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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So what happened to the 'pre-pack' CVA that was apparently a stroke of genius by Craig Whyte that would leave Rangers stronger than ever and screw the tax case?

Indeed. Was it GreenockRover who told us earlier in the thread that not just was this likely to happen, it was an absolute certainty, with Craig Whyte a Bond villain-like genius?

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I suppose so - but that's a massively more complex thing to negotiate, in what would be a very short timeframe. There's a reason only 3 clubs wanted a 14-team SPL and no-one has ever tabled a 16/18-team SPL. Further... if you want to save Rangers due to the financial effect on your club - it's pointless to restructure in a way which doesn't achieve it? Since 18 involves 6 more mouths to feed, doesn't fulfil the TV requirements, introduces a meaningless mid-table, etc., all of which hurts income.

This is completely new territory though. What clubs preferred in the past can't really be used to determine what they'll do in this instance. We also have the distinct possibility that Hibs could be relegated to be replaced by Ross County, that in itself is a major blow to the SPL (financially). And then who knows what'll happen at tynecastle in the coming months? It'll looked for a while there as if they were heading for trouble. By the summer the SPL could be looking at the prospect of losing 3 of it's top 4 clubs.

If we do end up with a bigger league, I hope to christ they introduce some sort of title playoff at the end of the season. Not only would it go a long way to ensuring the OF still meet 4 times a season but it would give clubs out with the OF a chance at winning now and then. Top 4 in a Champions League style group at the end of the season with the winner getting the SPL trophy. The regular season would be used for determining Euro slots etc.

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Didn't Vlad/Hearts come out with some crazy idea last year about the SPL title being decided by a knockout comp? I'm sure it was something like the top 6 play each other in a wee tourney to decide the Champions. I bet Rangers would take that idea now.

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Let's wait and see what the tribunal says, for a start.

Oh aye that tribunal!

Findings will be.

1. Wee Craigy Whyte was evasive with answers to the easy questions we asked him and is a "not very nice" person. (We didn't have the savvy to pick up a phone and ask others about his background, but hell we are football experts and know nothing about business. And if we had done it with him, we might have upset the Rangers loyal at a time when they thought the sun shone out of his earhole)

2. "David Murray is a VERY nice man."

3. We must make sure dodgy geezers like Whyte never run a Scottish club again. We will make this a ruling (but not too quickly), worded so it will be confusing and able to be legally challenged. After all we don't want to cause any problems for the other dodgy dealers currently running other Scottish clubs.

4. The current rules we have for 'fit and proper' test is pathetically useless.

5. The assistant tea lady at Hampden will lead a high powered task force to write up the new rules. This will start immediately, and will report as soon as possible allowing for the fact that teas and coffees come first..

6. We will not talk to Platini about any of this and will make no reference to Eufa's aims to get crooks out of running football clubs, and increasing supporter ownership.

7. It is generally agreed that a strong Rangers is very important to the well being of ALL of Scottish football.

8. To achieve all these "highly ambitious targets" which will 'transform Scottish football for the better and make it suitable for the 21st Century" we need extra funding from the Scottish Government. About £20 million would do. (We will give you the company name and bank account number to transfer the dosh to as soon as we have it setup)

9. We will announce these 'significant' findings at a press conference.

We will be angry and show it. Upset that our wonderful game and famous club is being dragged through the mud by this one dodgy character. We will be sanctimonious and indignent. In fact at some point our spokesman will break down in tears. (Can we arrange for Chic Young to rush on with the tissues)

NOTE to Ranger PR team, still employed by the administrators. Any chance of a Rangers die hard chucking himself off the Erskine Bridge the same day we publish our findings, to distract any serious questions. We can say 'out of respect for the deceased's family, we feel it is not appropriate to answer that'.

Ok, ok the above is a pi*s take, but lets see how far from the truth?

The above findings are my property and if the SFA steal any of them I will sue the ass off them. laugh.gif

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dodds is a wee rat, he was quite happy to take the pieces of silver offered at dens but as soon as it went pear shaped he was a bitter wee cunto. none of the players who were made redundant made a noise so why did he, at least he had a media job to fall back into. little twat.

You can criticise Dodds for a lot of things but his wanting to be paid for the job he did isn't one of them. Dundee's conduct was disgraceful.

edit: Sorry for going back off topic but it needed to be said.

Edited by Swampy
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A couple of pages back someone queried how such a debt-ridden club can be in administration for over a week, yet the administrators seem to have done next to nothing in regard to cutting costs. It is my understanding that if a business goes into administration, you cannot even buy a box of tea bags for the canteen without running it past the administrators first. Given this, can anyone confirm if the Rangers squad, plus staff, are being put up overnight in an Inverness hotel before tomorrow's game, or given the likelihood of long serving tea ladies and kit men being made redundant, have the administrators knocked such an expense on the head.

It only took Portsmouth's administrators 5 days to make 31 people redundant to immediately save money. I've never seen a football administration like this Rangers one. Very strange.

Rangers - Everything's Premier... except the price. Hope they get a good night's kip.

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You can criticise Dodds for a lot of things but his wanting to be paid for the job he did isn't one of them. Dundee's conduct was disgraceful.

I agree with both Dodds being an utter c**t (mainly for his fawning over "poor" Rangers), but i also agree with your point about Dodds and Chisholm. They might have been fucking useless as a Management team, but if i'd been stiffed in such a fashion i'd have been voting against the CVA as well.

On topic, can they be liquidated on Wednesday? I get paid then, and would quite like to celebrate in appropriate fashion.

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I agree with both Dodds being an utter c**t (mainly for his fawning over "poor" Rangers), but i also agree with your point about Dodds and Chisholm. They might have been fucking useless as a Management team, but if i'd been stiffed in such a fashion i'd have been voting against the CVA as well.


On topic, can they be liquidated on Wednesday? I get paid then, and would quite like to celebrate in appropriate fashion.

I don't know... it seems awfully quick. Would there be an advantage in doing it before February's HMRC bills are due?

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A couple of pages back someone queried how such a debt-ridden club can be in administration for over a week, yet the administrators seem to have done next to nothing in regard to cutting costs.

I asked this a few pages back - does anybody remember how quick the axe fell in any previous admins in Scotland?

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A couple of pages back someone queried how such a debt-ridden club can be in administration for over a week, yet the administrators seem to have done next to nothing in regard to cutting costs. It is my understanding that if a business goes into administration, you cannot even buy a box of tea bags for the canteen without running it past the administrators first. Given this, can anyone confirm if the Rangers squad, plus staff, are being put up overnight in an Inverness hotel before tomorrow's game, or given the likelihood of long serving tea ladies and kit men being made redundant, have the administrators knocked such an expense on the head.

It only took Portsmouth's administrators 5 days to make 31 people redundant to immediately save money. I've never seen a football administration like this Rangers one. Very strange.

Rangers - Everything's Premier... except the price. Hope they get a good night's kip.

It's my understanding that where teams need an overnight stay the cost is claimed from the gate money under SFA/SPL rules.

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It's my understanding that where teams need an overnight stay the cost is claimed from the gate money under SFA/SPL rules.

Yes - that rule applies to "morning" games, and I assume a 12:45pm kickoff counts as such. A 3pm kickoff wouldn't.

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