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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the the one or two(!) threads relating to the possible demise of one of our "institutions", I get the general feeling that we are all missing an important question here. Never mind can we survive without the OF, what about the Jumbo in the lounge - are we totally reliant on SKY and other broadcasters?

In the short term, a new TV deal would obviously be much reduced without the 4 OF games every season. BUT the remaining clubs have the chance to share the cash out more equitably, so the Buddies, Arabs, Killie, etc. wouldn't take too much of a hit. As other posters have mentioned, attendances would improve as well if we didn't start every August just praying for survival. I believe if the rest of the SPL grew a pair that a OF-less SPL would be better for all concerned. celtic would just have to live with it - imagine going to parkhead just for the football....

Looking further ahead, we are in the 21st century now. We are continually told that we should be watching our TV online and that the internet is the future of entertainment. So why doesn't each club set up their OWN online broadcasting service, so that any revenue goes directly to those clubs? I couldn't make the semi against A*r through work commitments, but I found a live stream online. Arabic (!) commentary, mind, but the feed was there. In actual fact, we don't need commentary (we've all watched the occasional match before, so could probably work out what's happening), just the video with crowd noise would be fine.

I have to make a 500 mile round trip to see Killie, so my attendance at TTOP is severely limited. If the club offered a live stream of matches for say £80 per season (my diesel bill for one home game) or a fiver for a one-off, I'd definitely be interested. Obviously Killie's fanbase is smaller than some other SPL clubs, but I'm sure this could be a profitable income stream. As there's no segregation online, away fans could buy their matches at RP on a one-off basis. If all the SPL clubs used this model, the potential income could in fact far outweigh the droppings from Murdoch's table that we've been begging for up til now.

While the "smaller" clubs' fanbases may be smaller, they are widespread. I'm in regular contact with Killie fans in Germany, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Italy, and other countries. Like the whisky, it appears that a large percentage of Scots are destined for export. Many expats are desperate to maintain links with home, and that often includes their football team. I reckon there's a real possibility the potential income could well outweigh what, TBH, has become a pittance from SKY and the rest.

Recent headlines have been on the lines of "TV deal requires OF matches" and "Scottish Football will die without the OF". As with a lot of cack we're being fed by the media, SAYS WHO? Those interested in maintaining the status quo, that's who. Say Killie are playing the Pars away. Last week this fixture drew 2300 fans. Pitiful, I know. But given the midweek timing and the weather, it would have been a serious effort to get from Ayrshire to Fife and back before getting up for work next day. If our normal home support had paid to watch online, there could easily be a sizeable five figure sum generated right there. And herein lies the beauty of this plan.

Any Killie fans paying to watch the match at East End Park are paying DUNFERMLINE FC for the privilege. The reverse would apply for the fixture at RP. If Killie were at home to celtic, any thims wanting to watch online (and god knows they can't be bothered with a thirty mile trip for an away match) would be paying Killie for the privilege. No middle men, no SKY, just plain cash straight to the host club. As the Sisters always tell us, they bring revenue to our grounds. We know they don't, due to increased policing costs, but hey ho... This way, every club benefits in a much fairer way.

Other benefits would include any advertising revenue going directly to the clubs and a fostering of a better fan community with far-flung Hibees, Jambos and Dons feeling more connected with their club.

The TV deal finishes this season, and the broadcasters are already bullying the SPL into what they want. Come on, Scotland, it's time to declare real independence and start putting TV money where it belongs, not in SKY's pockets!

For the last thirty years, we've been fed this "Scotland needs the OF more than they need Scotland" nonsense. Now we fans, our clubs, and the Scottish nation have the chance to show these bigoted bullies that enough is enough. There's a new age dawning for Scotland, let's drag Scottish football with it.

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Na can't see it.. Don't think it would.happen till the start of next season anyway

I don't expect it myself, but it was all I could come up with when trying to think of a way out that could be in anyway considered palatable if the club are to be readmitted, as most folk expect.

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I don't expect it myself, but it was all I could come up with when trying to think of a way out that could be in anyway considered palatable if the club are to be readmitted, as most folk expect.

Suggestion is a couple of papers this week is that they'd be deducted 15pts a season, for up to 3 seasons, if they transferred their league share or formed a completely new club and were admited.

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I know of a least 5 rangers buses from the city centre who are knocking tickets back for utd and that's just been in a couple of days,and it was planned before that c**t went to the rags

Here's hoping More rsc do the same and he gets nothing

Quite fucking right as well, that cnut thompson, imagine wanting to ensure dundee utd get the money for the tickets they sell for their ground.... its not as if they are owed money from rangers for the cup game or anything.

Cheeky fucker, doesnt he know after all that they are the peepul innat eh.....

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If a Phoenix Rangers is admitted right back in, nobody should have anything to do with them. Take zero fans to Ibrox and stay away from your home games against them. They should not be recognised by decent fans of decent clubs who have been shafted these past ten or so years.

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Yeah i think youve been a bit too brief on the points youve made there....... can you expand on them a bit???

Simply pointing out that the SPL have more options than just maintaining status quo and kowtowing to the same old same old. The workers control the means of production, and to each according to his worth. That sort of thing. Sorry if I went on a bit, and REALLY sorry if you're dim enough to think the post is about rangers. It's about the possible future for the rest of us.


