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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Neil McCann's comments after the match say it all about the deluded media sycophants. He was alluding to the fact that some people want to see Rangers in the third division and while that may be a cash injection for the lower league clubs, the teams in the SPL will suffer when the Old Firm fans are not visiting their grounds.

Well, first of all Neil, I would assume that the 'other' half of the Old Firm will still be visiting. Secondly, according to a certain Mr Jardine, the victims in all of this, Rangers, will be boycotting away games. Maybe Neil will come out and explain where the benefits are for other teams if Rangers are allowed to keep their place in the SPL.

I would comment on Charlie Nicholas and his point of view but, to be honest, he is an irrelevance and not worth talking about. Why he is allowed on T.V. is one of the mysteries of the modern world.

it is strange why charlie is allowed on tv. he's more of a slavering twat than chick. which is quite hard to do. maybe its sky's idea of a windup to rangers. but it backfires cause he just winds up every1.

also good point made about the boycot bet you no one in media picks up on this.

also has mr jardine caught foot in mouth disease. why are the media even allowing this cretin air time and collum space. he's the tommy sheridan of rangers. all hot air but no clue.

Edited by scottxs
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Leggy's blog is beginning to look like the formaldehyde that is used in chemical toilets fitted to caravans, camping cars and boats. At first it is a lovely blue colour but soon becomes yellowy when mixed with urine and by the time it becomes brown and incredibly smelly it is time to have the toilet pumped out. Leggy is now beginning to shite himself and his blog is turning increasingly brown.

Anyone who believes that a bid of £5m for a club with upwards of £50 debt is acceptable to creditors is living in a dream world. Especially when that said club is a self-professed giant of world football. So Miller may be the US equivalent of Craig Whyte. Well Paul Murray, Brian Kennedy and their Blue Knights are the equivalent of those good souls on this forum who bid a handful of empty Irn-Bru bottles.

I can begin to understand the frustration of the Rangers fans even though I have no sympathy for cretins. They have lived in Paradise (not sorry for the pun) for many years and now cannot accept that their club is in a lift heading downwards from the penthouse and it won't stop at the ground floor. No matter how many times Ally or Jardine or H&D may announce "next floor, Europe, next floor SPL, next floor D1 " ad nauseam they will have to come to terms one day or another with the fact that the Rangers they knew for so many years is finished. They may still be in the SPL next year, they may get away with the sanctions but they are going to be one of the most "watched" clubs in the world. Not in terms of crowds but by the footballing and business world. They will have to pay their taxes on time, pay for players upfront, there will be no bank credit for many years. Nobody from Barcelona to the man who unblocks the toilets will let them away with anything and this means having the money to pay for it.

Despite the support of the fans for the past couple of months leading to full houses at Ibrox and the £1m a month wage cut they are still losing money; where do they think they are going to get the money to carry on. Even if the messiah, be it Miller or Murray, were to pump in £20m this would simply cover signings and wages for the next year. And bring us back to the same scenario in 2013.

Until now we have been called the diddies who need to lick the "creme de la creme" (sorry, couldn't resist that) and we need Rangers more than we need to shite every day. However the lift is still hurtling downwards and H&D can't find the button to stop it. When it hits the bottom will it cause the whole edifice to collapse. If it does then it means that Scottish football has been built on unsound foundations and deserves to die along with its overlord.

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You have obviously never been transfered by TUPE then.

No they wouldn't, yes they are (for a consideration of course), no they're not & I'll agree with you on the last two points.

Well try telling that to the players' union. They reckon they could just walk away if there is a newco.

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Mind you, if you decided to wipe out the vast majority of the Bears, the term "humane" wouldn't come into the equation.

Aaah, so thats what all the talk of liquidation is about :o

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I'd sooner Scottish football used only amateur players and maintained its dignity and integrity than let those cheats back in for the sake of their tainted shilling. Who cares about UEFA coefficient, what has European football brought anyone outside the old firm in the last 20 years anyway? A few teams have done ok and the rest embarassed by diddy teams whose name you can hardly pronounce.

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Rangers in crisis: Bill Miller's £11m bid leaves Blue Knights toiling in battle for Ibrox club

Apr 29 2012 By Mark Guidi, Sunday Mail

bill-miller-577462350.jpg THE Blue Knights have been warned Bill Miller will be handed the keys to Ibrox unless they boost their £5m cash offer for Rangers.

Administrators Duff and Phelps have made it clear they will go with the American’s £11m bid within the next 48 hours unless Paul Murray’s consortium drastically up the ante.

