL's commission outcome that seen the EBT scheme was being used for tax free loans.

Double jeopardy rule :lol:


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Just now, The_Kincardine said:

It isn't. Losing the BTC was factored in by LNS.  So keep moon-howling and posting screeds of pish all you want.

Were they? :lol: If losing the big tax case was factored in, then the SPL commission would have been suspended until the BTC had legally been resolved before coming to a final conclusion.

If they had factored in losing the big tax case outcome then imo they were fucking miles off and years out before coming to an outcome.

Anyhoo Kinky, you support a club that has been labelled the biggest fucking cheats in the Scottish sporting world. Another record the **** won't want. :lol:

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4 hours ago, BobWilliamson said:

Not really difficult at all. There is 50,000 of us there every second Saturday. 

Your wee shitty lower league club crowds have disappeared like the 'snowflake in the river' 

I would say enjoy your time in the lower league but you obviously couldn't find Greenhill Road with an A-Z 


3 hours ago, bennett said:

Scottish fitba fans organising another no to newco demonstration, the last one was so successful...



2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

The SPL investigated us thoroughly, found us guilty and punished us.  Do you thik the SPFL will find us guiltier? 


So guys, why does supporting a club who are confirmed cheats sit so easily with you?

 More so you, Bob. At least you fucking bother going.

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1 minute ago, Henrik's tongue said:




So guys, why does supporting a club who are confirmed cheats sit so easily with you?

 More so you, Bob. At least you fucking bother going.


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Just now, bennett said:

Double jeopardy rule :lol:



Just now, The_Kincardine said:


I do believe that is what it is called is it not when a case has to be looked at again? I could be wrong but then again you'll have to help me out here. :rolleyes:

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Just now, hellbhoy said:

Were they? :lol:If losing the big tax case was factored in, then the SPL commission would have been suspended until the BTC had legally been resolved

Same again :thumsup2

Oh I see the wee leg-humper is craving again.  I bet he's saying nothing useful.


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Just now, The_Kincardine said:

Same again :thumsup2

Oh I see the wee leg-humper is craving again.  I bet he's saying nothing useful.


Oh, I see where you are going with this? You think you smell blood you old obnoxious c**t. :lol:

Or is it a cunning plan of mine to lure you into posting something I can have a field day with? 8)

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Just now, hellbhoy said:


I do believe that is what it is called is it not when a case has to be looked at again?

You're on a fucking roll.  Keep going.  I've not laughed so much since Bertie Bombscare's Howitzer:


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