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Simply pointing out that the SPL have more options than just maintaining status quo and kowtowing to the same old same old. The workers control the means of production, and to each according to his worth. That sort of thing. Sorry if I went on a bit, and REALLY sorry if you're dim enough to think the post is about rangers. It's about the possible future for the rest of us.


communist :angry:

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I don't see how you could tbh. SPL's a limited company, and can sell or transfer shares to parties as they like. If it's a transfer-of-share scenario, there would be no leaving SPL and reapplying, anyway.

As the administrators have to operate in the best interest of the creditors and presuming Rangers will lose money continuing to fulfill fixtures in this season's SPL then perhaps their duty is to sell Rangers share to the highest bidder.

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Suggestion is a couple of papers this week is that they'd be deducted 15pts a season, for up to 3 seasons, if they transferred their league share or formed a completely new club and were admited.

Can't see this working. All it would lead to is every other club in the SPL with a sizeable debt problem looking to do something similar. If it's a new co then they have to be treated as such, which means reapplying to the SFA and starting from the bottom up. While this is something that the media do not want to consider, it is the only way to get through this without doing far more damage to the game here than has already been done.

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As the administrators have to operate in the best interest of the creditors and presuming Rangers will lose money continuing to fulfill fixtures in this season's SPL then perhaps their duty is to sell Rangers share to the highest bidder.

It can only be sold for a pound.

How ironic.

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Can't see this working. All it would lead to is every other club in the SPL with a sizeable debt problem looking to do something similar. If it's a new co then they have to be treated as such, which means reapplying to the SFA and starting from the bottom up. While this is something that the media do not want to consider, it is the only way to get through this without doing far more damage to the game here than has already been done.

The difference being that most non-OF sides would be in big trouble starting the season on -15. Do that now and everyone from 6th place down would be bottom of the league. For Rangers, it's only meaningful as it would hand the title to Celtic for a few years but it wouldn't threaten their status.

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The TV deal finishes this season, and the broadcasters are already bullying the SPL into what they want. Come on, Scotland, it's time to declare real independence and start putting TV money where it belongs, not in SKY's pockets!


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Apologies for long post…

Before I start I am very aware of the past /current economic arguments of having Celtic and Rangers in the SPL. They have the two biggest stadia in the country which every other week are full ( more or less). The TV companies want to show that derby and people abroad want to watch it. Both clubs take a large support to other SPL clubs ( mostly probably made up of the fans who for one reason or another can not get in to the home games). Without a doubt the other SPL clubs coffers are given a good boost when either side of the old firm come calling.

Right lets forget about the past, lets forget about the current situation. Lets move on to what should happen.

Lets say this was Dundee Untd or even Hearts going to administration, and possible liquidation. If Liquidated they would be out of the SPL quicker than blink of eye and would be restarting their life in 3rd Division. This is what should happen to Rangers and there should be no argument or debate.

NewRangers FC at worse might not have Ibrox to play at. It might be sold off to whoever bids the highest price. Where are they going to play? Some smaller stadium? The least worse option that whoever buys the stadium will rent it back, more money out the door and less on players. Either option is less money on players, they will be siging players the likes of Dunfermline and Partick Thistle sign. They are not going to win the league, they will finish mid table if they are in the still in the SPL. The hordes that travel from Northern Ireland and England will not be willing to stump cash to watch a them toil away in mid table. Neither will the usual glory hunters. What will be left will be the true heart of the club, 8or 9k if they are lucky

If this derby is all that matters to Scottish football then everyone else should pack up and go home now. I can count on my hand how many of these games were actually worth watching. The amount of drek that is written about it covers up the fact that most of the games are dreadful.

Put Rangers in the Third Division but if they really want to old firm derby let them organise themselves ( 1 at the start and 1 at the end of the season) they could sell the television rights independently of the SPL. Might actually generate some cash for the clubs. But it would be separate and independent from everything else.

There will be short term damage to the SPL no doubt about it. But we have chance here to change the centre of gravity of Scottish football, I can still mind of Dundee Untd beating the cash rich Barcelona home and away because the league at the time was more balanced in its spending. All the clubs should be thinking of a more organic way existing -playing youth instead of imports- It will make our top league exciting and dynamic. Granted we will not have a bunch of millionaires strutting about our pitches, but we will have healthy clubs, and exciting game. Would you want that over every going bust because club are paying over the odds?

I am off to watching Raith hopefully pump Livingston on Saturday, I hope all football fans make that extra effort this weekend to show that we can healthy football leagues, where television money is a bonus but not a necessity ….

Rant over.

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You'd hope the SPL chairmen are getting together in the event of Rangers no more to set some conditions around the division of money etc, it's maybe an opportunity to even the spread of cash

Thing is though the Already ridiculous 'share' of prize money would play into the hands of whoever finishes 2nd. I don't have the exact figures but the prize money had very inconsistent increments designed clearly to give 1st and 2nd (Rangera and Celtic) a big payout to supplement their big spending. Something like:

1st: 1.3 million

2nd: 1.1 million

3rd: 500k


and down in roughly 70 k increments, completely unfair but would play into the handa of whoever fininshed 2nd on a rangerless league.

Or we will see the 3rd div champions suspiciouslly be awarded 1million....

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OK, I didn't make myself clear. What I should have said was that without rangers, or more specifically 4 live hatefests, the new TV deal won't go ahead.

Moving on, hows about we stop the cheap sniping and try thinking about how this sorry situation can be turned to the advantage of Scottish football and. indeed, Scotland? When outsiders think our game is all about hate and bigotry, it doesn't make for a great image. I hoped maybe some users might come up with other ideas, or an expansion of mine - this could be an incredible opportunity for change.


p.s. Communist? Not really, but look where capitalism's got us....

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