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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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there are too many governing bodies in such a small country.

I think we need a revolution of sorts to get the crowds back to the game.

I would be in favour of a 20 team SPD, a 20 team SD1 and a regionalised SD2 incorporating non league and junior clubs.

play offs, terraces, lower wages for players, more fans, terrace prices that match the national minimum wage, 10% of capacity being given to local schools, games played at 5/6pm on a Saturday (more and more people are employed in jobs that force them to work Saturday mornings and early afternoons). have beer tents erected inside the grounds after the game serving cheep but low alcohol beers at reasonable prices - turn the games into social events. Standard family (non segregated) priced tickets for all teams at £40 for a family of 4. maximum squad sizes of 20 over 21yo players of which 10 must conform to UEFA's homegrown policy, SPD clubs have B teams in the SD2 regional leagues. Wage limits in the SD1 and lower of each player earning no more than double the national minimum wage (on a pro rata basis obviously). Each club to have a student section of least 5% of the ground with 1/2 price tickets. Wage structures in SPD to be based on performance with maximum basic wage rates (that are the same for each club) clubs able to set bonuses seperately based on league positions and cup performance and able to pay large bonuses for european football progress.

Rather than worrying about the number of governing bodies, should we not concentrate on getting ones that are honest and have some integrity?

Generally have been more concerned about an easy life, doing enough to get by and continually avoiding and fudging real decisions that would improve the game and how it is run at club level.

We will see in the High Court in London some truth about what has been going on within Rangers.

What other clubs in the SPL and SFL are just as bad, but only on a smaller scale? Any action following on from the inquiries must deal with ALL clubs addressing issues from fit and proper test to honest accounting. Easy to put a list together of the iffy ones, a list well known to those within the game.

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I don't care - do you really not get it? Do you really not understand what I'm saying here? Your faith/religion (note spelling ;))/beliefs are irrelevant here. It's a FOOTBALL forum.


To be fair to him, you did bring it into the discussion when you decided that Old Firm fans loyalties are based on which side of the sectarian divide they are from/in/whatever. He merely responded to, in fact refuted, his interpretation (which is a fair one) of your insinuation.

That you continue to go down this road reflects poorly on you, not him.

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I don't care - do you really not get it? Do you really not understand what I'm saying here? Your faith/religion (note spelling ;))/beliefs are irrelevant here. It's a FOOTBALL forum.


Go & take this pish into the OF forum, go on please. It`s the reason I never visit there.

Anyway back to Rangers, just who is Paul Murray fronting???

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Go & take this pish into the OF forum, go on please. It`s the reason I never visit there.

Anyway back to Rangers, just who is Paul Murray fronting???

Craigy boy ?

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almost everything in your post is correct.....which requires u to be condemned and targeted for deletion..no i mean promotion....lol im old enuff to mind a programme called fantasy island...the wee midget in the white suit would like you lol...tatoo if i recall right...but yes what u said is spot on and will thus not happen. You might as weel ask under 11 coaches to stop prioritising winning medals in favour of teaching kids to trap n pass the ball...

i remember being 10 years old and training consisting of kicking the ball from one touchline to your training partner at the other (with the least numbr of bounces being ideal). once he had the ball you ran to his touchline and back again. then he would do the same after you. what did i learn from that? that i wasn't strong enough - so being young and stupid i borrowed my unkle's ankle weights to walk about in - i got stronger but didn't get better at football.

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Go & take this pish into the OF forum, go on please. It`s the reason I never visit there.

Anyway back to Rangers, just who is Paul Murray fronting???

The whole Paul Murray thing is a big wtf? as far as I'm concerned.

What exactly are the 'fit and proper' rules?

And do they pass a non-exec director who utterly failed in three of the four key areas of Corporate Governance as set out by the Higgs Report (and also came up somewhat short on the fourth) when last involved in Scottish Football?

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Go & take this pish into the OF forum, go on please. It`s the reason I never visit there.

Anyway back to Rangers, just who is Paul Murray fronting???

it was the killie man who started the "pish" but the "pish" is over now.

back to the subject.... i wouldn't think that Paul Murray would be all that bright as i am sure he was on the board while financial high jinks went on. I think he is fronting the 'royal rangers supporters trust association'

Friday night on PnB, well seeing payday is next week!

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almost everything in your post is correct.....which requires u to be condemned and targeted for deletion..no i mean promotion....lol im old enuff to mind a programme called fantasy island...the wee midget in the white suit would like you lol...tatoo if i recall right...but yes what u said is spot on and will thus not happen. You might as weel ask under 11 coaches to stop prioritising winning medals in favour of teaching kids to trap n pass the ball...

i remember being 10 years old and training consisting of kicking the ball from one touchline to your training partner at the other (with the least numbr of bounces being ideal). once he had the ball you ran to his touchline and back again. then he would do the same after you. what did i learn from that? that i wasn't strong enough - so being young and stupid i borrowed my unkle's ankle weights to walk about in - i got stronger but didn't get better at football.

I'm not sure any of that's the case any more.

One of my friends is a coach (2003s I think) and they play two 'games' of 7 aside with absolutely no, or indeed very little, emphasis on winning. Training is structured around tight pass/move/receive/control.

His oldest plays for Dundee Utd at 2001s level and they train much the same, although I think this year the young lad has indeed moved onto a more competitive level.

A recent discussion regarding this had us wonder at the intelligence, or lack thereof, back in the day when we played u11's (as they were) within a tabled league on 'the small pitch'* with full size goals. By the time we played u14s we were on a full-size 110x65yd pitch - approx. the same as three or four SFL pitches.