The money men have to achieve the best return for creditors and while the Blue Knights bid removes £7m owed to debenture holders it will be booted out unless they pile more hard cash on the table.

Ibrox administrator David Whitehouse said: “The Blue Knights’ bid has to offer more value to creditors.

“They need to increase it significantly to a level acceptable to creditors.

“I know we’ve talked about deadlines and people are probably fed up with them – but this really is the last minute.

“Bill Miller is basically there in terms of his bid.

“We would expect to know by Monday or Tuesday whether we’re dealing with Bill Miller or the Blue Knights.

“Both parties need approval from the football authorities, otherwise it makes a mockery of the business plan.

“But there is no reason why these bids should drag on into the later part of next week.

“If the successful bidder goes down the stand-alone CVA route they can be in control of the club before the start of next season.

“If it’s a Newco with a CVA on a side route then they can take control by May 11.”

Miller’s bid involves Rangers becoming a Newco and the fans are dead set against that.

They desperately want the club’s history preserved and are firmly behind the Blue Knights, who now have Sale Sharks owner Brian Kennedy in their camp.

Duff and Phelps are aware of the danger of handing the club to a foreigner who wants to form a Newco. But they appealed to fans to give Miller a fair crack of the whip.

Miller knows the fans prefer the Blue Knights and that may see the tow-truck tycoon walk away from it all – which is the last thing the administrators want.

Whitehouse said: “Bill Miller has made it clear he values the support of the Rangers fans.

“He sees the fans as his customers in support of his bid.

“We’d therefore encourage the fans to embrace both bids at this stage to keep alive the prospect

of a successful outcome.

“We only have two bids and it is important the removal of one of those does not make liquidation actually more likely.”

But surely the SPL meeting tomorrow will push this back at least a couple of weeks.

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But surely the SPL meeting tomorrow will push this back at least a couple of weeks.

That will not happen. If you read from the article you posted you'll realise the deadline has already passed;

"I know we've talked about deadlines and people are probably fed up with them – but this really is the last minute"

So, what was the final outcome ? Don't tell me another deadline has passed with no decision. That's strange.

Edited by Cutty Old
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Haudit and Daudit must be fucking daft. If I'm not mistaken, the final debt may reach about £110 million. So the Blue Knights offer of about 6p in the pound is not acceptable but Miller's offer of about 10p in the pound is.

Hope when the HMRC tell them to GTF they do so with a big grin.

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What a bunch of hypocrites and bigots.

Our clubs (and scottish football) need the old firm. Dunfermline never paid their players and the taxman on time in February, should they be shutdown? Forgotten already the rangers supporters bailed you out?

Hearts have been doing it for the past couple of seasons, Celtic (along with every club in Europe) evaded paying tax when they were the first British club to win the European cup. Strip them of their tainted history?

Even today, you can visit football grounds up and down the country and you will still find the cash only turnstiles, these are used to pay cash in hand expenses to players and officials to avoid paying tax.

If we're getting on our high horses and climbing the moral high ground then we have to start all over again because we're all guilty....!

Barcelona are hundreds of millions in debt, which includes vast amounts of unpaid tax, are we going to call for their demise or is it just the Scottish bigotry disease that is calling for the Rangers scalp?

The old firm generate approx £5.5million in ticket sales for the rest of us, we hike up prices when they visit and add to that the amount our towns take when they visit, pubs, hotels, taxis etc.

Let's all laugh at them while we can, it's great to take the piss out of the rangers supporters at work, but to wish to see a club disappear is shameful.

2 standard OF personality traits on show here:

1. Whataboutery, ie "yeah sure you caught me for murder but you can't jail me cause that guy over there assaulted someone and didnt get done for it".

2. The deluded, baseless assumption that they keep all the diddys afloat.

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Well try telling that to the players' union. They reckon they could just walk away if there is a newco.

As I have been saying, ever since Fraser Wishart said they would be invoking TUPE, there will be no "Newco", it will put paid to that.

The only way players will walk away, is if they decide go for better terms elsewhere. Be that by ripping up their contract or agreeing to be sold.

If they decide to sit tight on their deal, the preffered bidder will be snookered.

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That will not happen. If you read from the article you posted you'll realise the deadline has already passed;

"I know we've talked about deadlines and people are probably fed up with them – but this really is the last minute"

So, what was the final outcome ? Don't tell me another deadline has passed with no decision. That's strange.

“We would expect to know by Monday or Tuesday

I did read the article. You obviously didn't. However since you aren't an OFski I won't hold it against you.:D

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