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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well, even if the combined eunuchs' club of SPL Chairmen don't care either, The Diddy Army cares and so might the CEOs of Rangers major sponsors be persuaded to care as well. If we can't persuade Mr Cockwomble and his team to hit them where it hurts, we should mobilise to do so.

with the strength of The Diddy Army, and in this I include the Wee Diddy teams in SFL 1, 2 and 3 (no offence meant) and the Big Diddy teams in the SPL combined with the Eastenders, we should be able to muster 500,000,

We need a list of major sponsors e:mail addresses and/or websites and a draft letter which could be circulated around The Diddy Army. 500k sending this to RFC potential sponsors might have an effect.

Admire your enthusiasm but it'd be a barnstorming performance to get 1/500th of that.

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I got a "Blah, Blah, Blah" response from a Derek Grieve which included

Duff and Phelps are the appointed administrators and we want to see an outcome in the best interests of the staff at Rangers, their supporters and the game of football in Scotland as a whole.

He's a c**t - but at least the sort of c**t that took time to respond

Er, em...the creditors whistling.gif

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Admire your enthusiasm but it'd be a barnstorming performance to get 1/500th of that.

Well, the great unwashed managed to get 7000 to walk on Hampden, so is it too much to expect to get say 20000 internet bampots to send just 1 e:mail each, if we set up a group address to all of RFC's sponsors?

Edited by Happy Buddie
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Sorry but this is a long post.

Born of frustrations with how Scottish football is run from long before Rangers went into administration, but made worse, much worse, from 14th February onwards. This frustration is due to the punters (of which I am one) being treated with contempt and taken for granted by those who manage the messages we get, on the back of succulent lamb or otherwise.

On P&B we say what we want, but we have no teeth as a group.

The BBC programme last night was significant in the continuing Rangers saga. Hard evidence produced (which would have been doubly approved by BBC lawyers) with more to come. I know some on here were disappointed, but this programme was after all for the average viewer who has little knowledge of the saga to date, unlike most P&B members. But none the less it was totally damning.

P&B members on this forum I see as a diverse group of football supporters, some supporting particular clubs, many not. I think the P&B discussions have managed to push and support certain topics which many in the football world would like to have seen go way. But it is too late now for them to try to brush it under the carpet. At P&B we have been dependent on therangerstaxcase.com and Paul McConville’s blogs for detailed and insightful analysis, and Alex Thompson despite his struggles at times is a substantial voice for all of us, as he can take the right questions to those in positions of power and authority.

The question is what do we do about it? What do we want to do?

We can talk amongst ourselves, be outraged, get exciting about progress, become frustrated, feel cheated and irritated at being treated as inconsequential idiots by authorities and media pundits alike (even those who don’t have an EBT account in their back pocket). But what can we do?

My thoughts, and these are my thoughts only are:

1. Create our own voice

We need an organised voice. We can achieve this by having a small group of members (a committee by any other name) here who are prepared to collate views, agree them with members and then work to create the change we want. Then deliver this message through carefully chosen spokesmen (see item 2) and other methods. This is not about grinding personal axes but giving a voice to a substantial and important group who are not currently getting a hearing.

2. Communicate what we want

It is then essential to take those wishes to the key decision makers or players in the Rangers story.

The best people for this would be a couple of our elected representatives. I would suggest one MSP and one MP. One based in Edinburgh one in London. I have my thoughts on who would be interested and would fit the bill. The method would be to decide exactly what we would want them to do, topic by topic. Often a letter from an MP can make things happen that would take us months. I am sure we could also line up a PR company to ensure press coverage of our aims and the changes we want to see. (free of charge).<br style="mso-special-character: line-break">

At the minute we are driven by people like Doncaster, Paul Murray, the administrators as they each have the voice and the contacts in the media, which they use to influence public opinion, sometimes with the truth, sometimes with half truths, other times quite misleading. We need the same access to allow us to communicate with authorities, supporters and the public.

3. What changes do we want?

This is the best time to let our wishes be known. Significant change will be happening regardless over the next month or so in particular. Duff & Duffer being challenged through the media or the courts, creditors being asked to make decisions, SFA having to address the growing list of things to deal with about Rangers, the SPL chairmen voting about in or out, UEFA will have an interest, and the wider supporter population wanting something better for Scottish football. We can wait to see what others decide, or we publicly get what we want on the table first.

The ‘projects’ I (repeat I) would like to see as the initial targets are:

1. Campbell Ogilvie is a part of the EBT mess from his time at Rangers, which I believe creates a conflict of interest in his current position as President of the SFA. He can be in his office while next door a group are discussing what to do about double contracts, Rangers paying HMRC, how EBTs were used. People in such meetings must think ‘will I pop in next door and ask Campbell?’

