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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The whole point of the blog entry is that they would be too scared to do anything. I think the flaw in the guy's reasoning is that HMRC are not likely to want a precedent to be set where a club could evade its debts in the manner described especially given Rangers were the test case for EBTs.

My interpretation is that they would be unable to do anything. Perhaps you are correct, I can't be bothered re-reading it.

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Pardon my ignorance, but who is this David Leggat?

Is he a professional Journalist in any sort of capacity?

Or just some mad man with access to a computer?

His ramblings are nothing short of sheer lunacy.

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Pardon my ignorance, but who is this David Leggat?

Is he a professional Journalist in any sort of capacity?

Or just some mad man with access to a computer?

His ramblings are nothing short of sheer lunacy.

The two aren't mutually exclusive, dontcha know?!?!

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Well here we go D day

We could have ten names that will go down in the history of Scottish football or ten wankers that slip into the cesspit of orcs & goblins that are the OF



Fingers crossed the bottle doesn't crash! We'll never get a better chance to sort out our game.

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Pardon my ignorance, but who is this David Leggat?

Is he a professional Journalist in any sort of capacity?

Or just some mad man with access to a computer?

His ramblings are nothing short of sheer lunacy.

From another forum:

Is this the same David Leggat that once wrote for the daily Express ? A wee story about this to@sser..A good few years ago They had to break down the lavvie door in The Kittybrewster Bowling club in Aberdeen, there they found the bold Mr Leggat steamin drunk, troosers at his knees covered in puke, pysh and babbling incoherently that he was the best journalist in the world,
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From Leggat's recent mental case ramblings..

You just could not make it up. It is hard to believe such utter drivel..

Aye, Davie boy, I think you've hit the nail on the head there..

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Well here we go D day

We could have ten names that will go down in the history of Scottish football or ten wankers that slip into the cesspit of orcs & goblins that are the OF



Hmmmm, let me think. It's a difficult one to figure out. About as unpredictable as the Russian elections.

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Today is a very big day for me in terms of my status as a St Mirren supporter. For me, this is way more important that whatever fate befalls Rangers.

If my club votes to accept the 'financial fair play proposals' in their entirity, then I've had it with senior football. I'll go to our last home game of the season this coming Saturday to say my goodbyes - particularly to Hugh Murray who is a a genuine club legend - then that'll be it for me.

Events of the last week or so should surely serve to give the other clubs the courage and determination to do the right thing. There is a developing groundswell of opinion that Rangers will have to take whatever hit is coming, and the diddy clubs surely recognise that this is an opportunity that, if not taken, is unlikely to come around again.

Stand up and be counted diddies....your time is NOW!

Edit for typos.

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Hmmmm, let me think. It's a difficult one to figure out. About as unpredictable as the Russian elections.

I fear you are correct.

As I've just posted, this could be the day that effectively ends my love affair with senior football in Scotland. I'm actually feeling a bit sick thinking about it.

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Today is a very big day for me in terms of my status as a St Mirren supporter. For me, this is way more important that whatever fate befalls Rangers.

If my club votes to accept the 'financial fair play proposals' in their entirity, then I've had it with senior football. I'll go to our last home game of the season this coming Saturday to say my goodbyes - particularly to Hugh Murray who is a a genuine club legend - then that'll be it for me.

Events of the last week or so should surely serve to give the other clubs the courage and determination to do the right thing. There is a developing groundswell of opinion that Rangers will have to take whatever hit is coming, and the diddy clubs surely recognise that this is an opportunity that, if not taken, is unlikely to come around again.

Stand up and be counted diddies....your time is NOW!

Edit for typos.

I agree with this completely, but I don't think I would have it in me to stop supporting St Johnstone. If the SPL clubs don't show bottle, I'll be disappointed for sure, and I'm telling myself I'll be done with them, but I wont be able to bring myself to do it.

The chairmen are all aware of the blanket feeling of their supporters, if they don't act in the best interest of those particular stakeholders, then I think a lot of people will be good to their word and not go back though. This is a massive decision for the clubs, one with no ideal scenario from their perspective.

I suppose it depends if they value their supporters more, or the other revenues in the Scottish game (in particular the tv money). I don't even want to think about the answer to that.

Edited by Kyle
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