*The small pitch had full size penalty area, 'D', centre circle and a good 15 yards betwixt, i.e the pitch was around 90yds long. To put it into context: Cha du Ri can run a full SPL pitch length in about 13 seconds; we could probably run the small pitch in marginally over half a minute. And lets not mention the full size goals - not that it mattered, as most couldn't loft a sodden size 5 above 3 feet anyway.

Progress though, progress - those days are thankfully long gone. :unsure:

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I'm not sure any of that's the case any more.

One of my friends is a coach (2003s I think) and they play two 'games' of 7 aside with absolutely no, or indeed very little, emphasis on winning. Training is structured around tight pass/move/receive/control.

His oldest plays for Dundee Utd at 2001s level and they train much the same, although I think this year the young lad has indeed moved onto a more competitive level.

This is all certainly true.

The move to 11-a-side football comes at U13 level, and there are no competitive league tables until U19s.

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I'm not sure any of that's the case any more.

One of my friends is a coach (2003s I think) and they play two 'games' of 7 aside with absolutely no, or indeed very little, emphasis on winning. Training is structured around tight pass/move/receive/control.

His oldest plays for Dundee Utd at 2001s level and they train much the same, although I think this year the young lad has indeed moved onto a more competitive level.

A recent discussion regarding this had us wonder at the intelligence, or lack thereof, back in the day when we played u11's (as they were) within a tabled league on 'the small pitch'* with full size goals. By the time we played u14s we were on a full-size 110x65yd pitch - approx. the same as three or four SFL pitches.

*The small pitch had full size penalty area, 'D', centre circle and a good 15 yards betwixt, i.e the pitch was around 90yds long. To put it into context: Cha du Ri can run a full SPL pitch length in about 13 seconds; we could probably run the small pitch in marginally over half a minute. And lets not mention the full size goals - not that it mattered, as most couldn't loft a sodden size 5 above 3 feet anyway.

Progress though, progress - those days are thankfully long gone. :unsure:

it was 1990 i had my football coaching, so yes - changed days!

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B teams are a shite idea. Why would the lower reaches supporters turn up to watch our youth players have a kick about with their first team? Bloody sure I wouldn't. Spain can keep it.

It's not always youth players though. I think the deal, generally, is that players are 'signed' for the duration and can only be transferred during the transfer windows.

From Celtic, the likes of Darren O'Dea, Morten Rasmussen, Efrain Juarez, Paddy McCourt etc, i.e. a decent number of internationals, would have been in the B team.

At the risk of sound a bit condescending (or rather: a pompous arse) - a team with those types of players with a glass ceiling of say two or three levels below the first team would enhance the league they play in. It'd certainly be a 'curiosity' for many fans.

I'd go for a ceiling of 3 below the first team and then open the league pyramid right up, so that even teams playing on a public park tomorrow morning had a very direct route to the SPL. The whole mindset of protectionism is what prevents this though: fans don't want their teams marginalised by essentially a bigger and better (cast-offs?) team, and equally don't want competition from those currently standing on the outside looking in - comfortable stagnation is much the preferred existence.

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They just assume mate, it's got to be two sides of the same arse or nothing ;) Their heads would explode otherwise

The Old Firm are indeed two sides of the same arse. They combine to exploit sectarianism and bigotry in order to win success on the pitch.

You support the Old Firm because you have a need to support a winning football team. You somehow think that the success of a football club is a reflection on you personally.

You shut yourself off to how that club's success is achieved because your need to follow a winning team is so overwhelming. Your head would explode otherwise.

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I'm not sure any of that's the case any more.

One of my friends is a coach (2003s I think) and they play two 'games' of 7 aside with absolutely no, or indeed very little, emphasis on winning. Training is structured around tight pass/move/receive/control.

His oldest plays for Dundee Utd at 2001s level and they train much the same, although I think this year the young lad has indeed moved onto a more competitive level.

A recent discussion regarding this had us wonder at the intelligence, or lack thereof, back in the day when we played u11's (as they were) within a tabled league on 'the small pitch'* with full size goals. By the time we played u14s we were on a full-size 110x65yd pitch - approx. the same as three or four SFL pitches.

*The small pitch had full size penalty area, 'D', centre circle and a good 15 yards betwixt, i.e the pitch was around 90yds long. To put it into context: Cha du Ri can run a full SPL pitch length in about 13 seconds; we could probably run the small pitch in marginally over half a minute. And lets not mention the full size goals - not that it mattered, as most couldn't loft a sodden size 5 above 3 feet anyway.

Progress though, progress - those days are thankfully long gone. :unsure:

welll as a dad to a 9 yr old...ive twice taken youngest to footy ( oldest doesnt fancy it at all ) and on each occasion he was put off comlpetely cos the focus was completely on winning and no skills work was involved at all...essentially if you didnt already have a good skill set and an expensive set of kit and boots on u got piss taken out of u....hence he wont go near footy again..i can compare this with rugby from my youth where all emphasis was on learnig skills at your own pace and inclusiveness...was in days when scotland were winning grand slams and hitting world cup semi finals.

edited to say i am well aware and have seen thru pals kids what an excellent job dundee utd are doin wit kids ( for a tiny outlay btw from parents )...and the fact that they are coming as far a field as falkirk bodes well for their future development

Edited by Highland Dogma
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Celtic's future financials are entirely dependent on the survival of Rangers.

yes you say that sort of rubbish a lot.

it's still bullshit

you let your prejudices and stupidity get in the way of making comment open to anything but mockery.

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