He should go on gardening leave while the SFA obtains the evidence they need and creates the vehicles within the SFA to make the proper decisions. Putting him on full pay is no problem, but he must not be operating in his office at this critical stage.

He should also pay the tax on his EBT as if it had been treated as salary.

2. SPL chairmen

We must tell them what decision we want which will penalise Rangers for their behaviour to date and will warn other clubs of the consequences of trying anything similar in the future.

And no kicking into the long grass requests for information from Duff & Duffer which just allows the SPL to stall any decision.

3. The SFA need to be supported and encouraged to make hard decisions. They have done this extremely well to date (to my surprise) but this must continue.

4. HMRC must be encouraged to take a lead in dealing with the current administrators and ensure that the Rangers administration or liquidation is used to maximize return to the honest taxpayers, but also to obtain the detailed evidence required to subsequently deal properly with any wrongdoing.

5. The Police. Encourage them to move in to take a positive role in creating a better form of governance of football clubs in Scotland with the powers they have from company law by flushing out and penalising those who have abused their positions of trust.

There are potentially many more, these are mine, but ideally we can agree projects and hoped for outcomes democratically.

We don’t have many chances like this to make a positive difference. To create a better and more honest future led from the grassroots. With easy access to e mail, using web sites, blogs, online petitions and group marketing all the tools are available to us at no cost.

We have the option of being on the side-lines while others decide what is best for us, what we are allowed to do and say or how to behave. We can approve or otherwise but organisations can force their wishes on individuals. Or we can take this opportunity to take the initiative as a group, create our own voice and make sure we help make something better than we would otherwise.

Would appreciate all thoughts and comments on whether this could be a way ahead - or not.

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Jeez, just back in having been away with work for a few days and there is so much to catch up on :rolleyes:

You know things are looking up when the Daily Ranger is compelled to write a two page spread on who got an EBT.

I am sure others have noticed a well known BBC pundit amongst the alleged recipients who have played at Ibrox.. Perhaps he'll now STFU on the topic of his former club, whilst getting paid taxpayers' money, in what is clearly a major conflict of interest. Or maybe not.

And. There are some surprising names apparently missing from the list. How can that be? 8)

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Is tomorrow the end for H+D? CVA time is it not, or is it another flexible deadline?

If it isn't presented, I can see them being turfed, and there is not a chance they will. Please let it be so.

Anybody seen Green lately?.He is absent although time was running out fast, so I can only assume he is away constructing a 'warchest' :rolleyes:

Friday is gonna be a good day folks :)

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playing catch up the now. (im about 6 pages back)

i was very suprised that no current player or management team member who joined pre 2010 did not have one, no way Papac was the only one without one, could it be that the BBC has kept those details back?

Pretty sure Davis was on the list.....yup

Steven Davis

Northern Ireland midfielder and club captain. Played more than 140 times, scoring 17 goals for Rangers.



Copied and pasted from BBC website.... Last two parts there are amount earned and if they had a side contract.

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thelegendthatis makes a great point, but can we organise something like that on an open forum?

For me targets would be

1. UEFA. Platini says he wants financial fair play. Let's see if we can provoke comment from him

2. the print meeja. If the whole debacle since valentines day has taught us anything it is that the era of 'succulent lamb' reporting has to end. The automatic two pages Rangers/ two pages Celtic in the sun/daily record/evening times needs to be changed to reporting on merit. Nonsense like the DR's Bomber says sign.. has to stop.

3 radio meeja - how the feck can Billy Dodds remain a BBC summariser/pundit? Let's push to get some of those discredited off the main radio programmes. Let's also have more guys like Tam Cowan telling it as it is.

4. SPL - Doncaster has to go. We have to get shot of him.

5. The Grand Diddy Alliance - how can we organise that? A strong voice that can be quoted in the meeja always available for quotes that can get across a positive future for Scottish Fitba without any OF taint.

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thelegendthatis makes a great point, but can we organise something like that on an open forum?

For me targets would be

1. UEFA. Platini says he wants financial fair play. Let's see if we can provoke comment from him

Give me the money and I'll go and chap the cunts door.

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5. The Grand Diddy Alliance - how can we organise that? A strong voice that can be quoted in the meeja always available for quotes that can get across a positive future for Scottish Fitba without any OF taint.

The name's important. I suggest something aspirational: Fans To Own Football

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Come to think of it, that song "Right Said Fred" could almost be mistaken for the minutes of an SPL meeting about Rangers.

Slight alteration:

"tried to shift it, couldn't even gift it. We was getting nowhere. So we had an EBT"

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Baws to that gif malarky.

Ah cannae dae it :(

:lol: ditto, got it to work once and once only, cue rapid editting of posts followed by a swift deletion...........

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The name's important. I suggest something aspirational: Fans To Own Football

Nah, why define ourselves through them. Be original and unique.

The term Old Firm might become historic if what we're looking for happens.

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